We can now convert all free NOAA s57 charts for all of the US.

We can now convert all free NOAA s57 charts for all of the US.
17 Replies
Phil8mo ago
Hi all, I'm Phil on SV Cielo. I've been working on a Boat Instrument written in Flutter so it should run on most platforms. I've done an Alpha release today which has bundles for, Android, iPhone, MacOS, Windows, Linux and most importantly, RPi4, both under X-Windows and Flutter-Pi. Flutter-Pi allows you to run directly on the console without X-Windows, so ideal for dedicated displays and is known to work on Pi 2, 3 and 4 (even the 512MB models) and Pi Zero 2 (W). Note I'm not in a position yet to test my app properly under Flutter-Pi, so most testing has been done on Android. Any feedback gratefully received. There's a demo video and screenshots from all the platforms here: https://github.com/philseeley/boatinstrument And the release bundles are here: https://github.com/philseeley/boatinstrument/releases/tag/0.0.0%2B1
xbgmsharp8mo ago
PostgSail 0.7.5 and PostgSail Web 0.1.0-beta10 - Export your logs as image (PNG) or video (MP4). - Export logbook or trip as image map - Code Cleanup - Fix warning and errors - Update dependencies Thank you all for the positive feedback and the support. https://github.com/xbgmsharp/postgsail/releases/tag/v0.7.5 https://github.com/xbgmsharp/vuestic-postgsail/releases/tag/v0.1.0-beta10
David Godin
David GodinOP7mo ago
KIP v2.12.2 Improvements * Makes Radial and Linear gauge highlights width configurable by @jaredjensen Fixes * Metadata not being available on initial load by @jaredjensen KIP Release v2.12.3 Fixes * Linear widget "No Progress" color option missing. * Data Browser source and value not displayed. * Processing of combined values and meta delta updates. Fixes #453
Teppo Kurki
Teppo Kurki7mo ago
Signal K Server v2.9.0 🚀 Features - feature: add ability to send NMEA 2000 out with the Data Fiddler 🐛 Fixes - fix: plugins with updates disabled are still shown as updatable - fix: issues with provider output stats
CaptMatto7mo ago
MSP Webhook v1.0.5 This is a plugin to send data from SignalK to a webhook/website. If the server loses connection to the webhook, the plugin will store the entry in a local file as JSON data; once the connection is restored, it will send the stored data to the hook for processing (at the next scheduled attempt) and, if successfully sent, delete the record. Sends the following SignalK data streams: - position: "navigation.position", - speed: "navigation.speedOverGround", - heading: "navigation.headingTrue", - log: "navigation.trip.log", - depth: "environment.depth.belowTransducer", - wTemp: "environment.water.temperature", - windSpeed: "environment.wind.speedApparent", - windDir: "environment.wind.angleApparent", - pressure: "environment.pressure" A User-selectable time frame for sending data sends on the hour following the specified period, e.g., if set at 10 minutes, it will be on the hour, ten past, and so on. An authentication token is sent as a URL parameter to allow a basic security check on the website. https://github.com/50North4West/msp-webhook
xbgmsharp7mo ago
PostgSail 0.7.6 and PostgSail Web 0.1.0-beta11 Update alert message, add the date and format the numeric value Update HTML email for new logbook Update moorage name Code cleanup reduce logging Update dependencies, PostgreSQL 16.4, timescaledb 2.16.1, PostgREST 12.2.3 Thank you all for the positive feedback and the support. https://github.com/xbgmsharp/postgsail/releases/tag/v0.7.6 https://github.com/xbgmsharp/vuestic-postgsail/releases/tag/v0.1.0-beta11
Kees Verruijt
Kees Verruijt7mo ago
METS trade show on 19-21 Nov 2024 The annual METS trade show in Amsterdam is on in November. I will be there on the 21st. Who else is going?
AdrianP7mo ago
Freeboard-SK Release v2.11.2 - Updated: Proxy mode operation is now the default and configuration option removed. (#159) - Added: Setting to mute all sounds regardless of notification ALARMMETHOD value.(#178) - Updated: Show total length of Route when editing. (#171) - Updated: When editing a route (on a touch device) long-press on a route point to delete it. (#169) - Added: Toggle charts on/of by clicking chart boundaries on map. - Added: Lock in Follow Vessel setting to remain in this mode when map is panned. (#185) - Fixed: Not rendering laylines when preferred path is environment.wind.directionMagnetic. (#184) - Fixed: Cursor position display formatting issue when using 028°15.345'S format. (#188) v2.11.1 - Fixed: Display of AIS COG vector does not honor setting value. (#180) - Added: Separate setting for AIS COG vector. v2.11.0 - Added: COG vector for AIS vessels. (#180) - Added: Flag / Un-flag AIS vessels. (#165) - Added: Initial support for navigation.racing. (Display start line)_ - Updated: Improved AIS target processing. - Fixed: AIS vessels not correctly oriented when preferred path is not available. (#182)
Scott Bender
Scott Bender6mo ago
I have released a Swift Package that can be used to create iOS and Mac applications on a mac using Xcode or an iPad using Swift Playgrounds. Very early in development, but I will add more features if there is any interest. It was originally designed to allow users create custom WilhelmSK gauges using Swift, but can also be used to quickly and easily create Signal K iOS and Mac apps It currently only uses periodic REST calls to get data, I can add WebSocket streaming if there is any demand, All the code is open source and released under the Apache 2.0 License https://github.com/sbender9/WilhelmSKLibrary
GitHub - sbender9/WilhelmSKLibrary
Contribute to sbender9/WilhelmSKLibrary development by creating an account on GitHub.
naugehyde5mo ago
There's a Beta of the Bluetooth sensors for SignalK plugin in the App Store. Supported devices include 1) every documented Victron device --AC Charger, Battery Monitor, DC-DC Converter, DC Energy Meter, GX Device, Inverter, Inverter RS, Lynx Smart BMS, Orion XS, Smart Battery Protect, Smart Lithium and VE Bus 2) Xiaomi devices, 3) ATC custom firmware devices 4) RuuviTags 5) Inkbird thermometers If you have any of the above devices and have success or failure with the Plugin, let me know. Several of the Victron devices are untested as of this writing. Thank you. https://github.com/naugehyde/bt-sensors-plugin-sk/tree/1.1.0
Kees5mo ago
In the signal-k app store I can only find 1.0.3 release. And in that release, I don't see all the classes of your beta version (for example the Victron Smart Lithium).
Lille Ø
Lille Ø5mo ago
Same here. Was easy to install, and seems to find our Ruuvi tags, but doesn't have support for them
Kees5mo ago
Ruuvi works OK, but for victron It seems not to map the bluetooth device to the right victron device. I mean more specifically the plugin does not seems to be able to translate the right device into the right class and then the configuration does not work.
No description
No description
Kees5mo ago
I am specifically interested in the Smart Lithium, as that's a battery that's not able to give information through the ve.bus Btw, I managed to run 1.0.0-beta2. Just installed it manually.
Lille Ø
Lille Ø5mo ago
Manual installation worked here, too. But somehow it only found four BT devices
Karl-Erik Gustafsson
With manual install too and seems to run in docker fine. At home just one RuuviTag, but tha is working via this plugin. Good job!
naugehyde5mo ago
Thanks for downloading and testing! Do you know 1) What Victron device that is and 2) If that device has Victron's latest firmware?

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