Freeboard-SK Grib files
Hi, is there a way to display Grib weather files contents in Freeboard-sk? It would be a great option.
The goal is to use as much as possible Freeboard-sk and less as possible Opencpn.
On a Raspberry Pi 3, SignalK + Freeboard-sk is super efficient as it serves web browser clients on remote devices (like tablets).
Opencpn require a remote connection on the Pi3 (like Realvncviewer) or a hdmi display connected to it and it is a bit slow.
2 Replies
Freeboard-SK does not currently support loading GRIB data. This information is best suited to a map layer and Freeboard-SK can display these layers if they are available as a chart source.
Oh thank you for the reply.
So it means if the grib files are processed into a map layer, the magic could happen?
Maybe there is already a process to do this (I am a newbie) or even turn windy weather datas into map layer?
I will look for this.