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Hi @Ming A friend of mine was wondering:
Hi @ZacckOsiemo, my last gig was in the
Hey guys, I could use some career advice
I can imagine some of your 3D printing
Yes but idk, I am very beginner like I
Could you be a bit more specific
How familiar are you with Zephyr OS in the context of embedded systems?
Yup, I am following this playlist for
No im using ai thinker gp-02 kit
YouTube Live
Comparing zephyrproject-rtos:main...malt...
Hello Everyone!
it's me
Hi, @Enthernet Code I think creating
ohk then , i will ask my dad to help we
Welcome !
Okk thank you Mike I’m curious, 🧐 have
New thread
All about MIMO
@JeremyCook 🙏 any advice?
Hiii Mike , yes l’m working on an
I would like to monitor the DC Voltage
Edge computing Processors
IP-rated case
CH MCU discussions
Python source code protection from read
this is great, how long have you been
Edge AI use cases and industry apps (continued)
That's great news! The second edition of
I am working on the second edition of my
Hi, @techielew I believe the **Pricing
ASCII: Fun & Informative or Our of Fashion?
Seeking Hardware Designer for Efficient Blockchain-Powered Systems
Embedded ARM PCB development
Embedded software developer
[For Hire]
Tinkering with Led matrix displays and RTOS
Realtime Data Flow
System to control internal combustion engines for dual-fuel operation
Mongoose Ws implementation on STM32H753ZIT6 MII error
8085 controlers
📣 Seeking work as a UI/UX Designer & Full Stack Developer 📣
Not seeking any formal collab atm, but since this post was required here we are
seeking collaboration in building a robotic vacuum cleaner PCB
seeking help for connectivity issues in esp32 bluetooth with android
Seeking help for home automation project on esp32
Stem Player
I'm looking into ThreadX intergration with RP2040 boards.
Exploring IOT
looking for job
IOT based power monitor
Seeking a customer who can trust our potential and collaborate with us in development
Looking for opportunity to collaborate
java application
Seeking Mentorship for STM32F407VGT6 board and ArmM4
I wish I want to the Embedded software project using AI
process tomography
A sound localization system using MCU
Looking to start in IoT
Yocto Porting and Patching
Based in Capetown, would be awesome to set up a company specializing in Telemetry
Building LED Guitar Pick
Adding pi-camera
Building 12v(200ah) battery charge with cutout circuit
Wi-Fi Clock with OTA and Browser Settings Page
exploring how distributed algorithms work in IoT.
i am looking for lora gateway with multiple nodes project
PCB/PCBA Services in Brno
Making a door lock with STM32WL
Design Engineer Needed! Peltier Cooler Design Help!
Seeking Collabs Guidelines
can anyone tell me how to connect my 0V7670 camera to my esp32 wroom 32?
How can I see this debug message in this way any idea anyone?
What should an entry-level embedded software engineer focus on?
Have you tried to make a firmware to implement OTA update?
Why is west not detecting STM32CubeProgrammer after update?
How can I improve the stability and sensor placement for my line-following robot?
Can you provide feedback on the clock configuration for the MicroPython board Sp!ne mentioned here?
Help me in implementing fsm in zynq z7000 10
Why isn’t my printf output showing on the SWV ITM console for STM32F401CDU6?
Can I stream video from the rpi5 running bookworm?
How to Build ARM Firmware Using Bazel?
Is it the right community to newbie like me to learn esp8266 and iot stuff?
Could you guys help me decipher these please
Testing ESP32-CAM
Does anyone work on caravel board, which is based on RISC V Architecture?
Anyone using any tft display with capacitive touch?
any good resources for getting started with the DCMI on stm32s?
How to Optimize Energy Calculations for STM32 Energy Meter Without Overloading Interrupts?
Anyone who's done Embedded CI/CD
Anyone who used FreeRTOS before can suggest me a good documentation for it
Choosing Between Interrupts and Polling for Critical Applications Like Airbags in Static Real-Time S
Hi...I am trying to flash image on sd card but I failed . Board is STM32Mp135
Garbled Characters in HAL_UART_Transmit_IT on STM32 F303RE Causes and Solutions
How to solve this error?
LVGL Memory Allocation Issues on ESP32 with esp_lcd
Why Does movl (%eax), %edx Crash After Using Custom malloc_ Implementation in Assembly?
Have anyone worked with nucleo board lwip to send data to aws iot core
How to Preserve 64-bit Register Values When Using movl in x86_64 ROP Constraints
have you used a higher baud rate for ESP32s?
How can I change VEX instructions between 16, 32, and 64-bit modes?
What IDE setup do you use for remote debugging with GDB/KGDB and OpenOCD?
Can connecting a 5V device without level shifting cause these errors?
any method of increasing the rendering speed of a display with the esp_lcd component?
Fixing CAN Bus Overload Issues in Multi-Node Sensor Systems Using AVR128DA48 and MCP2515
How to Ensure Reliable Data and Predictions for Skin Cancer Detection Using ESP32 and TCS3200?
What Causes 'Clock Stretch Too Long' Errors When Flashing ESP32?
What Are the Architectural Constraints in Haswell That Limit CPE Optimization?
Issues with I2C Communication to VL53L0X Sensor Using STM32F103C8 Without ST Library
Issue with Command Handling in AVR128DA48 UART Communication
Optimizing Speed and Acceleration for Nema34 Motor Control with DM680E Driver
Understanding UART Overrun Error When Sending AT Commands from STM32 to ESP8266
No Pulse Detected Error in ESP32 Heart Rate Monitor with MAX30102
Optimizing 8-bit Parallel RGB Interface on Nucleo-F411RE: Timer Interrupts or DMA?
Decoding a 4x16 Switch Matrix on Arduino for Conditional Logic
Has anyone worked with the kalman filter from the DSP library for ESPs?
STM32WB15CC Custom BLE Project Not Discoverable - Missing Configuration?
Why Does Disabling OCIE1A Cause Immediate ISR Re-trigger on Mega 2560?
VR ATmega328P with R305 Fingerprint Sensor: System Hangs on finger.begin() - No Response from Sensor
Error: 'PWM' Object Has No Attribute 'duty' in Motor Control Code Using MicroPython
Establishing Communication Between ESP32 and R307 Fingerprint Sensor: Initialization Issues
Trouble Generating PWM Signal on STM32 NUCLEO-F207ZG Using Low-Level Register Programming
Compilation Errors on AMD RYZEN 5 Using GCC and NASM for Assembly Code
Improving Stability of Pitch and Roll Measurements in MPU6050 Flight Controller
Issues with Viewing PRINTF Output on STM32 Nucleo L476RG with X-Nucleo IDB05A1
Understanding cmp Instruction in Assembly and Debugging with GDB
Issue with ISR Behavior in Zero-Cross Detection on Mega 2560 Board
Troubleshooting Relay Activation for Water Pump Control Based on PIR Sensor Detection on ESP32
Issues with MATCH ROM Command in DS18B20 Sensor Communication on STM32 Using UART
How to Expand 10-Bit ADC Signal for 16-Bit SPI Communication Between Two Arduino Unos
Hard Fault When Using STM32 Nucleo-F446RE with Wiznet W5500 via SPI
Resolving Device Not Found Error for PIR Sensor on ESP32 with Zephyr RTOS
Optimizing CAN ISR to Prevent WDT Panics on ESP32-S3 with MCP25625
Synchronizing Sensor Data Over CAN Bus with AVR128DA48 and Zephyr
Debouncing Joystick Input for Frequency Control on STM32 NUCLEO-F401RE
Improving Gesture Recognition Consistency on ESP32 with TinyML
Implementing Failsafe Mechanism for Firmware Updates on ESP32
Debugging Issue with OpenOCD on STM32F411 in CLion
How can I set variable increments for a rotary encoder?"
How can I reduce false positives in vibration anomaly detection on an AVR128DA48?
What causes HardFault_Handler errors and inaccurate predictions in STM32 air quality monitoring Sys?
Why doesn't my GPIO pin stay high below 200 Hz in my frequency counter code?
How can I implement a recovery mechanism for CAN Bus errors on the AVR128DA48 to avoid manual resets
Why is my assembler subroutine for Shellsort not sorting the array when integrated with a C program
Trying to implement a real-time data processing feature using Edge Computing on the AVR128DA48
Ensuring 16-bit THUMB Instruction Encoding for Code Execution from SRAM on STM32F103
Normalizing Input Data for CNN Model in Image Recognition System on ESP32
ESP32 Voice Commands Processed but LED Unresponsive in MicroPython TinyML Home Automation System
ESP32 Camera Module Initialization Failure in Image Recognition System for Tissue Samples
Arduino IDE Not Detecting Ports for STM32 Blue Pill on macOS with ST-Link V2
Unexpected Memory Value Fluctuations in GDB While Debugging Pointer in x86-64 C Program
Securing Firmware Updates on Arduino
what are different ways to maximize the range of esp32 c3 chip on a custom board ?
How to prevent ADC interrupt from affecting LCD display on AVR MCU?
How do NVIC and DMA interact in STM32 Blue Pill?
Why does enabling SPI peripheral in STM32 Nucleo L476RG change the master bit to 0?
Why is my BMP280 sensor value calculation incorrect on AtMega32?
Does anyone know how to add DFU in an stm32 bootloader?
Issues with STM32L476RG Nucleo Board Not Detected in CubeIDE on Ubuntu
Resolving I2C Timeout Error When Updating STM32G4 Firmware with ESP32
How to Interface an LDR with ESP32 and BeagleBone Black for Light Monitoring System?
