New version of plugin not showing up in updates
I published v3.0.0 of Saillogger plugin yesterday ( but it is not showing up in updates and the older version (v2.5.0) comes up in npmjs search (
Ideas on why it might be?
12 Replies
I noticed a similar issue and assumed it's on npmjs's side
because when I search there, I get the old version as a result
and when I click the result, I get the new one
Yes, the linked search above still shows the old version
I have the same issue. The issue is with the store API apparently.
You can install from the command line until fixed.
cd ~/.signalk
npm i <plugin name>
Do we know if the v1 search API still the right way to get the list of plugins? Wondering if someone on npmjs is working on a fix. This essentially blocked all plugin upgrades for regular users, so it will turn into a major issue if not addressed.
Users can upgrade from the command line
This has happened before and it is a problem on their side. You can open a ticket with them.
I am guessing that it won’t be fixed this weekend and they may not even know about it.
Just tried the url and it seems to be operational again
To me this is still giving old listing. Is this more or less regional issue?
E.g SK-Freeboard is v2.8.2
I also still see the old version. @Scott Bender what is their bug tracking system? Happy to file a ticket if someone hasn’t already.
I created to track this, please update that with your efforts and add links to other resources when appropriate
Npm registry returning outdated keyword search results · Issue #175... shows @signalk/freeboard-sk being at 2.8.2 while shows correctly...
Submitted a message to npmjs (ticket ID 2844090). Unfortunateky there appears to be no way to look up the details of the ticket online.
Just received this:
Issue is fixed:
Once they acknowledged this was a major issue, their response was swift and professional. They opened an incident and the problem was solved shortly afterwards. Kudos to the team.
Thanks to you also!