Help troubleshooting Seatalk, autopilot errors for a relatively new user.

I keep getting alarms in FreeboardSK that I cannot track down, and do not seem to do anything... Here are the two I get, I get the Unknown Seatalk every day basically. I have had my autopilot show 'Seatalk1 Fail' in the past, but not recently, and it would disengage. I am asking here, because the alarms are not showing up on my boat, but in SignalK, in freeboardsk [insturment.PilotOffCourse]normal: 2024-03-20T19:55:40.780Z: Pilot Off Course and [chartplotter.unknown115] normal: 2024-03-20T18:48:17.336Z: Unknown Seatalk They do not seem to be related, currently the off course alarm is active in Freeboard, but I am on course, and my Axiom chartplotters and Autopilot Heads are not complaining. How would I find these in the logs, I installed signalk-data-logger, but wow, there is a lot in those files, is there an easier way to look?
Somewhere to start for troubleshooting? Thanks!
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