Scott Bender - Build 308 out today. Lots of und...

Build 308 out today. Lots of under the hood changes related to Control Center/Widgets/Shortcuts and Push Notifications. I would really appreciate feedback.
Sorry, if you have switch control center/widgets/shortcuts you will have to configure theam again! Hopefuly the last time!

PLease update signalk-push-notifications and signalk-wilhelmsk plugins.

Notifications have been completely redone. Please test and give me feedback!

1.17.0 build 308:
* Better, but not perfect updading of control center switches and widgets. Waiting to hear from Apple on what I think is a bug on their side.
* Complete rework of push notifications. Moved away from Amazon SNS. And usding something else ;)
* Rewrite of the Switch Control Center/Widgets/Shortcuts
* Changed the look of the MultiSwitchWidget
Sorry, if you have switch control center/widgets/shortcuts you will have to configure theam again! Hopefuly the last time!

PLease update signalk-push-notifications and signalk-wilhelmsk plugins.

Notifications have been completely redone. Please test and give me feedback!

1.17.0 build 308:
* Better, but not perfect updading of control center switches and widgets. Waiting to hear from Apple on what I think is a bug on their side.
* Complete rework of push notifications. Moved away from Amazon SNS. And usding something else ;)
* Rewrite of the Switch Control Center/Widgets/Shortcuts
* Changed the look of the MultiSwitchWidget
39 Replies
Greg Young
Greg Young5mo ago
notifications rework sounds good … as i know this has caused you a headache.. “push notifications” plug-in previously had enablement for “remote” and also some config items for “local”. i never fully understood the “local” aspects? eg when your on the boat, (same LAN as signalk server) … do notifications to IOS device use “internet” for the push? or done “locally” (important for eg an anchor alarm notification when your on the boat, no or flaky internet connection, with IOS device “sleeping”) … anyway, will test various combos .. and let you know my experience (now back at home, and setting up a new pi with latest system/nodejs/signalk-server … so i can break away from being on server 1.x !!! yay i believe i found all the various sk and plugin config files, nodered flows, grafana dashboards et al … to “copy” across … but having “old” and “new” rpi side by side helps!)
Scott Bender
Scott BenderOP5mo ago
Yes, the “local notifications” work without an internet connection. It’s a bit flaky and a huge headache for me because no one uses it, so not a priority for Apple. The flaky part is getting multiple duplicate local notifications, so also has not been a priority for me.
Tony5mo ago
Any idea when it hits the App Store? I know there is some review process before they approve it. Sometimes a week or two. Looking forward to testing notifications. I have four devices on the network so I can check online and offline device broadcast notifications.
Greg Young
Greg Young5mo ago
ive just seen build 311 appear in testflight - updated wsk ok
Scott Bender
Scott BenderOP5mo ago
thanks. very small change in that. And submitted for public release!
Greg Young
Greg Young5mo ago
yeah:) … nothing mentioned in notes? (or maybe thisnis same issue i found last time with testflight not updating notes?) yep! closed down testflight app completely, when reopened it has updated notes. same as last time havent as yet got to testing wsk notifications, wrestling with my CAN adaptor issue (see questions)
Scott Bender
Scott BenderOP5mo ago
yeah, sorry, did not get a change to look into that, I'll have time tomorrow...
Greg Young
Greg Young5mo ago
no worries… im working thru troubleshooting steps… but now trying to decide if i need to install canboatjs ??
Scott Bender
Scott BenderOP5mo ago
You don’t need to. Comes with the server See if you get anything from candump
Greg Young
Greg Young5mo ago
yep - have documented my troubleshooting in the question thread build 308 testing notifications using Ipad IOS Remote Push notifications - works ok (same as previously as far as i can determine) - The notification in wsk ONLY shows (& makes noise) IF you have WSK as the active foreground app. (even if wsk is “ running” but not the active app… doesn’t show till you go to wsk) - hence notifaction not shown if ipad in “sleep mode” (ie it doesnt “wake” the Ipad) - notification not shown till wsk is the active app .. and YES, i do have“allow notifications “ enabled in ipad settings for WSK app. Local Notifications - my rpi/skserver connected via ethernet LAN to router. - have inserted the WLAN SSIDs from this router into the plugin … - connected IPAD to above wlan