
Hi signalk users. Moving into using alarms and alerts. I have modified some paths and added zones in the metadata using the browser. Now i have duplicate notifications.notifications paths for some of these paths. What controls the creation of these? How can this be controlled? How do I cleanup what has been created? Point me to any documentation Please.
7 Replies
Scott Bender
Scott Bender2mo ago
Can you provide more details? Show your zones config and exatly what the "notifications.notifications" look like in the browser.
David Sanner
David Sanner2mo ago
Do you have zones defined by the older @signalk/zones plugin? I think it can cause this issue. (check AppStore installed / source under Data Browser) To migrate zone configuration from @signalk/zones plugin to use SK server directly, under SK Data Browser, click edit and then save for each path with a zone shown . Then disable then @signalk/zones plugin.
Cleanup: after removing @signalk/zones plugin try restarting SK ... that may help but you might have to edit baseDeltas.json
yarradeenOP2mo ago
Thanks for replys. @David Sanner i dont have zones plugin. @Scott Bender This is the Data browser
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David Sanner
David Sanner2mo ago
You might start by making a copy of baseDeltas.json and then removing the issues - though you have to keep the json format regular (remove all between and including {}, if last remove the trailing comma).
I've seen this pop up when I had @signalk/zones but I think what is likely happening in your case is that if you edit the meta data of a entry under "Data Browser" and save it, the notification entry gets stored in baseDeltas.js which then can have the duplicate notification.notification issue after sk restarts.
yarradeenOP2mo ago
@David Sanner manually removing the invalid entries from the json has resolved the issue. Still unsure why it happen, maybe i edited the notification. metadata accidently and this cause the issue. In fact on testing if you edit the automatically created notification metadata object this is the effect.
yarradeenOP2mo ago
For clarity editing the circled red item.
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David Sanner
David Sanner2mo ago
That's what I'm thinking & my testing yesterday showed the same. Glad you could edit manually.
Not sure the fix for others, maybe a delete button or special case that removes the edit feature for paths that start with notification? Perhaps open an issue w/ SK server on github just to make sure the issue is known.

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