SignalK log files filled partition... (Victron Venus install)
I accidentally left NMEA0183 logging running, and it seems like there is no log rotation/auto-stop mechanism so my /data partition on the Victron Ekranos has filled up overnight. I cannot ssh in any more.
I found a 'delete signalk logs' script and tried to enter that previously, but it didn't seem to liberate any space (according to 'df -h' anyhow).
The Venus side seems to continue to run okay, but signalk is now kind of dead in the water.
Any tips on how to get out of this one without functional ssh?
1 Reply
The file is probably still open by the SignalK process, so unless the process stops, the file will not actually be deleted.
Log rotation typcally is handled outside of the process by e.g. logrotate daemon.