Compile-Time Check for Node Limit in Custom Communication Function for PIC16F84A
Issues with Configuring ITM Output in Atollic TrueSTUDIO for STM32L4
Tensor Allocation Issue in TinyML Deployment on Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense
RTC Date and Time Display Issues on Tera Term with Format and Pointer Errors
Troubleshooting SPI Communication Between STM32G431RB Master and F446RE Slave Boards
How to Safely Modify .byte Values in x86_64 Assembly Without Segmentation Faults
How to Manually Program an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) for STM32F4 MCU Without Using Libraries?
Error in Calculating Section Size with .set Directive in x86_64 Assembly
How to Create a Data Logger with a Sensor Sampling Rate of 100ms Using a DS3231 RTC Module?
Can I Use GPIO16 as REF_CLK for LAN8720 with ESP32 DevKit V1 if GPIO0 is Unavailable?
Choosing Low-Power MCU for Smart Band with Multiple Sensors: STM32L4, nRF52, or ESP32?
Need Help with NVIC Pending Register Not Reflecting Button Press on STM32L476RG
Which STM boards have only a Mac controller without a phy apart from the f4 Discovery?
Flash Memory Read/Write Operations Failing on AVR32UC with Zephyr - What Could Be Missing?
How to Store Float Calculation Results in FLASH Memory on PIC16F877A Using MPLAB X IDE?
Best Tool to Troubleshoot ESP32 GPIO Pin Trigger Issue in FreeRTOS Project?
Issues Writing to CANBus with STM32 Nucleo F429ZI Using Mbed OS 6.6.0
Why Is My AVR32UC ADC Returning Zero Despite a Correct Input Signal?
Compilation Error with USB Keyboard Example on STM32 Nucleo F303K8 in Mbed
Multitasking on Stm32f407vgt6
Trouble Creating a Thread on AVR32UC with Zephyr – Any Tips?
DHT11 Sensor Read Issue with MicroPython on Zephyr (ESP32)
Failed to Add GPIO Callback on AVR32UC Microcontroller
Issues with GPIO Configuration and Button Functionality on STM32
what causes the STM32F429ZI to experience a hard error when attempting to cast a value into float?
Writing Values Greater Than 0xFF to OCR1A in AVR C Code: How?
How can a college student start his embedded system as a career Where to start
CMake Error Setting Up Zephyr Environment for MicroPython on ESP32
Why Isn't My OLED Screen Updating with Pressure Readings on AVR128DA48?
How to Build a Human Interface for BeagleBone Industrial with 3 Push Buttons on TFT LCD Display?
Is UART Different from USART on the Arduino Uno?
Bare Metal Program - Adafruit RP2040 LoRa - Feather
Looking for project ideas and examples for AVR ATmega32 with UART
How to control a 5V output pin on STM32 Nucleo L4R5ZI remotely through a connected PC?
What is the purpose of HAL_ADC_PollForConversion in STM32 HAL ADC code?
What is the best ESP32 board and audio playback solution for a smart clock with NTP synchronization?
GUI interface for my project with Beaglebone Industrial
How to fix "Failed to initialize SD card -ENODEV" error on AVR128DA48 using SPI?
Why does my NMI handler address end with a 0, but the vector address ends with a 1?
Why isn't my LED responding to pressure readings in AVR128DA48 project?
How to resolve board restarting issue on LilyGO TTGO LoRa32 (T3 V1.6.1)?
Which MicroPython libraries should I use for ECG with ESP32?
How can I resolve I2C transfer failure on AVR128DA48 with BMP280 sensor in Zephyr OS?
Segmentation Fault in C Function Printing Double from Assembly Code
Automatically Start Obstacle Detection System on BeagleBone Black at Boot
LCD Screen Remains Blank on BeagleBone Black with HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
Configuring USB CDC Rx Interrupt for STM32-F446RE (Nucleo)
How to Display Warnings on OLED Based on Object Distance Using BeagleBone Black?
How can I use Assisted GPS for faster first-time fix in my GPS tracking system?
I need a circuit to download the firmware inside esp32 and the pin used.
Which ESP32 board is best for a home automation hub with predictive maintenance and fault detection?
Why isn't my ADC with DMA setup updating the variable correctly on the STM32F407ZGT6?
Continuous Distance Measurement and OLED Update on BeagleBone Black with VL53L0X
ESP-IDF Custom bootloader
Performing OTA on an STM32F7 Board with Sector-Based Flash Partitioning
Handling PWM Pulse Synchronization and Delays with STM32F411 Using DMA and Timers
Where to download the firmware for INFINIX hot 30i
Verifying I2C Communication on BeagleBone Black for VL53L0X and OLED Display
Resolving SPI Image Capture Error with OV2640 and ESP-WROOM-32 in MicroPython
Guidance on Interfacing VL53L0X Sensor and OLED Display with BeagleBone Black for Parking Assistance
How to ensure stable operation and resolve unexpected resets on AVR32UC running Zephyr OS?
ESP32-S3-USB-OTG stuck in DOWNLOAD mode; any solutions?
Incorrect Distance Readings from HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor on BeagleBone Black
How Can I Consistently Handle Sensor Data Read Failures on AVR32UC with Zephyr OS?
No Serial Output After Firmware Update on ESP32-S3-USB-OTG Dev-Kit
How Does STM32 Handle Mixed Precision Weight Transfers in AI Models?
How to Properly Connect and Initialize OV2640 Camera Module with ESP-WROOM-32 Using MicroPython?
do you know why doesn't Intellisense work in the STM32 VS Code extension?
How to Receive Variable-Length Data Over RS485 Using HAL_UART_Receive_IT on STM32F4?
How to Fetch and Display Data from DHT22 Sensor on AVR32UC with Zephyr OS?
How to Ensure Atomic Access to Queue in ESP32 FreeRTOS Project?
Compilation Issues with STM32 HAL Libraries in Strict ANSI-C Mode
How to Resolve DHT22 Sensor Driver Binding Issue with Zephyr OS on AVR32UC?
Setting Up HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor and 16x2 LCD on BeagleBone Black
GPIO Pin Configuration Error for DHT22 on AVR32UC with Zephyr OS
Fix Access Violation Error in x64 Assembly MASM Procedure for Complex Number Square Root Calculation
Can ESP32 Support WFE Signal Mechanism Similar to ARM-vX Architectures for Power Saving?
How to Resolve GPIO Pin Configuration Failures for DHT22 Sensor on AVR32UC with Zephyr OS?
Resolving Intermittent Failures in ESP32-Based IoT Project with MQTT and I2C Sensors
Configuring PIC24FJ128GC010 for Sensor Module and UART with MPLAB X IDE
Has anyone integrated LWIP with an external PHY on an stm board?
How can I resolve the "CAN: Failed to send frame" error in my ATmega2560 ?
Is anyone here is familiar with steval spin 3202 Evaluation board to run and debug on BLDC motor?
Why is my ATmega32 timer interrupt not executing?
How to debug intermittent crashes when running MobileNet SSD on ESP32?
How to optimize handling of multiple inputs efficiently on STM32F4 using GCC?
How to Implement Real-Time Logging for Pressure Data and Resolve SD Card Write Errors?
How to Fix "OSError: [Errno 5] EIO" in STM32 Water Quality Monitoring System?
How to Resolve RuntimeError in TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers on ESP32?
How to Resolve Synchronization Issues in Multi-Threaded ESP32 FreeRTOS Application?
How to Fix LED Not Responding to PWM Signals on BeagleBone Black?
What is the best method to connect two ESP32 boards via wired solutions for exchanging data?
I need a small suggestion related to stm32 courses
Fixing Loud Noise Issue with L298N Motor Driver and Arduino Uno for XY Laser Rig
How can I create and implement DDR memory in Verilog on an FPGA?
Triggering Frequency Hopping on ADRV9002 Transceiver with External Signal
Implementing Sensor Fusion on External IMU with STM32 Using X-Cube MEMS Framework
Why Do I Need to Halve Prescaler Values for TIMER 2 & 3 on STM32F4 to Get Correct Interrupt Periods?
Why Does CubeMX Generate Separate FLASH and RAM Linker Scripts?
Looking for some guidance on setting up an FPGA development environment
Arduino Uno Playing Slow Motion Sound from SD Card - Need Help!
Isolating X-Axis Readings from Accelerometer Interference
Issues with Fuel Injector Testing Bench Using Arduino Minima R4 at High Frequencies
Real-Time Temperature Monitoring with ATmega2560, MCP9808, and Zephyr OS: Device Driver Not Found
Issue with word Data Type When Porting Arduino Library to STM32
Issues with Accurate Quadrature Encoder Readings on BeagleBone Black
I want to design a system that tracks the inertia of a moving device
working on a program using STM32F103C8T6 where I encounter a problem reading files from an SD card
i have connected my esp8266 to my laptop in the device manager its not showing up
Does anyone know of any available touch HMIs with WIFI something relatively cheap
Has anyone worked with the IEK-TM4C129EXL evaluation board?
Best Practices for Developing Robust Custom Libraries for ESP32 Integrating Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, BLE
Debugging Numerical Instability in AVX512-Optimized 2D Fluid Simulation on x86-64 CPU
seeking for help related to data communication with a uart module.
Resolving stdio.h and FPU Instruction Errors in STM32F103 Project with clangd and Neovim
Do I need a mutex to protect 8-bit variables on STM32L476 with ARMv7E-M architecture using FreeRTOS?
How do I program ESP8266-12E using PlatformIO for soil moisture sensor and pump control?
Preventing "Target not responding" errors while plotting real-time MPU6050 data via ST-Link v3set
How can I switch between output and alternative function modes in an STM?
