Kees - Using the ais forwarder plugin i am send...
Using the ais forwarder plugin i am sending data to marinetraffic, but it does not appear on my station at - my station is marked as 'inactive'. In the debug log of the plugins I see healthy messages . Any idea what I might be doing wrong?
Apr 03 05:33:43 2024-04-03T05:33:43.422Z ais-forwarder sending to !AIVDM,1,1,,A,33aI9FP0140G4p:Mv7ARF1qp0000,0*74
3 Replies
Unknown User•12mo ago
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I mailed their support this morning, and although they didnt reply - all out of a sudden the station became online. So maybe they indeed flagged my ip now as OK or somethign. THanks!
dont forget to advise them that you are a roamin/mobile station
also, if i recall, i have both Ais forwarder AND AIS reporter plugins running,
the latter sends my own position, whereas forwarder sends others. i recall messing around a bit and this was the only way i could get it reporting myself also..