Tony - Is there a way to capture PGNs and debug...

Is there a way to capture PGNs and debug additional fields? I am connected to a Mercury CAN gateway for an outboard. I am getting some of the parsed values from PGN 127489 (Dynamic Engine Parameters) but not everything is being converted. I would like to be able to see each update and if parsing fails or is skipped. There is a rapid update on that PGN, but only a handful of conversions happening. I expect voltage, coolant temperature, oil pressure, oil temperature, etc. but only getting fuel rate, fuel pressure, and alarm states. I am pretty sure this is an issue with canboat library but I have no idea how to confirm this. What is the best solution for developers?
7 Replies
Scott Bender
Scott Bender4w ago
First step is to turn on data logging Then you get the raw n2k data You can use canboatjs to decode individual items I can take a look in detail if you need it
TonyOP4w ago
Turn on data logging for what? A Signalk event? I see several for canboatjs, like signalk-server:events:connection:N2K:canboatjs:unparsed:data
Scott Bender
Scott Bender4w ago
Data logging is in the Data Connection settings Then you will get log files in ~/.signalk
TonyOP4w ago
Ah makes sense. Thanks I'll try this Failing to parse the log entires. I tried using the doc example code but it's failing
const FromPgn = require("@canboat/canboatjs").FromPgn;
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

const parser = new FromPgn();

const fileLines = fs.readFileSync('./skserver-raw_2025-01-28T14.log');
const lines = fileLines.toString().split('\n');

lines.forEach((line) => {
const pgn = line.split(';')[2]
try {
if(pgn.split(',')[2] === '127489'){
const json = parser.parseString(pgn)

} catch(e){
//do nothing

const FromPgn = require("@canboat/canboatjs").FromPgn;
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

const parser = new FromPgn();

const fileLines = fs.readFileSync('./skserver-raw_2025-01-28T14.log');
const lines = fileLines.toString().split('\n');

lines.forEach((line) => {
const pgn = line.split(';')[2]
try {
if(pgn.split(',')[2] === '127489'){
const json = parser.parseString(pgn)

} catch(e){
//do nothing

TonyOP4w ago
Using this code example Ah shoot premature issue. I just had to upgrade the package version to latest
Scott Bender
Scott Bender4w ago
just use the comman line tools instructions in the git README use analyzerjs

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