Why is my Zynq-7000 marine navigation system failing to initialize the NMEA 2000 GPS sensor?
Any user of ST's NUCLEO-32 (32-Pin MCU)?
Generic Library for Microcontroller as Modbus RTU Slave
Learning LoRa ( using RYLR998 ) seeking for guidance
Can the ESP32 in the test circuit hold the firmware and upload it to the main circuit’s ESP32
How to calculate the minimum sleep time that makes sense for MCU in low power mode?
can someone help me with esp-idf
Do you have any models of pH modules compatible with ESP32?
What is the name of this 10 pin connector ?
I need a MicroPython firmware for the ESP32-S2 AI Thinker CAM
How can I read data from an I2C temperature sensor (TMP102) using an STM32 microcontroller?
Why Doesn't Intel Expose the Internal RISC Core to Programmers?
How should I configure the ADC on my STM32F407VG to properly acquire data from an LM35?
Would you recommend buying an authentic STLink over a Chinese STLink V2?
Is it normal that I can't upload code when my W5100 Ethernet Shield is on my Arduino Uno?
Seeking Feedback and Suggestions on Custom ESC Design for Drone Integration
How to delay() easily when you don't have delay()?
Does anyone know if there are any special steps to using SPI1 on the STM32F407-DISC1 board?
I want to update/flash the firmware on an STM32G4 using another ESP32 microcontroller over I2C.
What specific considerations should I take into account when selecting an STM32F4 variant?
How to Apply FSMs for Control Flow in Cryptographic IP Design on FPGA?
trying to code a stm32 board and receiving this error how to fix it - Target no device found
Seeking open-source project without ST HAL for learning low-level drivers & best practices.
How to Implement PID Control on STM32F4 to Maintain 1500 RPM for an ECU?
Can you give me good snippet of code for AT commands resender?
What’s the best option if I need a GUI? Anything for IPad?
How to Implement OTA Updates for ESP32 with FreeRTOS on Google Cloud IoT Core?
utilize a microcontroller's GPIO pins to control peripheral devices in an IoT embedded software in C
Does anyone have experience with directly mapping FPGA memory to the microcontroller's memory space
wanna use the flash bootloader of ST to flash my softwares using CAN-FD
Is a quartz crystal and capacitors necessary to run ATmega 328P on a breadboard?
Implementing Arduino Data Logging to Google Sheets for Valve Actions
What is your suggestion in replacement of logic analyzer to check the I2C protocol?
Why is HAL_ADC_Start Taking Longer Than Expected on STM32F446RE and How Can I Reduce Its Duration?
Any one of you have faced a challenge with the memory alignment while reading byte words ?
can somebody help me with my STM32 Nucleo H743ZI2 ?
Has anyone ever managed to get a DFPlayer module working with a MEGA board?
I need to measure the battery capacity using an ATmega32 microcontroller.
I'm trying to connect an ESP32-CAM to an ESP32 using the I2C protocol.
I'm working with the ESP32-CAM for recognizing QR codes.
Does anyone worked on SIM800L module with ESP32 using ESP-IDF framework?
What framework or tool you guys use to make iot bluetooth ble /wifi apps for andriod and ios
I want study firmware with friends.
my ESP32 Cam display is not sharp enough
How to Resolve Connection Errors When Uploading Code to ATmega32A Microcontroller?
How to Enable Raspberry Pi Camera Interface on Raspberry Pi 4 Model B with Camera Rev 1.3?
How to create and write data in .xlsx file into the SD card using any microcontrollers like stm32,
When we talk about wifi esp32 / esp8266 is the first choice, are ther other alternatives?
anybody around here involved with reed-switch manufacturing/testing/selection?
ESP8266 Water Level Device: Tips & Pinout
What is the best course/source to learn how to easily transfer from arduino ide and to esp ode?
Load Cell Calibration Challenges: Troubleshooting Parameters?
I want to venture into Arduino development, what are the things I will need to get to get started
how to install my ESP32 development board on Arduino IDE V2?
Getting Started with IoT and Raspberry Pi
Ask a Developer: Getting Started with Reference Designs
Is there a way to fix this my ESP32CAM?
Does anyone know how to keep the large Neopixel LED on the GEMMA M0 board turned off?
how can I transfer audio data from ISR to a task using queues on my STM32F401 with FreeRTOS?
I need GPS chips, small they dont takr big space in pcb
I want to learn more about how to use timers in stm32
Has anyone experience with the integrated pcie block from the xilinx 7 series fpga's?
Has anyone tried using the OpenCV library with an STM32?
Do you think it's better to use a Raspberry Pi with an external ADC, or any other suggestions?
any info on object detection and segmentation using raspberry pi 4 model B with USB camera
i need Zynq dev board with LVDS pins exposed, please suggest me boards ?
NEW ARM64 AIOT boards!!!
Need help solving a maze with NVIDIA Jetson-based robot
Can a timer, for example TIMER2, be used in multiple modes at the same time?
Do u have a suggestion about appropriate anti-windup measures
Is pynq z7 a good board for beginners?
How do I estimate the lifespan of a microcontroller?
Need help with warning in PlatformIO ESP-IDF for ESP32-S3 timer ISR
Switching from L3G4200D to MPU6050 and Updating I2C Address in Arduino Code
I'm searching for a cnc cut design for my flight frame, does anyone have a ready design?
Can i use an ESP32 camera with a Raspberry Pi for object detection?
Integrating ESP32 Camera with Android for Enhanced Object Detection
Which family of chips i should look into for lightweight and custom application?
Power Supply or Resistor Solution?
Best practices for selecting an MCU for a battery-powered IoT device
Should I use the ESP Framework or Arduino IDE for Commercial Product Development?
Are there any other Arduino boards with USB ports that also support the Keyboard.h library?
how to download the Raspberry Pi operating system on a Windows
In Zynq SoC the DMA is writing in memory with big-endian there is a way to change it little endian
MQTT Control of ESP8266 GPIO via ESPEasy: A DIY Approach Without Home Automation Assistants
Can you suggest to me an environmental project using stm32 with Ai
STM32 firmware extraction for read out protected devices
Has anyone here worked with the EZ-USB™ FX2LP FX2G2 USB 2.0 Peripheral Controller from Cypress
Looking for a device based on ESP32, that can do Chat, File transfer, Voice and Video cal
Choosing the right voltage regulator
I wanted to advance my skills in VERILOG language and FPGA's, any roadmap?
looking for a better/fast way to dump the memory in Zynq Soc CLI or script without GUI
I have a problem with connecting my Trust Webcam via an OTG hub to my Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.
Need a small suggestion on raspberry pi connection with laptop
implement a KNN (K-Nearest Neighbors) model for classification in MATLAB
Setting up a weather monitoring station in a remote location.
what would you want to become a Master of?
In Zynq SoC what is The fastest way to stream data from PL to PS ?
Use IMU to determine angular orientation about one axis
Fail to porting lvgl 8.3.11 to esp32-s3 microcontroller
can anyone explain what is the microcontroller used here and how it work?
in cpu/mpu architecture the memory can be used by two peripherals in the same time ?
A simple quick http request example for RPi Pico using C-SDK
Choosing between PlatformIO and ESP-IDF environments for ESP32-S3 development
microcontrollers vs. microprocessors what is the difference in embedded systems
Seeking Advice on Capacitive Touch Sensing ICs
The use of E-paper displays in IoT Projects
ESP-IDF CMake Error on ESP32C6 Board - Missing CJSON.c File
Receiving "rc= -2" error with ESP32 MQTT TLS certificates
Help getting started with CAVLI C16QS development kit
DevHeads Demo: Serial Wire Viewer Data Tracing with Arm Cortex-M and the STM32CubeIDE
How do I calculate the battery life of ESP8266-based products?
DEVHEADS DEMO: How to Implement Finite State Machines in FPGA Fabric
Raspberry Pi Model 3B Timer Initialization
ESP32 Dev Kit C V4 detection issue on Windows 11
How to Debug STM32 ARM Cortex-M Microcontroller using STM32CubeIDE
Troubleshooting the NodeMCU RFID Interface
Porting issue: memcpy to DMA for memory transfers
Three Advantages of Using a Low Power MCU in your IoT Device Design: STM32L Series a case Study
What security protocols and techniques can be applied to ensure the integrity and confidentiality ?
Recording Temperature with ESP32 & ThingSpeak
How do I secure an Arduino IoT sensor node?
Wireless Communication Security with Arduino
Raspberry Compute Module 4 with Stereopi v2.02 and 2 cameras
Memory Requirement
How is Flash memory different from ROM in microcontrollers?
Custom DSP Algorithm Implementation
Why did you choose to use an ESP32 instead of an Arduino Uno R4 WiFi?
What considerations should be taken into account when designing the SerDes interface?
12/15 Office Hours: Grasping Commercial Firmware Development Discussion Board
High-Speed ADC Interface Design ?
What MCUs support the broadest range of networking protocols for diverse IoT edge deployments?
Inside the NXP i.MX 8ULP Processor
STLink Error: STM32F407 Discovery Failed to upload code!
Microcontroller Power Optimization Strategies
Microcontroller Selection for My loT edge device
Memory Management on ARM
TSMC's Impact on Chip Manufacturing
ASML's EUV Lithography : Enhancing Chip Manufacturing for Better Performance
The Benefits of Using Evaluation Electronics Boards for Prototyping
Transforming Military & Air Force Electronics Engineering with FPGA Chips
An impressive European FPGA platform - Cologne Chip CCGM1A1
ASML Impact on Semiconductor Innovation
Revolutionizing Wireless Technology: Espressif ESP32 and RISC-V
README: MCUs, MPUs & Firmware Forum
Can a local variable's memory be accessed outside its scope?