SSID. - behaviour no different to remote push notifications. (similarly doesnt wakeup the Ipad or bring wsk to foreground etc) Anchor alarm - havent as yet tested, but i believe it uses same “notification” messages for its alarm etc - so im assuming its behaviour will be per above . In the case where i set an anchor alarm - and have ipad “beside bed” … because it doesnt “wake up” from wsk notifications, what i have done is used “pushover” plugin and its alerts/message functionality … it DEFINITELY “wakes up” the IPAD and generates visual and audible messages … regardless of state of pushover app . … so, the mechanism used by eg pushover “application” has the functionality to “wake up” the ipad amd generate audible/visual messages … note however that it does require an active internet connection- because it uses the pushover cloud server between sending and reciving clients. ideally it would be great if the notifications from wsk could i) behave similarly and “wake up” ipad and provide messages (regardless of wsk being active app) ii) occur “locally” (same LAN/wlan) and hence without an active internet connection.
Scott Bender
Scott BenderOP5mo ago
Very strange, because that is working fine for me. iPad/Phone wakeup. WSK does not need to be active. it's kinda the whole point with push notifications
Greg Young
Greg Young5mo ago
hmmm ok, interesting… i need to find out why … mine appears different
Scott Bender
Scott BenderOP5mo ago
trying to think how/why it would be different for you!
Greg Young
Greg Young5mo ago
gonna grab the “older”mipad (stuck on earlier IOS) from boat and test them…
Scott Bender
Scott BenderOP5mo ago
do you have "do not disturb" on?
Greg Young
Greg Young5mo ago
no clues here?
No description
Scott Bender
Scott BenderOP5mo ago
looks good
Greg Young
Greg Young5mo ago
nope, .. dont even know how to set “do not disturb” (yep i was a pest in meetings… but being the boss had its privileges) .. FWIW … the above described behaviour is how i recall it on my previous 2 ipads (which spanned > last 12 mth period) correction to above post .. i am on build 311 not 308
Scott Bender
Scott BenderOP5mo ago
Build should not matter
Scott Bender
Scott BenderOP5mo ago
Greg Young
Greg Young5mo ago
ok the plot thickens. ipad air IOS 15.8.3 works ok
Scott Bender
Scott BenderOP5mo ago
iOS 18 on my iPad and Phone, both working
Greg Young
Greg Young5mo ago
oh duh … my new ipad didnt have it enabled in wsk settings.. crap. my bad
Scott Bender
Scott BenderOP5mo ago
lol. that will do it! my dumn ass for not thinking of it
Greg Young
Greg Young5mo ago
ok, so just ignore all of above !
Scott Bender
Scott BenderOP5mo ago
was it on before? could bea big with that getting lost?
Greg Young
Greg Young5mo ago
obviously it picks up the settings as builds are updated, but apple,had to replace a brand new ipad which was few days DOA . so main ipad is brand new wsk download think it was the new ipad/fresh install of wsk that did it
Scott Bender
Scott BenderOP5mo ago
that will definitely do it that's tied to the physical device
Greg Young
Greg Young5mo ago
so the question is … with no internet access … ie running on local (not internet connected router) will it do same? (wakeup ipad)
Scott Bender
Scott BenderOP5mo ago
with local push enabled, yes well...should!
Greg Young
Greg Young5mo ago
disabled starlink, 4GLTE and Wifi client … and YES! push notifications working on Ipads from the local wlan ssids. .. and interestingly, found the second IPAd also didnt have remote push enabled in wsk. (it was getting via local) … it was never “off” the boat. .. but makes me wonder how/when the remote push got disabled across it also . Hmmm. but now working as you would expect. WSK rules.
Scott Bender
Scott BenderOP5mo ago
I think I need to go back and test, if push was enabled prior to 1.17, if that gets lost. Tested it before, but may have broken it at some point
Greg Young
Greg Young5mo ago
ive run out of ipads at moment to do a fresh install 🙂 and test it. but it does appear that the fresh install on my new ipad,pro, didnt have it enabled by default?
Scott Bender
Scott BenderOP5mo ago
definitely not enabled by default I guess I probably should
Greg Young
Greg Young5mo ago
.. and if i can crack the issue with my n2k interface .. i will have successfully rebuild rpi to latest OS/node & sk versions… yes candump can0 works as expected …
Scott Bender
Scott BenderOP5mo ago
try candumpjs
Greg Young
Greg Young5mo ago
ive been trying to find where thats installed …
Scott Bender
Scott BenderOP5mo ago
do sudo npm install -g @canboat/canboatjs (it's in the signalk-server install. but kinda hard to find)

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