sailingYOLO - Hi guys.This code works well ex...
Hi guys.
This code works well except it doesn't send value every 11 seconds. If the value has changed or not it should send it, right? What do I need to do different?
The only time a value is sent is when the value change on pin 4 OR the ESP restarts.
If I have a value in the SK-server and then restart the SK-server the SK-path goes away and does not appear until I restart the ESP or change the value on pin 4 (trigger/untrigger the sensor).
How can I make it repeat every 11 seconds, as I thought I was doing?
1 Reply
When i removed the debounce it works. When reading the docs it states that no results are sent if no change in the digitalRead in this case.
So there isn't any other way to "debounce" and still send the last debonced state?
I built my own threshold function, works great now.
If anyone else is struggeling, this is how I did it: