Can Not Update to 2.8.3

Good day everyone. Long time Signal K user. We use signal k on our trawler in a highly integrated install, wireless NEMA gateway, starlink, grafana, pushing out AIS data, etc. This all runs on a Pi. This particular instance has been up and stable for 2 or 3 years, always updated, always kept up to date. Since 2.8.3 arrived I have not been able to update. I just get 'something went wrong'. Along with this I can no longer update Apps in the Appstore. The store shows 5 apps to update, when you click one it starts the normal progress bar then fails. This happens for all 5 apps needing update. Then, one more symptom I have noted, in the plugin manager, if I go to change a setting in any plugin, then try to save, the save fails with 'saving plugin settings failed' Any ideas here? Am I out of space on the pi somehow? I tried to look in logs but saw nothing to help. I need some help with this 💩
10 Replies
Kalymnos•8mo ago
Same for me
Teppo Kurki
Teppo Kurki•8mo ago
Before you do that please make an attempt to update and then take a look at Server Log, there should something more useful than something went wrong there Sorry about your troubles, afaik we are publishing each update in exactly the same way but the world around keeps also changing
Scott Bender
Scott Bender•8mo ago
I think saving plugin settings failing is usually because of out of disk space…
CaptinDustinOP•8mo ago
I was wondering about out of disk space That was my initial reaction when everything failed all at once I will have to take a proper monitor cord to the boat this weekend or ssh. Is there a way to see disk space from the signal k server? I clicked around but found nothing. Perhaps if I delete some backups.
Scott Bender
Scott Bender•8mo ago
There’s no way to see from the server. Need to ssh in.
CaptinDustinOP•8mo ago
Is there a way to delete the log files shown in the settings page? I see no way to delete anything. Mine date back to 2022...
Teppo Kurki
Teppo Kurki•8mo ago
Sorry, not via web ui
Scott Bender
Scott Bender•8mo ago
What if turned on the setting to not keep old files? And restart? Would that clean the old ones up?
CaptinDustinOP•7mo ago
I can see many old files, they are displayed as gre boxes on dates on that screen

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