navigation track

Hi, do you know if there is a plugin for SK that makes available a file with date/time, lat/long, wind, direction etc.? I used an Unfluxdb database for this purpose but with Grafana I can't create a table that shows all these values. Thanks
3 Replies
Teppo Kurki
Teppo Kurki4mo ago
I think you should be able to get that with a flux query and influxb ui’s table
Table visualization | InfluxDB Cloud (TSM) Documentation
The Table option displays the results of queries in a tabular view, which is sometimes easier to analyze than graph views of data.
Teppo Kurki
Teppo Kurki4mo ago
Do you want it on the screen or in files?
Andrea Maci
Andrea MaciOP4mo ago
Thanks for the reply, I tried to connect to influxDb on localhost:8086 but it says the page is not available, so I will have to do it with terminal commands We are talking about influxDb installed on RBpi4 vers.1.6. influxDb ver 1.6 in practice SK through the SignalK to Influx plugin sends the N2K Pgn to an Influx DB and currently I can make graphs with Grafana that I installed on RB and that I can see on localhost:3000 Does the link you mention above show InfluxDb on Cloud?

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