gregy - appleTV - had to manuaaly delete older...

appleTV - had to manuaaly delete older expired WSK, then reinstalled from latest testflight. - installed ok, found server, entered credentials and it connected - it now shows a default layout (3 screens) that i can move between (left/right arrows) - all good - data in default guages/layouts is correct - swiping up or down (appletv remote) .. momentarily brings up “default” (which i assume indicayes its showing the ”default” layout) all good so far. BUT no ammount of button attempts, hold push toggle etc appears to be able to change the layout? or access a menu to be able to select a layout from server. i also note that ipads all updated to 1.16.0 build 223 however appleTv (in test flight) is showing 1.16.0 build 218 i’ve manually checked testflight (appletv) and its not showing any newer update. .. so IPADs auto updated to build 223, appleTv is on an earlier? build 218. is this significant?
12 Replies
Greg Young
Greg YoungOP10mo ago
further despite the depth units being set to “meters” .. the depth guage (default layout) is reqding ft.BS .. changing the depth units from meters to feet to meters.. has no impact on units used by this guage. note that changing speed units (knots to m/s) displays correctly (eg AWA COG guage units toggles between the two correctly) behaviour is correct on IPAD version further “swipe up/down” appears to work correctly on ipad version, but on appleTv , when using remote control pad to swipe … it just continually displays “default” … doesnt change to other layouts, noting however that i have not found a way to import server based layouts into appleTV … so it probably is working correctly - just that there is only one (default) layout on appleTv at present
Scott Bender
Scott Bender10mo ago
Build is older because the changes in newer builds did not effect appletv You have to use your iPad to edit the layouts on the tv. I forget if there’s a way to import existing layouts from elsewhere. I’ll look at it later today… On the iPad, go to Layouts & Templates, you’ll see a button to connect to the tv. (Make sure wsk is running on the tv)
Greg Young
Greg YoungOP10mo ago
i recall there was a method to see, and “send” a template or layout to another device .. under the “new templates and layouts” tab, however now thats (temp) removed, i dont see any method or “button” to “connect” to appleTV. am i missing some other location to find a button tomconnect to the TV?
Scott Bender
Scott Bender10mo ago
I didn’t get a chance to look at that. I probably broke it. Trying to remove the new layouts editor cause it has too many problems…
Greg Young
Greg YoungOP10mo ago
yep i did notice that whilst the functionality looked good, it did seem to have some periodic wierd behaviour. a couple times it lost a layout altogether.. fortunately i had some earlier versions backed up. definitely previously i was able to “see” the other wsk devices in the “new layouts ..” editor.. and “push” a layout to the devices. .. so im guessing thats how you were planning at the time to get layouts to TV
Scott Bender
Scott Bender10mo ago
Yep. That used to work. I’ll get it fixed…
Greg Young
Greg YoungOP10mo ago
i noticed that the “default” layout that Tv using …. is not the same as the “default” layout on server. (i thought was my path to get a layout onto TV) … but TV is finding a “default” from????
Scott Bender
Scott Bender10mo ago
It’s just the one I made that is built in
Greg Young
Greg YoungOP10mo ago
understand… i will await further from “testflight” .. all good’and thanks again … great to have you “back” on WSK 🙂 a thought, given that all editing would be done on ipad (or iphone), for the Tv device, maybe just hard code it to look for a layout “AppleTV” on the server - and use it. (or internal default if not found) .. this would avoid the need for the more complicated “push” functionality. (i realise this would limit any multiple Tvs to the same layout… but not sure if this is really a constraint anyway…) given that Tv devices will likelynhave different screen resolutions to IOs devices, in mostbcases a “custom” AppleTV layout will be needed anyway
Scott Bender
Scott Bender10mo ago
The problem here is that I have no AppleTV users I was going to remove it
Greg Young
Greg YoungOP10mo ago
ah.. so im the problem child! …. if its only me, then pls dont burn (much?) time on it… if we can get it to simply display a pre defined layour from server …. & fix the “settings/ depth meters” issue .. this would suffice for me .. i just want a couple of the pages to display on MFD (hdmi input from appleTV) but im realistic that if im the only user.. a pragmatic approach is needed .. let me know your thinking I have a solution… that can avoid WSK support of appleTv i have an IPAD “at the helm” and can thus mirror it to the appleTV. aside from the aspect ratio … it works just fine . working on 1) defining some wider? screens that will better fill appleTv screen 2) trying to find a “remote control” for my ipad so i can swipe screens .. but aside from this - its quite usable. sooo .. if its only “me” .. suggest you discontinue appleTv support … and save the headaches! new question: when i try to save a template with > 1000 width (or height?) it appears to default back to 1000 x 1000. would this be correct? is that a constraint inbuilt to wsk &/or the ipad implemntation? i think answered above … because its “mirrored” from ipad … the TV just does its best to display this, henxe im “constrained” to the IPAd screen ratios ? and how it renders (“mirroring”) onto TV device? not sure if a lightning/Hdmi adaptor … would change this? (but mechanically its quite ugly .. and needs another cable run to behind dash etc .. so not a solution)
Scott Bender
Scott Bender10mo ago
Yeah, I think a cable would work the same.

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