Sending test data to NMEA0183

How can I send data to the NMEA0183 output? My plan is to use SignalK to test my MOB sniffer (which has an NMEA0183 input). I'm using the MacArthur HAT - receiving of Messages works (from AIS). Unfortunately, I have no idea of how the JSON string!? should look like and if I can send it via the "DataFiddler". Any documentation / links will be appreciated. Thanks very much for your help!
8 Replies
Teppo Kurki
Teppo Kurki4d ago
if you create a 0183 UDP data connection you can send arbitrary data with netcat
Teppo Kurki
Teppo Kurki4d ago
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Teppo Kurki
Teppo Kurki4d ago
echo '$GPRMC,210230,A,3855.4487,N,09446.0071,W,0.0,076.2,130495,003.8,E*69' | nc -4u -w0 localhost 7777 you can activate signalk:streams:udp-data debug logging key in Server Log to see the received data and telnet localhost 10110 to see what is getting output
a1_ma.OP3d ago
@Teppo Kurki Perfect, it worked - I can send UDP messages. My questions are now: - What is the right message (right format of my message) - How can I relay the UDP Message to the NMEA0183 output? As I can see - it should be a AIVDM message, with an MMSI Starting with 972XXXXXX for a MOB alert.
Teppo Kurki
Teppo Kurki3d ago
Nmea0183 input data is automatically relayed out to tcp 10110
a1_ma.OP3d ago
amazing, thanks for this info! do you have a hint, where I can find/how I can generate a propper AIS / MOB Message? Since my output is serials - I have read the message next to "NMEA 0183 Source". "Configure output events below..." Can I configure the Source Priorities Settings to just forward all, or so I need to adjust it somewhere else?
a1_ma.OP3d ago
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