Signal K11mo ago

Tony - Is it necessary to have a checksum in a ...

Is it necessary to have a checksum in a NMEA0183 sentence in order for it to be parsed by the server?
4 Replies
Scott Bender
Scott Bender11mo ago
There’s an option in the connection settings to turn off checksum checks
TonyOP11mo ago
Ah yeah I see that option. Should I switch append the checksum on or does it matter?
Scott Bender
Scott Bender11mo ago
If those are getting sent to other devices/apps, you may need to append. If just being consumed by the server, doesn’t matter
TonyOP11mo ago
Okay cool. I don't think these sentences have a checksum, and are only being parsed by Signalk. PBVE sentence is proprietary, so no matter Thanks Scott

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