Writing IAR output to ARM chip without IAR
Help finding the right MCU
what's the difference between lv_label_set_text and lv_label_set_text_fmt?
Ask Me Anything About Zephyr & Linux Device Trees Notes - [01/21/2025]
For Anyone Interested in the RPi Yocto Project
Is Yocto just a better way to manage embedded Linux builds, avoiding countless scripts?
in LVGL, how do we add a style on arc's indicator part?
Did you hear about RDNIS being removed from the Linux kernel? Thoughts?
Have you worked with Renesas Synergy and ThreadX RTOS?
How can I make video streaming and robot control work smoothly together in my Flask project?
Has anyone tried using the ESP32-CAM driver with ESP-IDF?
How to Enable and Troubleshoot Audio Functionality on STM32MP175F Using Buildroot?
Does Linux Have a Maximum Buffer Size for Serial on Embedded Systems?
Zephyr and userspace
can you show me a rudimentary hardware driver in linux?
I'm encountering an issue with Zephyr SDK
Has anyone used TensorFlow Lite Micro with STM32 project recently?
I have a BBB, How do i change the build-in bus driver to a module?
Has anybody ever tried to build a project using Bazel? any comments?
Does anyone have a good study plan or resources to get started with embedded Linux
How to Configure DTS and Struct for SPI Controller Driver with Child Nodes in Zephyr?
Does anyone have ideas or suggestions for resolving this error?
First Contributions to Zephyr Approved for v4.1.0 – Happy to Chat About Testing and Development!
How to Detect and Track Eggs Passing a Specific Checkpoint in a Conveyor Belt Setup?
Can anyone guide me on porting FreeRTOS to STM32F411CEU6
Successfully Trained YOLOv5 for Egg Counting: Need Advice on Real-Time Detection
Best ML Model for Real-Time Egg Counting on Raspberry Pi
Warning During YOLOv5 Training Should I Ignore It or Address It
Tools to Detect License Infringement in Code for Zephyr I2C Driver Based on Linux Kernel
Techniques to Mitigate Memory Fragmentation in uC/OS-III for SAMD21 Applications
Does anyone know how to reset a USB port on MacOS?
Fixing TensorFlow Lite Dynamic Tensor Error and Optimizing Mask R-CNN on Raspberry Pi
Diagnosing Asterisk Segmentation Fault on STM32MP157f-DK2 When Connecting via Mizudroid SIP Client
Is there any tutorial for Redhat RHEL os?
How can I accurately measure CPU usage for these ISRs while addressing nested interrupts?
Has anyone worked with Zephyrs test Runner (Twister)?
How to Fix CR/LF Transmission Issues Between MS Excel VBA and STM32 via Serial?
What tools or techniques would you recommend for both visualizing and analyzing grid map data?
How can you speed up parsing Yocto recipes? - 10/3 Yocto Build Issues AMA
How are device trees handled if I want to add any custom ones? - 10/3 Yocto Build Issues AMA
How can I configure Yocto image to act as an server for others over IP - 10/3 Yocto Build Issues AMA
Changing the configuration parameters of the kernel -- 10/03 Yocto Build Issues AMA
Understanding the bootloader part and integration when using u-boot 10/03 Yocto Build Issues AMA
Added OpenCV to my Yocto System but Encountered AttributeError 10/03 Yocto Build Issues AMA
Segmentation Fault with Flatten() in TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers on STM32F746NG
Yocto Override Syntax and how this works with bbappends 10/03 Yocto Build Issues AMA
Can't find any clear documentation on how to provide a custom file, Like /etc/issue? 10/3 Yocto AMA
How to separate camera.cfg of kernel bbappend file into two conditions? 10/3 Yocto Build Issues AMA
What's with strange Yocto release names (Kirkstone, Scarthgap, etc)? 10/3 Yocto Build Issues AMA
IRAM constrains in ESP32
Debugging Memory Management & Task Scheduling Issues in FreeRTOS on ESP32
do you mind handing out a primer on linking vs static compiliing. Especially in the context of GPL?
Issue with Simultaneous Activation of Multiple Relays in Zephyr RTOS on ESP32
Best Synchronization Techniques for Task Communication in FreeRTOS on ESP32
Why will there be issues while trying to build the Boot to Gecko (B2G) project on my x86-64 Ubuntu
Ensuring Message Prioritization on CAN Bus with AVR128DA48 and Zephyr OS for Industrial Monitoring
Linux is now an RTOS
Tech Tips Yocto AMA
Should I Adjust min_child_samples When Training LightGBM with 100% of the Data?
Can I Directly Update the TLB During a Page Fault on x86-64?
Resolving TensorFlow Installation Error for TinyML Model on ESP32 Using MicroPython
Troubleshooting ADC Configuration for Sensor Data Acquisition on AVR128DA48 with Zephyr OS
How to Resolve Undefined Symbols for Architecture x86_64 While Compiling FFmpeg with x264?
Zephyr HID Sample Not Pairing on nRF52840 Dongle - Solutions?
Managing DMA Callback and FreeRTOS Tasks with Timing Constraints on STM32f4
Fixing INT8 Quantization Error for Depthwise Conv2D Layers
Issues with 64-bit DLL Injection Shellcode on OpenBSD Ignoring Integer Pushes
Assembly Program on 64-bit OpenBSD Compiles Without Errors but Shows No Output
Tips for Simplifying ML Models to Avoid Inference Timeout on Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense
Issues with Boost Library for x86_32 Architecture on Ubuntu 22.04 – How to Manage Conflicts with x86
How Do You Debug CPU Utilization and Multi-threading Issues?
Bluetooth Device Stops Advertising After Pairing Failures in Zephyr RTOS
Configuring Zephyr RTOS for Unit Testing with Separate Source and Test Directories
DevHeads Weekly Office Hours, 8/23/24: Introduction to Embedded Linux—Yocto vs Poky vs OpenEmbedded
Issues Adding Example Qt Application to st-image-weston on STM32MP1 Discovery Board
Problem Statement: All bi-directional Audio passthrough from device to controller
Troubleshooting Bootloader Access on Nucleo L476RG Using Nucleo L496ZG as Master
How to integrate wakaama in any freeRtos project? Any suggestions
How do I resolve the OSError when reading accelerometer data from MPU6050 using MicroPython?
How can I resolve system hangs after extended operation on a BeagleBone Black parking assistance sys
Why does the HAL Tick timer stop incrementing after creating a FreeRTOS mutex in STM32CubeIDE?
Any web dev here to help me with something? I am trying to run an MQTT dashboard
Efficiently Converting and Quantizing a Trained Model to TensorFlow Lite
Issues Setting Up Zephyr OS on AVR32UC - Board Configuration and Toolchain Errors
Can ESP32-WROVER-KIT handle wake word detection without an audio chip?
What could be causing intermittent UART communication failures in my AVR32UC MCU running Zephyr OS?
Resolving Deadlocks in ESP32 Robotic Arm Control with FreeRTOS
How to store and manage ADC values in a 2D array for FFT processing in an FMCW radar system
Why Does Piping Output to Hexdump Fail for My Assembly printf Function?
How can I achieve high-frequency (over 100kHz) data acquisition with an STM32F107VC using SPI
How to Implement a 6-Hour Delay in FreeRTOS Task?
How to Efficiently Transfer Large Data from ISR to Task on STM32F401 with FreeRTOS?
Initialize AVR32UC with Zephyr OS for DHT22 Sensor Communication and Resolve Data Fetch Failure
Using Google Test for C-Code and mocking C-Modules
What are the best practices for handling priority inversion in FreeRTOS on ESP32?
How to resolve SSL handshake failure with error code -0x7780 in STM32 SSL client integration?
How to convert relative cursor movement to absolute position for BLE HID using Zephyr?
How to ensure reliable OTA updates with FreeRTOS on ESP32 and handle failures?
How to optimize SIMD instructions for double precision floating point operations on Intel Core i7
How to Fix CAN Controller Initialization Error in ATmega2560 with Zephyr OS?
How to Fix "Failed to Read Sensor: OSError" on Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense with MicroPython?
What am I doing wrong with "scanf" ?
How to Fix "Failed to Read Sensor" Error on ESP32 with DHT22 in MicroPython?
How to Fix Interrupt-Driven Data Acquisition Issues with MCP9808 on ATmega2560 and Zephyr OS?
LD_PRELOAD Not Working with Custom getpid Function
How can I resolve the SD card initialization error?
Establishing HTTP Connection for Real-Time Temperature Monitoring with ATmega2560, MCP9808, Zephyr
Troubleshooting OSError with DHT22 Sensor in ESP32 MicroPython Real-Time Control System
Debugging Techniques for FreeRTOS on ESP32 in Real-Time Sensor Monitoring Applications
Transitioning from Artix 7 to Zynq SoC for Image Processing and Storage
Issue with 4-Dimensional Input Error in PyTorch Model Inference
How to fix this error ?
Understanding Coding and Libraries in STM32CubeIDE
Trouble Installing ia32-libs on Debian 12 for Running 32-bit Application
Error Loading TensorFlow Model: 'DecodeWav' Op Type Not Registered
How do I convert a Keras model to TensorFlow Lite format?
Is Integrating a DLA with a RISC-V Processor a Worthy FYP?
Is there a method for creating a new empty directory in the root filesystem in BitBake?
Why can't my AVR microcontroller running Zephyr connect to a remote server using TCP?
How can I create a Zephyr project with MCUboot and a blinky app on STM32F103C8T6?
Why isn't my nRF52840 dongle or ESP32-S3 connecting using Zephyr OS peripheral_hids sample?
