Release v2.13.1 · SignalK/signalk-server

Release v2.13.1 · SignalK/signalk-server
🐛 Fixes fix: app store ui not updating to show installing plugins; cache npm response for one minute PR: #1871 fix: author in Appstore PR: #1868
4 Replies
Владимир Калачихин
Updating from the Admin panel does not work for me. A do: Click on (version 2.13.1 is available) -> Install Update -> Yes And I see the Appstore page and nothing happens. But after restart server I see "The update is being installed". But the message (version 2.13.1 is available) also present.
Teppo Kurki
Teppo KurkiOP5w ago
That is strange, as the server has absolutely no mechanism for continuing an installation after a restart
Владимир Калачихин
Apparently, there are problems with the Internet. In the end, it worked.
Ilker4w ago
These UI bugs were super annoying, thanks for taking care of those!

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