heading info

Are there any simple ways to get bearing/heading info into SK (on RPI4)? (Not including commercial N2K compasses). I have a few 3-axis magnetometers I've been playing with on ESP32 (my hardworking SH) but it seems simpler to plug them into the Pi and let SK handle the rest. I could probably install some pypilot components but I'm looking for something even easier, if it exists!
5 Replies
Rhumb Runner
Rhumb Runner12mo ago
For one of my earlier setups I used a GPS hat from Ozzmaker and an external antenna. Worked well for GPS position / SOG / COG. The hat kicked out NEMA 0183 strings that was easily set up as a serial connection in SK. https://ozzmaker.com/product/berrygps-imu/
Mark Williams
BerryGPS-IMU V4 - ozzmaker.com
BerryGPS-IMU v4 has been designed to fit perfectly with the Raspberry Pi Zero. It is also compatible with all other versions of the Raspberry Pi and Arduino. Sensors included are; GPS Accelerometer Gyroscope Magnetometer (Compass) Barometric/Altitude Temperature
barnaclebillOP12mo ago
Did the magnetometer send bearing, like HDM or PGN 127250, and did SK report it?
Greg Young
Greg Young12mo ago
i tried various add on sensors (USB to rpi) .. however i found the magnetic heading part drifted and wasn’t overlying accurate (unlike the 3 axis sensor part - which was excellent) … at the time (> 1 year ago) , there was a lengthy (but of course dropped off slack history) debate on various experiences.. mostbof which were quite poor.. aside from “commercial” NMEA etc sensors. . i abandoned the plan and just used a high end n2k sensor. im sure others here in the meantime may have found some that might be workable…
barnaclebillOP12mo ago
That's what I've been experiencing. I started with several different magnetometers on ESP32 and found that, even sitting still on my desk, there was a lot of noise and drift, and short of figuring out how to implement a Kalman filter, I was not going to get something working. I expected the same for RPI, since the magnetometers would use the same chips. Consequently, it seems that the only way to get Set and Drift from the Derived Data plugin is to have an N2K compass, correct?
Greg Young
Greg Young12mo ago
for set/drift, if i recall, you need GPS, Heading & “speed thru water” data… and hence sensors that measure each.

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