Issues to connect to the SignalK server

I am writting this message as I am unable to establish a connection between my ESP32 fitted with SensESP (3.0.0-beta.1) and the SignalK server installed (from open plotter 2024-06-19-OpenPlotter-v4-Headless-stable) on my Raspberry PI 5. I used platformIO to clone the SensESP-project-template example ( on my PC. I compiled (built) it and uploaded it without any problem on my type C ESP32-WROOM-32D. after uploading the ESP32 built-in LED flashes indefinitely (200ms ON - 200ms OFF). I am able to connect to he SensESP Access Point but I cannot configure my WiFi network as even if I press "Save" the network name and password are not saved. As a consequence, I am guessing that my ESP32 is not connected to my wifi network and therefore cannot communicate to my SignalK server.
Any help would be very much appreciated as I am a beginner on Arduino programming. Thanks in advance for your help. See below a copy of my PlatformIO serial monitor.
1 Reply
FDY-CirrusOP6mo ago
I just fixed my problem with a post in the #sensesp community. I Changed Platformio.ini to. lib_deps =

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