Signal K12mo ago

Tony - I am going to prototype digital switchin...

I am going to prototype digital switching from an MFD to a relay pcb. I have seen a plugin for signalk that provides the pgns to the NMEA 2000 bus, but I am thinking that it’s possible to go directly from an esp32 with canbus to NMEA 2000 and have a secondary control from signalk in case another client can do virtual switching. Am I breaking ground on this concept or are there already projects that demonstrate this capability? I am also okay with using signalk to proxy if this is the only example I can work from.
16 Replies
Scott Bender
Scott Bender12mo ago
I don’t know of anyone that has gotten this work from an MFD. Which MFD do you have?
TonyOP12mo ago
I have the Raymarine Axiom, but I can use one that has the switch interface without the proprietary PGN protocol Also which PCB did you use @Scott Bender ? Looking at this brand. Was planning on i2c for communication
Scott Bender
Scott Bender12mo ago
Sorry, I don’t do switching that way. I did look into trying to get the Axioms to control my stuff with the generic n2k pgns. Did not have any luck. Yachn Devices is stuff I’d working on the Axioms using those pgns. I tried to reverse engineer that without any luck.
Scott Bender
Scott Bender12mo ago
Yacht Devices News: Circuit Control and Switch Control update 1.03
The new firmware allows use of multiple Circuit Controls with an MFD, has better compatibility with CZone equipment, a web script can now generate pages for Raymarine Axiom, and one Switch Control can manage two Circuit Control units
Scott Bender
Scott Bender12mo ago
Digital Switching Configuration
Marine electronics for NMEA 2000 and SeaTalk NG networks
Scott Bender
Scott Bender12mo ago
Adding Czone switching support to SK may be another option.
TonyOP12mo ago
Do you have a czone switch board? It could be an easier path than the relay PCB. I’d be willing to invest in one to test with ya
Scott Bender
Scott Bender12mo ago
I have the YDCC-04
Roger12mo ago
As I understand it, the YDCC-04 emulates a CZone output interface on the network which allows MFDs to recognize it and control it. It could be possible to use an ESP-32 based relay controller to do the same thing. Have you tried to capture a data dump from the network with the YDCC-04 working?
Scott Bender
Scott Bender12mo ago
I have not.
TonyOP12mo ago
Does the Axiom OS come with a switch interface without needing extra components?
Scott Bender
Scott Bender12mo ago
TonyOP12mo ago
Bummer. I have access to the B&G to capture the PGN sequence but I need to buy the YD for the response status PGNs
Scott Bender
Scott Bender12mo ago
I can try to get info we need, but probably be a few weeks before I can spend time on the boat… Actually, I don’t think I can. I don’t think the Axiom is using CZone.
HansT12mo ago
@Tony Someone else already made a pretty good digital switching pcb. Take a look here:
TonyOP12mo ago
That is a sweet board. Built in fuses and terminals. I’m surprised they didn’t offer a built version

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