MattNJ - so, im using a few 1wire temp sensors.

so, im using a few 1wire temp sensors:- auto* sens1_temp = new OneWireTemperature(dts, 1000, "/Temp Sensor1 Mac"); auto* sens2_temp = new OneWireTemperature(dts, 1000, "/Temp Sensor2 Mac"); auto* sens3_temp = new OneWireTemperature(dts, 1000, "/Temp Sensor3 Mac"); And i can see the MAC in web interface, but I cant change them round (in the web interface) Is there a way to edit the mac in the web, otherwise it seems the sensors are hardcoded in the order they are detected?
2 Replies
I found it quite finicky, at least on SensESP 2.0, but you can copy and paste them out but do them top one first and then delete the rest. save and restart, then continue with the second one...... otherwise disconnect them and reset and then add thm in order
MattNJOP4w ago
Is there a way to enable/disable each one in web interface with and on/off switch/checkbox?

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