Data and path manipulation ?

Hi guys. First off - thank you for your hard work on SK ! I am playing around with data from my Victron Cerbo, and are looking at data from my Ruuvi devices (BTLE). They show up nicely as<id>. I am using the path-mapper plugin to duplicate the data to environment.outside.pressure path, and then send the data to nmea2k. First of all - is this the right approach ? And how can publish data on a given path based on data from other paths ( including arithmetic operations) ? Is there I generic solution for that - or do I have to write my own plugin ? Thank !
4 Replies
Teppo Kurki
Teppo Kurki7mo ago
why duplicate? i would just map them to the correct path, can't think of a use for the duplicated data in this case node-RED plugin would be my weapon of choice for deriving new data items from multiple input data. it is a low-code tool very well suited for this task. needs a bit of learning to understand the concept, but there's plenty of tutorials available, as it is not Signal K specific
taagaard.OP7mo ago
To be able to export the data with the signal-k-to-nmea2000 plug-in, the path must match exactly the predefined names as I understand it ? I was hoping to keep it in within signal-k - but perhaps it is not that bad to use node-red for this. I will look into it. Thanks again !
Teppo Kurki
Teppo Kurki7mo ago
Node-RED is kinda within SK, with direct access to sk data and easy way to output sk The path must match, yes, but why duplicate and not just map to the correct path
taagaard.OP7mo ago

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