David Godin - Is there a quick setup guide for ...

Is there a quick setup guide for influxbd and signalk-to-influxbd2 for an ignorant influxbd user. I can see on GitHub some instructions for both v1 and v2 plugins but not about setting up influx org and permission api keys and such. Unless I missed something…
2 Replies
Teppo Kurki
Teppo Kurki12mo ago
If you use this docker compose file https://github.com/tkurki/signalk-to-influxdb2/blob/main/docker-compose.yml you can use values there to configure the plugin This is what i use for local development
signalk-to-influxdb2/docker-compose.yml at main · tkurki/signalk-to...
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David Godin
David GodinOP12mo ago
Great. Thank you! Let’s see how far I get before I bug you again…

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