What are all the procedure to commercialize my product which is made by ESP32 controller?
Trying to interface a GPS module with my AVR using UART in Zephyr RTOS
Why is my TI CC2652 smart lighting control system unable to read light sensor data?
Best tools for generating UML diagrams from SystemVerilog code for thesis writeup?
looking for good IDEs to write assembly language on my Mac
Using an AVR microcontroller with Zephyr to read data from an ADC via SPI
Using an STM32F767ZI microcontroller with FreeRTOS
Seeking Advice on Federated Learning Frameworks, Communication, and Privacy on Edge Devices
Troubleshooting BME280 Sensor Data Reading Issue on Raspberry Pi Pico with MicroPython
Debugging Persistent Segmentation Fault in Multi-threaded C++ Program on AMD Barcelona CPUs
anyone managed to get printf working with floats on an M4 preferable with cmake and vscode
I want to learn FreeRtos and application with some projects from basics
Handling Non-Atomic Operations for 64-bit Variables on a 32-bit Non-Preemptive System
Optimizing a bubble sort implementation in C for an x86-64 architecture
How can I interface an I2C device with BeagleBone Black running Embedded Linux
How to determine who drives the clock ?
Could you guys help please review my code and suggest any potential mistakes or improvements?
Troubleshooting 'USART Device Not Ready' Error on AVR Microcontroller with Zephyr RTOS
Resolving 'SPI Device Not Ready' Error on AVR Microcontroller with Zephyr RTOS
USB Webcam Not Working on Jetson Nano for OpenCV/TensorFlow Object Detection
How do I set the I2C (Mpu-6050) slave address in my application?
Trying to interface the BMI088 IMU with an i2c multiplexer
How does the processor pipeline handle instruction fetch latency?
I have a problem with an RL model
Is it correct that most BLE communication uses GATT server/client relationships or BLE mesh networks
Help Needed: Error in Real-Time Data Acquisition Using I2C on BeagleBone Black
Help Needed: OpenCV Error While Implementing Object Detection on BeagleBone AI
Trying to access the sensor's registers using memory-mapped I/O in a flat memory model
How can I scan for available I2C devices on the bus?
HELP: Need to configure MCP2515 using Raspberry pi's SPI 0 bus.
Can i use Edge Impulse to collect data, train a model and deploy it on an Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense
I need to monitor hall sensors for position encoding with up to 350 changes per second.
How can I initialize the I2C bus on the BeagleBone Black Rev C running Embedded Linux?
May I know is there any different between this two group FreeRTOS API?
working on a project that involves monitoring temperature using an LM35 sensor with an STM32F4
Are there any specific considerations for MSVC to avoid unexpected truncation during such conversion
Help Needed: Handling Serialized Data with Escaped Characters in Paho MQTT/Packet Library
How to custom USB Class on Zephyr RTOS with nrf52840DK?
change the priority of a task in FreeRTOS at runtime using STM32CubeIDE and STM32 HAL libraries
How can I clean and print the sensor data to the monitor before loading it onto the model
Are there any known issues with timer configuration in CubeMX for the STM32F407VG?
How can I use the machine learning library MicroML to perform simple inference on an ESP32?
Resolving Guru Meditation Error in ESP32-Wroom TasksQueue
Does a hypervisor manage VMs for safety, Linux for infotainment, for isolation and security?
Can I use an idle hook function in FreeRTOS to perform low-priority tasks?
Has anyone here had experience interfacing the ZCU216 with a PCIe host using these FMC connectors?
Looking to build a simple preemptive RTOS for fun!
How can I manage communication between tasks using queues in FreeRTOS?
How to Handle Time-Critical Sensor Data Interrupts Efficiently in FreeRTOS on STM32F4?
I would like to create variables to call stepper motor sequences in my program
How to Manage Priority and Determine Node Count for CAN Bus Using Arduino Uno and MCP2515?
How do I optimize memory usage for a neural network running on an ARM Cortex-M4 using CMSIS-NN?
How can I debug this communication issue to ensure ControlTask always reads the latest data?
Is it safe to cast the osThreadId pointer to a 32-bit integer for a unique thread ID across platform
How do I set and manage interrupt priorities in FreeRTOS?
If I write a Python program with a GUI, can I launch it from the Linux CLI and still get the GUI?
What are the benefits of using 64 priority levels in ThreadX with CMSIS-RTOS?
Has anyone here encountered UML being used in your firmware development experience?
how to fix gdb server error in stm32 cube ide
Why Isn't the Touch Screen Working on My Qt Application Deployed to BeagleBone Black?
Comparing ISR Handling in FreeRTOS, ChibiOS, and CooCox CoOS for ARM Cortex-M Projects?
How to Safely Flash USBMIDIKLIK Bootloader on a Mega Using an Uno on Linux Mint?
Any guides for compiling OpenCV on resource-constrained ARM Cortex-A7?
how are local variables declared within the ISR handled?
Can anyone recommend recent resources for understanding TPM on ARM-based embedded Linux?
FreeRTOS vs. Zephyr: Which is Better for ARM Cortex-M in Terms of Performance, Memory, and Support?
Are there any known issues with FreeRTOS+Sockets API and the latest STM32CubeMX HAL for the H7 serie
How different is programming with an RTOS compared to traditional bare-metal coding on an AVR?
How can I create a binary file that can run in an empty VM?
Any guides on what exactly I can try to retain my ip?
what is the most accurate way in FreeRTOS to convert tick counts to milliseconds?
I would like a guide or documentation on how can i install the flipper zero project into Rpi 3
Is a CRC check on the decrypted firmware sufficient for validating its integrity?
I'm looking for a simple, programmable module to control APA102 LED strips remotely.
Can you give me good snippet of code for AT commands resender?
How can I achieve deletion of StringWriter objects?
Any suggestions for troubleshooting missed interrupts?
Installing Minimal Valgrind Components for Embedded Systems to Reduce Footprint
Fixing 'Missing Operator' Error in Batch Script for Renaming JPG Files on Windows
Understanding Anonymous Inode 0 Entries in /proc/pid/maps for Memory Usage in Embedded Linux
How to Correctly Calibrate a Load Cell Using HX711 Library for Accurate Weight Measurements?
How to Identify and Resolve Latency Spikes in a Linux GPIO Application Using Preempt_rt Kernel Patch
Are there alternatives to system() that might be more performant for CGI scripts on embedded Linux?
What exactly do inner and outer cache policies refer to?
Developing automotive test systems with STM32 Nucleo devices (like Nucleo144) using RTOS
How to Keep Spring Boot App Running After Closing PuTTY Session Without Using a Linux Service?
Is it possible to compile Busybox directly into the initramfs during the kernel build process?
Any tips for a smooth transition from mbed to Zephyr development?
Building an embedded Linux system for an A20-based board using Buildroot
making a smoke sensor that sends a sms message to a user when it detects smoke.
Using Blender for electronic " design and visualization"
Encountering hardfaults in FreeRTOS v10.3.0 on a Microchip PIC32 while using vsnprintf or sprin
How can I ensure my CAN ISR completes processing quickly enough to avoid the interrupt WDT panic?
collect temperature data from a sensor connected to my mcu and store it every minute on SD card
How can I modify the state machine logic?
Can someone decode what data in hex is being sent in the following image?
How can I set up a CoAP server using the libcoap library on a Raspberry Pi using c language?
Debugging Variable Display Issues on ARM M7 with FreeRTOS using Lauterbach Trace32
Real-Time Data Push to Web Browsers on Resource-Constrained Embedded ARM-Linux Devices
Managing Relay Sequences with Non-Blocking Delays on Arduino Leonardo
Why Certain Untracked Folders Are Not Stashed with git stash -u?
Looking for some help with getting Clock output on MCO1 (PA8) from LSE
configure an LVDS screen with 800x480 resolution (WVGA) on embedded Linux 3.14.52.
any other techniques you recommend to achieve a balance in my library design for I2C, SPI, and GPIO
What is wrong with my code ?
function to swap each 4 bytes of the ram
When compiling my FreeRTOS, my functions in string.c conflict with the built-in function 'tolower'
Is there any difference between the { e.MapControllers(); } and the e.MapControllers() ?
programming an ARM M0+ based Freescale microprocessor
Is there a correct way to generate a self-signed certificate for an embedded Linux device
I'm looking to attach some USB devices to my embedded Linux board.
How to Correct Inverted Colors When Converting Framebuffer Data to PNG with ImageMagick on OMAP35x?
Improving Usability and Code Completion in Keil MDK for STM32F4 Development
How to Efficiently Sort 10,000 16-bit Integers on an Embedded Device with 512 KB RAM?
developing embedded software for a dual-core mcu that is ARM Cortex-M where each core runs separate
Why does Linux allocate so much virtual memory for Java compared to the heap size?
need to calculate the elapsed time in milliseconds between two points in my code(using STM32F103C8T)
what other multitasking RTOS options are available that are compatible with AVR?
is there any efficient and robust C++ wrapper for Threadx RTOS which can be used out of the box ?
Can anyone share techniques or best practices for memory management in uC/OS-III
Yocto in Windows Subsystem for Linux on Microchip Discovery
Is there an instruction to "rotate" the elements of an array
How to identify and resolve the issue causing the task to miss its deadline?
trying to enable CONFIG_AUTOFS4_FS in the kernel for my custom machine my_mach using Yocto Project
Create an application with FreeRTOS that uses event groups
Any suggestions on how to successfully install scipy on my ARMv8 board considering the multiple pip
develop FreeRTOS project where two tasks need to write to the same UART peripheral
How do I detect crashes in Node.js/Electron when devices disconnects unexpectedly?
