SKSignal K
Created by Ansis on 5/21/2024 in #questions
What do yellow vessel names mean in Freeboard?
Some vessels' names show up yellow on the map. What does that mean?
9 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Ansis on 4/29/2024 in #questions
Why do I have two different speeds over ground?
No description
9 replies
SKSignal K
Created by Ansis on 4/28/2024 in #questions
Is there an app to feed an Android device location data from Signal K?
I have an Amazon Fire tablet onboard, and it lacks its own GPS chip, so regular map apps can't show the device's location. I could write an Android app that polls Signal K or listens for NMEA messages on the wifi and sets device's location from that (with developer mode on to allow GPS spoofing), but before I do, maybe this exists already?
4 replies