Multiplexing Seatalk
Does signal k have a means of outputting Seatalk on a GPIO port (as it is able to take it in)? Or would I need some form of nmea0183 to Seatalk converter?
12 Replies
Seatalk Connections - Signal K Server Documentation
A Guide for users and developers.
Right I actually did that and I've got good Seatalk coming in.
I'm kind of new to CAN (which I believe Seatalk is based on) but I think it's a single wire differential signalling protocol.
Theoretically I could also transmit somehow? Is that supported by the same structure as this?
I don’t the details about Seatlalk 2. Note that Seatalk 2 and SeatalkNG are two very different things.
If you are trying to do SeatalkNG, then you need a canbus/N2K adaptor.
I was assuming you were talking about ST 2?
I wish I had a more confident answer for you. I think it's seatalk2? Because the instructions in the signalk server documentation work.
Must be then
BTW, I think an 0183 to Seatalk 1 converter is required to send data. For some reason it can’t be done via GPIO?
there's a guy in portugal who makes pretty inexpensive ST1 <-> NMEA0183 converters that also have wifi and can do NMEA0183 over TCP.. I have one of them on our small boat, and I'm just about to order one for the big boat. his webshop is at
Are you trying to send all SK data to ST2, or just specific paths?
I'm trying to send signals with seatalkout tag to a seatalk output
I can't seem to figure out how to get a connection configured for seatalk output.
It seems like it should be possible with a gpio pin and an opto-isolator (just like the input)
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If you're getting valid data from a GPIO connection, then it must be ST1. ST1 is a 4800 baud serial protocol. ST2 is just N2K with proprietary connectors (although M12 5-pin cables like you use with the rest of the N2K world work with adapters). I don't think anyone has written an output plugin for SK and ST1, so you can read and interpret the data but you can't send anything back (unless you want to write the plugin).
I recommend the adapter that @tobi42 linked. It's bidirectional so you have the choice of keeping your existing input configuration, or just using the adapter both ways. And if what you're trying to do is control an autopilot (as opposed to using SK data on ST1 instruments), then there's an option for that:
@barnaclebill The sk-autopilot pilot does send ST1 for autopilots
It I think that is via a converter
Yes, requires a converter.