How do I implement an interrupt service routine (ISR) in FreeRTOS?
How can I implement priority inheritance or ceiling protocol in my FreeRtos app?
Has anyone tried running Minio on a resource constrained embedded Linux systems?
Which package in Yocto handles automatic NTP synchronization?
How to Synchronize Two LED Strip Effects to Start Simultaneously?
What optimization levels maybe -O1 or -O2 are typically used for balancing performance and code size
Integrating Linpack Benchmark with Condor for Optimal HPC Cluster Performance
Looking for a robust and flexible POSIX/Unix-/Linux-like OS suitable for embedded applications.
How do I install Windows on a Raspberry Pi 4?
How to Build a Database for a Phobia Detector Using Heart Rate Sensors, Accelerometers, and VR Heads
How to install my ESP32 development board on Arduino IDE V2?
how to download the Raspberry Pi operating system on a Windows
Should I use the ESP Framework or Arduino IDE for Commercial Product Development?
What framework or tool you guys use to make iot bluetooth ble /wifi apps for andriod and ios
How can I implement memory management to optimize and conserve memory usage?
my FreeRTOS project on STM32F103 exhibits a strange behavior with thread stack sizes
C program in embedded Linux reads data from BMP280 temperature sensor and displays it on Adafruit1.2
Using atomic operations to update the SPI busy flag in FreeRTOS
Implementing Task Synchronization in RTOS for Sensor Data Processing and Display
error while installing libjasper-dev package on debian 12 (bookworm)
Is there a way to work with FreeRTOS without hardware?
Is there a tool that can help me automate the process of identifying all QNX-related system calls?
turn my regular Ubuntu into real-time by adjusting the kernel with RT Linux patches or installations
which algo is much memory efficient and has better performance in traffic control system RMS or EDF?
Why is there a need for a separate task stack in an RTOS?
disturbing issue I'm having with LinkedList in C language, when I count how many nodes should be
Can someone tell me if my machine learning model is overfitting or not ?
While installing tensorflow in raspberry pi 4 iam facing this can anyone find the solution for this?
how To train a machine learning model using TensorFlow to recognize a specific image in clothin?
how to Create the the Task in RTOS and How to set the Deadline to the Task?
Memory Operations During Context Switch: Impact on Priority Tasks?
Resources for Learning Linux & Embedded C?
2.8" 240x320 TFT display
Can Anyone Help Me this Question??
When do we use polling method and when do we use interrupts based method in RTOS?
wanna ask if this model is good or not , i used fnn feedforward neural network with 2 layers
How can I run independent tasks on separate cores using ESP-IDF on ESP32?
Why does my RTOS MicroC project run smoothly outside tasks but fail within tasks?
I'm confused about the difference between cooperative and non-preemptive scheduling.
please I have a question
I have a problem with atollic trueSTUDIO for stm32
How can i optimize real-time tasks with microthreading in an RTOS?
How can I efficiently process Kafka event streams and store relevant data in memory?
Any idea on some amazing solutions or projects I could implement with Zephyr RTOS ?
Why are some messages not received in ZeroMQ inter-process communication despite correct config?
I'm adding FreeRTOS to my device, but I'm stuck on task priorities.
Segmentation Fault Error in Concurrent Sensor Data Processing Simulation: What's the Issue?
Should I use QNX or RT-Linux for my real-time data system?
Why does bcrypt password comparison fail in my Node.js + MongoDB login system?
Are there any common best practices for avoiding deadlocks in VxWorks?
Please does anyone have any idea on scheduling algorithms on RTOS for automotive control systems ?
I am exploring STM32 microcontroller development with RTOS (micrium). Any tips ?
Any tips for optimizing Round-Robin scheduling in FreeRTOS for real-time applications?
How do I make use of watchdog timer properly in my RTOS?
What happens if there's no idle task in an RTOS?
Does anyone know any Project that implement freertos ESP32-S3 idf plaftform ?
the system time keeps resetting or becomes inaccurate ....
Should I Implement RTOS for Task Scheduling in my IoT Device with Adafruit?
How do I preserve stack space with good code in an RTOS
thinking of setting up a small data acquisition system on a RTOS platform
DevHeads Demos: Navigating the Buildroot Menuconfig
Converting Real-World Objects to 3D Models
how to port lvgl to the plaftformio (esp-idf framework)
Need help making the shift from bare-metal to RTOS
The need to move on from Bare-metal to RTOS
Attacks in Embedded System.
Need help with Proxmox
Standardised architecture of linux based embedded system.
trying to find a solution in home assistant concerning multi tvr and switch to controll
How to use TFLite on Raspberry Pi Zero 2W
amazon alexa integration with o auth 2.0
Issues connecting a camera to my Raspberry Pi
Starting Linux Kernel Series with this very basic question
RFID using NodeMCU and mySQL
Is there any way I can get stack requirements of task practically?
Raspberry Pi OS ( sudo apt update )
How should I decide appropriate Tick time configTICK_RATE_HZ in RTOS project?
Optimizing color detection using Arduino and Color Sensor
ESP32 ArduinoNVS or Preferences - unable to store Strings of 80 bytes.
Lidar photogrammetry Pipeline for a 3D model
System design perspective for PLC with/without IoT Gateway
Dual boot with Raspberry Pi
Swagger/OpenAPI Standards
Ensuring Secure API Communication: Safeguarding Sensitive Data&Implementing Robust Security Measures
Mastering API Documentation: Best Practices for Seamless Integration and Collaboration
Why always use only heap4.c memory scheme in FreeRTOS?
Managing Daylight Saving Time with ArduinoCloud (IoT)
Understanding the Vulnerabilities in IoT Security
Difference between Yocto and OpenEmbedded (OE)?
Pros and Cons of Integrating Machine Learning Algorithms in Embedded Devices.
Integration of machine learning algorithms in embedded devices.
Balancing Short Development Cycles: Addressing Scalability and Maintainability in Agile SCRUM
How to ensure the security of IoT systems ?
Agile Design Collaboration: Beyond Whiteboards
A Comparative Analysis of Top Operating Systems for Robust Security
"Diving into the Linux Kernel: A Collaborative Series"
Unleash Your Digital Realm: DIY Server & Domain Mastery!
Important tools used in Software Integration
Debugging: A Web Developer's Guide to Taming the Code Beast
Understanding the Compiler Optimization Flags
Essential Steps for Beginners to Master Programming
Loop Unrolling in Compilers
What is API (Application Programming Interface) and how does it facilitate software integration?
Unlocking Web 3: Future-Proofing Your Developer Journey
Parsed loop Techniques
Do we need a new OS for AI?
How do software engineers architect and design software in the era of agile/scrum?
Anybody here who has good idea of Lens shading correction algo used in camera ISP ?
Can I use a Raspberry Pi for cross-compiling code for an ESP32 microcontroller?
Slow context switching in FreeRTOS?
Concurrency and Parallelism
Memory Management on ARM
How can I ensure my ARM-based software is compatible with various ARM architectures and versions?
How can resources and memory be effectively shared between two RTOS
Suggest good CPU profiling tool for linux bases platform .
Seeking Recommendations: Tools for Whitebox Integration testing in Embedded Systems.
README: Middleware & OS Forum
RTOS within an RTOS
Can anyone successfully build this samples/drivers/can/babbling for any espressif board?
Has anyone done FOTA on ESP32 using a 4G A7670 radio without Wi-Fi?
Segmentation Fault in Asterisk on STM32MP157f-DK2 When Using SIP Client
Adapting Mongoose WS for STM32H753ZIT6 with MII Ethernet Mode
any reason why my stm32 configured as mqtt client sends a DNS request but i dont get a response?
Troubleshooting GStreamer Audio Pipeline for HFP/HSP Bluetooth Connection on Raspberry Pi
Resolving Unrealistic Weather Predictions in MicroPython Linear Regression Model on Raspberry Pi Pic
Deploying Minio on ARM Cortex-A53 Embedded Systems: Challenges and Performance Optimizations
Securing ESP32 Home Automation System with MQTT over SSL/TLS for Voice-Controlled Appliances
Issue with WiFi Connection on New ESP8266 D1 Mini Boards Using WiFiManager
How to Resolve No Buffer Space Errors in CAN Communication With MCP2515?
I'm experiencing inconsistent Wi-Fi connectivity issues with my ESP32-C3-MINI-1-U board
Optimizing MQTT Stability on ESP32 with Keep-Alive Tuning or Reconnection Strategy
Is anyone experienced with Bluetooth HFP (Hands-Free Profile) development?
Debugging Intermittent CAN Bus Communication Failures on AVR128DA48
Optimizing MQTT Communication for High-Frequency Data Transmission with ESP32
Troubleshooting CANBUS Flashing on Nucleo-F446 Board Using STM32 Bootloader
Fixing IndexError in Gesture Recognition with TinyML on ESP32
Delays in LoRa Message Transmission with AVR128DA48 and SX1276 Module for Real-Time Alerts
How do I build an MJPEG server via WebSocket on ESP32 using Mongoose
How do I implement real-time inference on ESP32 and reduce latency for image recognition
How do I achieve a fully functional voice-controlled system with reliable command recognition
Troubleshooting WiFi Connection Issues and High Latency with ESP32 CAM on Isolated Network
Preventing data loss on ESP32 during MQTT disconnects
How can I resolve BLE connection issues with ESP32 and Android 11 using ArduinoBLE?
Configuring AVR128DA48 for Real-Time CAN Bus Communication
ESP32-Pico Failing to Publish MQTT Messages Due to Payload Size Exceeding Broker's Limit
How do I set up UART communication between BeagleBone Black and Esp32?
