Sending test data to NMEA0183

How can I send data to the NMEA0183 output? My plan is to use SignalK to test my MOB sniffer (which has an NMEA0183 input). I'm using the MacArthur HAT - receiving of Messages works (from AIS). Unfortunately, I have no idea of how the JSON string!? should look like and if I can send it via the "DataFiddler". Any documentation / links will be appreciated. Thanks very much for your help!
10 Replies
Teppo Kurki
Teppo Kurki2mo ago
if you create a 0183 UDP data connection you can send arbitrary data with netcat
Teppo Kurki
Teppo Kurki2mo ago
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Teppo Kurki
Teppo Kurki2mo ago
echo '$GPRMC,210230,A,3855.4487,N,09446.0071,W,0.0,076.2,130495,003.8,E*69' | nc -4u -w0 localhost 7777 you can activate signalk:streams:udp-data debug logging key in Server Log to see the received data and telnet localhost 10110 to see what is getting output
a1_ma.OP2mo ago
@Teppo Kurki Perfect, it worked - I can send UDP messages. My questions are now: - What is the right message (right format of my message) - How can I relay the UDP Message to the NMEA0183 output? As I can see - it should be a AIVDM message, with an MMSI Starting with 972XXXXXX for a MOB alert.
Teppo Kurki
Teppo Kurki2mo ago
Nmea0183 input data is automatically relayed out to tcp 10110
a1_ma.OP2mo ago
amazing, thanks for this info! do you have a hint, where I can find/how I can generate a propper AIS / MOB Message? Since my output is serials - I have read the message next to "NMEA 0183 Source". "Configure output events below..." Can I configure the Source Priorities Settings to just forward all, or so I need to adjust it somewhere else?
a1_ma.OP2mo ago
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Teppo Kurki
Teppo Kurki2mo ago
are you still at this? i did not realise you were using serial for this source priorities has nothing to do here if you have just the udp incoming connection and serial out all you need to do is configure nmea0183 as the output event in serial
a1_ma.OP2mo ago
Hello Teppo, thanks for coming back to me! I got stuck on updating the RPI. ( Now I'm setting it up once again but with the regular Raspbian - hope it will work then. Then I'll continue on the NMEA0183 messages - where I'm still in search for an appropriate message for a MOB command. Thank you and all the best 🙂

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