Signal K11mo ago

Is there an app to feed an Android device location data from Signal K?

I have an Amazon Fire tablet onboard, and it lacks its own GPS chip, so regular map apps can't show the device's location. I could write an Android app that polls Signal K or listens for NMEA messages on the wifi and sets device's location from that (with developer mode on to allow GPS spoofing), but before I do, maybe this exists already?
3 Replies
SK sends out a NMEA0183 stream on port 10110 or a SK stream on 3000. you can direct you map app to that OpenCPN will accept SK or NMEA0183, other apps you would need to check out the instructions to setup the feed, but it is likely doable.
AnsisOP11mo ago
No, I mean device location. Like, Google Maps, etc. Regular phone apps that use device location, not NMEA.
Have you tried looking for a GPS Tethering app that would connect to the NMEA0183 output from SignalK? they are available in the Google Play store and Apple Appstore

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