Why Does the MQTT Connection on ESP32-Pico Frequently Disconnect with Error errno=113?
ESP32 BLE Reconnection Issue with REMOTEXY App
Best Tool to Diagnose Intermittent Wi-Fi Drops on ESP32 in Home Automation Project?
ESP32 BLE Fails to Advertise or Get Detected by Mobile App in Temperature Monitoring Project
How to Force HTTP Requests to Timeout on ESP32 When Router Freezes?
Troubleshooting HDMI Output on BeagleBone Black: No Signal Issue
How to Fix USB Serial "DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_FAILURE" Issue with MKR Device?
How to resolve network error 61 when sending an email with SIM800C module using AT commands
Issues with unstable or non-functional CAN bus communication on BeagleBone Black
How to ensure reliable wireless data transmission with RF module and SPI on AVR128DA48?
How can I resolve persistent Wi-Fi connectivity issues with BeagleBone Black running Embedded Linux?
Does anyone know what happened to face detection in esp32 cam?
Switching Between Two ESP-CAM Boards on a Single TFT Display via SPI
Do I need to enable long-range mode for both sender and receiver in ESP-NOW?
How can I resolve "ESP_ERR_ESPNOW_IF: Interface error" when using ESP-NOW with SoftAP on ESP32?
Any examples of power management with ESP-NOW beyond modem sleep?
issue with connecting classic bluetooth to android
seeking help for connectivity issues in esp32 bluetooth with android
Seeking help for home automation project on esp32
Troubleshooting SPI Transmission Errors for Image Data on ESP32
Ensuring Reliable Sensor Readings on AVR32UC with Zephyr OS in Varying Conditions
Configuring SPI Communication on ESP32 for Transmitting Images from OV2640 Camera Module
How to Detect and Fix Memory Leaks in ESP32 FreeRTOS Home Automation Project?
Is it feasible to run MobileNetV2 for image recognition on an ESP32 with a 320x240 camera feed?
Best ESP Module for Wi-Fi Connectivity in Remote Monitoring with FreeRTOS and MQTT?
What does the error "Core dump data check failed" mean on the ESP32 Super Mini board?
How to send HTML page from a Web Server asynchronously in ESP-IDF?
Communication Options for Dual-Processor MIDI Control Pedalboard with ESP32
MLX90640 Sensor Fails After 3-5 Minutes When Using ArduinoBLE Library
I'm looking to enhance MQTT reliability for my ESP32 in IoT applications
BeagleBone Black - Modbus TCP Communication Issues
Trying to check if Lora modules are working or not
recreate lora mesh with arduino and understand the working ?
Designing an Edge Device with nRF52840 for BLE with 100 ft Range and Smoke Detector Sensor
Issues with Bluetooth and Sensor Initialization on ESP32 using Zephyr RTOS
Why is my Dell PowerEdge R740xd server experiencing high CPU usage on minimal load?
How can I fix "Network unreachable" error in BACnet temperature sensor setup on Raspberry Pi 4
How can I fix "BadNodeIdUnknown" error reading OPC UA sensor data on UP Squared board?
How can I achieve reliable data transfer over LoRa using MicroPython on Pycom GPy?
Why isn't my ATmega328P sending DHT11 sensor data to the ESP-01 module via MQTT?
Any advices on optimizing realtime loT applications with Edge Impulse on my Raspberry Pi 4
Need resources for Learning Embedded Systems and CAN Communication with NXP MPC5775B
How can I fix the CONNECTION_REFUSED error in my STM32 Nucleo H743ZI2 MQTT setup?
Looking to learn about making iot Bluetooth apps or wifi apps for esp32 android or ios
Troubleshooting HTTP POST Error on ESP32 with ADXL335 Accelerometer
Deploying Edge Impulse models on the Arduino Nano RP2040.
Facing difficulties connecting an ENC28J60 Ethernet shield to an Arduino Nano ESp32
How can I enhance device authentication to ensure secure communication?
Is there a module for TCP/IP implementation in Azure IoT Edge?
Managing Priorities in a CAN Bus Network with Arduino Uno and MCP2515 Modules
Is it good practice to use MQTT to setdata for an IoT device?
I need help on secure communication.
Simple IP based intercom device voice communication protocol
use MAX485 TTL to RS485 Converter Module with esp32 to get convert value of rs485 output to serial
how do I use the requests library to send data to an HTTP endpoint in MicroPython on an ESP8266?
working on a project which involes esp32 works as an Audio source, connects to Bluetooth
Is the Built-In TCP/IP Stack in GPRS Modules Redundant for Embedded Linux, or Are There Benefits?
connect and control a smart LED strip device running on NodeMCU (ESP8266) with Google Cloud IoT
how can i implement secure communication between IoT devices using Transport Layer Security (TLS)
How can I reduce the energy consumption of WiFi and MQTT?
implementing secure authentication on edge impulse
Does anybody worked on Quectel EC200 series SIM module for establishing an MQTT connection to cloud
Implementing real-time communication with MQTT
Establish a secure MQTT connection to a broker using TLS on an ESP32
interested in learning about constraint gauges
facing issues reading data from the SIM800 module
I'm building an IoT device with secure communication (TLS) but want to add extra security
What is the max date bit rate transmission using Lora Wan ?
I want to establish communication between ESP and Raspberry Pi using MQTT
Troubleshooting MQTT SSL Error: Ensuring Secure Communication for Smart Home
I faced a challenge choosing between MQTT and CoAP!!
Utilizing GPRS (GSM) Module for Mobile Database Interaction: Module Options and Challenges
Has anyone tried sending data using light signal (Lifi) before?
Can anyone explain how to send data using the CAN protocol step-by-step?
Has anyone ever worked with programming a Bluetooth module?
Do you prefer using mqtt broker services like Aws or use your own broker?
How can I slow down the browser to avoid network congestion with retransmissions?
How to Send Data to the PC using CAN PROTOCOL ?
How to connect the STM32H7B3I-DK board to ESP8266 WiFi module?
is there a platform like Blynk that I can use and it is free with ESP 32?
How to Specify a Custom Library Path for ESP32 Communication Programs in Arduino IDE?
can you explain to me the difference between Bluetooth Modules HC-05 AND HC-06?
I was publishing sunrise &sunset time but while using in code its not working. can anyone assist me?
How to Install and Secure the Mosquitto MQTT Messaging Broker on Ubuntu 18.04
object detection with raspberry pi
emg sensor with esp32
esp32 on a VPN
Can I use the Logicrom SDK to program a Neoway58 in PlatformIO or Arduino?
between mqtt and Coap
what is the best service to send periodic HTTP requests (pings) to your application's URL every 10mn
How to Transmit Sensor Data Between Arduinos Over Long Distances with Minimal Power Consumption?
Is it possible to do ota update with mqtt in esp32 ?
I'm looking for sim7600 alternative?
Has anyone recorded I2S microphone data and sent it through MQTT or BLE using ESP32?
Has anyone already used the MQTT protocol with an ESP32 for external access to the local network?
What is the maximum data size that can be sent using MQTT on an ESP32, and is this task blocking?
Ask a Developer: Understanding MQTT Topic Structures
How to connect Siemens LOGO SPS to the internet using a 4G modem?
I need a guide on how to select the right gateway for my lorawan product.
The feature of Request/Response in MQTT version 5
Design Recommendations for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) in Wearable Device Data Streaming
LoraWan Network
MIMO technology!
Implement edge computing in a battery-powered IoT device with limited resources
How to connect the node red dashboard to the MTQQ dashboard app ?
What is the maximum number of nodes one ZigBee endpoint can communicate to?
Generic Modbus RTU Function Subset Implementation on Microcontroller
Implementing LoRaWAN for long-range communication in a low-power IoT sensor network
Streaming a video over MQTT protocol
WiFiManager Integration in ESP32
i am looking for lora gateway with multiple nodes project
Create a wifi configuration for Pi0 W that works
No WIFI connection with my ESP8266.
Connection problem to the Raspberry Pi using remote desktop
TCP over Matter/Thread
Wireless Communication Between Arduino Boards
Securing the Edge: Strategies and Considerations in Edge Network Security for Robust Edge Computing
Unable to Connect to HC-05 Bluetooth Module via Mobile App
Entitlement server and Discovery server in eSIM
I’m using a Telit LE910Cx 4glte/GPS module and need help selecting an antenna to use with it
IP Address issue: No IPv4 with the latest Raspberry Pi OS
README: Edge Networking Forum
Exploring the Arduino Nano Matter and Alexa Integration for Home Automation
is anyone here working with FPGA and VHDL
Is This GitHub Roadmap Complete?
Exploring the Real Capacity of CR2032 Batteries
Anyone familiar with QMK firmware for custom keyboards?
Bruce open-source hacking firmware gets first official PCB
How to fix fan toggling issue in temperature control system?
Troubleshooting AC Voltage Sensing with Op-Amps for Automatic Transfer Switch
Can I Use IoT to Control Two Lights with One Switch Without Rewiring?
Does a Laptop Charger Cause Signal Noise and Transmission Issues?
Is an SD Card Alone Sufficient for System Memory in an ESP32-S3 Design?
Issue with PCA9548A Multiplexer and Multiple Sensors with Same Address
New Approach to Scaled Fonts on Small Displays
Developing a Motor Controller for an EV Two-Wheeler: Suggestions and Design Tips Needed
Is there a tool like GitLab or GitHub for PCB design with visual diffs and peer reviews?
Why Isn't the CM4 Able to Pull the ESP32's RX Pin Down to 0V?
Do I Need to Turn Off Thermal Relief When Adding Vias on a Ground Pad?
Anyone Experienced With ESP32 Drones?
Is Adding Vias on the Output of a 3.3V Linear Regulator a Good PCB Design Practice?
Anyone seen/worked with the new Arduino Nano Matterand/or the Matter home automation standard?
I’m looking to upgrade my hardware to professional embedded projects
How Do I Transition From Power Electronics to Leading an IoT Project With ESP32?
Have You Tried AI Tools for PCB Design Like Flux and DeepPCB? Did They Enhance Your Design Process?
A home work using arduino and analogWrite commands
do you know a pcb prototyping service in EU ?
How can I implement the circuit for SIM A7670c with ESP32-S3 and 4G connectivity?
Is my water monitoring draft okay, and do you have suggestions?
How does R41 affect AC measurement accuracy in my energy meter?
Is there any resources available for flayback transformer design for power supply design
could anyone help me pick up a 50A:5A current tranformer from DIGIkey,
Urgent Review Needed for IoT Board Design with GPRS, WiFi, and Bluetooth Features
Anyone having experience in extending I2C bus length using P82B715?
How Might US-China Trade Relations Impact PCB/PCBA Pricing and Imports?
Is It True That ESP32 Has Noisy Analog Inputs, and Can I Mitigate This with Resistors and Capacitors
Has Anyone Seen a Knob Design with a Wide Top and Narrow Bottom for Micro Synths?
Those of you that use a CR2032 battery, have you ever looked at the datasheet?
What do you guys usually use as your go-to IoT platform?
Can I Use a Single Pin as Both Rx and Tx on an ATtiny85 for Software Serial?
How to Design Amplifier and H-Bridge Circuits for an Electromagnetic Flow Meter Project?
How to Reverse the Output of a Reed Switch Circuit to HIGH?
How to Implement Scrolling Display for MIDI Inputs on Arduino Opta with SSD1306 OLED?
Why Does My ESP32-WROVER-B Fail to Power On Intermittently?
How can I correctly measure battery voltage using the A0 pin on Arduino?
Has anyone ever got the CH224K to work correctly?
ESP8266 Relay Stays On – Why Won’t It Turn Off?
Seeking Feedback and Improvements for My New Design – Suggestions Welcome!
What type of circuitry we use to convert 3.3 to 5v dc?
What is the Optimal Electrode Shape for Non-Contact Water Level Sensors in a Coffee Machine?
PCB Design review. How did I do?
Navigating Capacitor Choices in My Synchronous Buck Converter Design
Fingerprint Sensor Enrollment Failing at Image Conversion Step
UnboundLocalError in Obstacle Detection with Ultrasonic Sensor Using MicroPython
Troubleshooting Frequency Dropout Issues in Instrument with Photodetector
Connecting 12V WS2815 LEDs to Arduino Nano: Do I Need Any Precautions to Ensure Safe Operation?
How to Interface a 4-Wire Vacuum Suction Motor from a Vacuum Robot with a Raspberry Pi?
How to Interface an Industrial TDS Electrode with Arduino to Read and Display mV Values?
Designing an SDR with PoE Power Supply: Synchronizing SMPS and Managing Heat and Noise
Designing a Type-C Charger with 12V Input for Phone and Laptop Charging
Check Out My New Mini MIDI Controller Prototype – Any Tips on Design or Control Ideas?
Incorrect Battery Percentage Reading on MKR 1010 with 3.7V Lithium Battery
SWV printf Output Issue in C++ on STM32G431KB
Measuring Current Consumption on STM32 Nucleo-64: JP6 Jumper Behavior and Ammeter Use
Should I Connect the 120Ω Resistor on UART-to-RS485 Converter for 2-Module Communication?
MOSFET Heating Issue in Boost Converter with SG3525 and IRFB4110
Feedback on MIDI-to-Arduino Adapter Circuit Before Testing?
Logic for Sensor Measuring Natural Water Rise and Surface Pressure in a Well Setup?
Why Does My ATTiny85 Analog Input Return a Constant Value After 24 Hours?
Is it possible to use this MAX30102 heart rate sensor to detect a heart attack?
Handling Disconnections in KiCad with Rat Bites and Conductive Screws
Designing Constant Current (CC) for LiFePO4 Battery Charger
Seeking Feedback on ICSP Configuration for 1-Inch MIDI Project Revision
NodeMCU and WLED Issues with Powering via Mains Adapter
Tips for Designing a PCB to Power an STM32 MCU
Recommendations for rugged 5-7 inch TFT LCD display with HDMI and PoE
Issues with measuring multiple switch inputs via single DAC in R-2R resistor configuration
How can I optimize power and ensure efficient operation of the VL53L0X sensor and OLED on BeagleBone
What Module Can I Use to Measure DC Voltages Up to 40V, or Should I Build a Voltage Divider?
The voltage of the RXD and TXD depends on the VCC pin, right?
I want to build a 20A power supply
Has anyone experimented with the serial port on the Arduino Opta?
Can anyone tell me how to write documentation for this atmega 32 dev board ?
Why isn't my "Hello World" displaying on the LCD screen despite correct connections and power?
How to optimize PCB design for DRV8320 and STM32G431RBT6TR to minimize vias?
How to optimize resistor values for reading multiple buttons on a single analog input?
How to fix SG90 servo motor jitter on BeagleBone Black with PWM?
Is it Possible to Use a Power Bank to Charge a 18650 Battery Shield for ESP32?
Need assistance implementing a low-power mode to extend battery life for the ATmega2560
Troubleshooting ADC Readings from Photodiode on Arduino
Is there any founder/maker working on a hardware design which requires high density pcb design ?
Optimizing Power Consumption and Ensuring MQTT Reliability with ESP32 and FreeRTOS
Failed to Read RTC Data with ATmega2560 and Zephyr OS: Integration Issue
Are There High-Capacity DRAM Modules for FPGAs That Don’t Use CXL Protocols?
Troubleshooting Lagging Issue in Flow Meters
Strange Resistance Reading in Autonomous Tracked Robot Circuit
Recommendations for Robust Industrial-Grade Microphone IC with Noise Cancellation for BeagleBone
Any one work on AC to DC converter, without transformer
Seeking Feedback on My First ATmega32 Development Board Schematic
Designing a PCB for Managing 6 Pilot Wires with STM32 and MOC3043
Do you guys have any idea where I can find this type of transformer?
Can analog circuit design adapt and remain relevant, or will it become a relic of the past?
Does anyone know any camera manufacturer who can manufacturer custom camera boards?
How to Cut a Large PCB Stencil to Size Without Damaging It?
who has experience with integrated circuit analog mixed signal at nm scale CMOS?
A motion sensor or an ultrasonic sensor to correctly detect a hand at about 1.3 meters?
Why is power consumption higher in standby mode than stop mode on an STM32F411CEU6?
Trying to establish SPI communication between two Arduinos
can I use this sensor like a flex sensor to detect finger bending movement?
Why won't my PMSM motor rotate with FOC on STM32F031K6T6?
I am looking for a sensor that measures distance.
Can I connect 4 6v DC motors to an Arduino with a breadboard and MOSFET Transistors?
Troubleshooting Erratic Behavior in Solar Electricity Router for Excess PV Power Management
I'm considering using an accelerometer sensor to read acceleration data
Reviewing My ATtiny85 MIDI Controller with CR2032 Battery: Schematic and Assembly Feedback Needed
Human following robot with raspberry pi 4 and H BRIDGE L293D and 2 ultrasound sensors HC-SR05
I'm looking for a sensor to use as body heat sensor for medical project
Does the ATtinyx5 series allow for capacitive touch without a resistor?
I need a component to heat a box up to 80°C. Any recommendations?
What are the various applications of these capacitors "Ceramic,Electrolytic and Tantalum" capacitors
Does anyone have a suggestion on how I can create a device that controls water flowing into the pond
Is it profitable and especially possible to create a somewhat intelligent cat food dispenser?
designing system with consumption of 960mA. Would a regulator with rating of 1A be sufficient?
would like to record an analog signal of 70mghz frequency min, how do i proceed, the time is max 16
Which software could I use to draw this on my computer?
What type of sensor can I use to check when the water gets dirty?
Could anyone identify these two components, please?
I want to make 48v battery charger, how I can make it (cercuit schematic)?
Which Cellular module do you recommend for Smart city project
What techniques can I employ to ensure thermal management and proper heat dissipation in my PCB layo
I’m eager to venture into electronic hardware design.
Best Accelerometer Module for Speed and Tilt Measurement Project?
What is the difference between the two transistors referred to!!
Help Getting Started with KiCad PCB Design
I want to learn about hardware design. Where should I start?
How to Build a Database for a Phobia Detector Using Heart Rate Sensors, Accelerometers, and VR Heads
What is the difference between the two transistors referred to!!
How to Optimize Control Pins for Basic Movement Functions in a Robot Using L298N Dual H-Bridge?
Trying to build a robot with hoverboards brushless motor. any idea about their size, voltage...?
Between the linear and switching voltage regulator. Which is more efficient
Can the analog input port of the Arduino Uno support a negative voltage from -5Vdc to 0Vdc?
✨𝐊𝐢𝐂𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬 – 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗰 𝗟𝗶𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀
Ask a Developer Demo: How to Implement a Sensor Interface on FPGAs
Placing of a decoupling capacitor at the top of your PCB with the MCU or at the bottom.
Can anyone provide me with a code for 2 servo motor with esp32
Can you provide detailed information about ultrasonic sensor HC-SR05 maximum detection range?
Why you should consider .8mm PCBs over 1.6mm PCBs?
Need help and resources learning KiCad for PCB design
ESP32 code for a two servo motor?
Are there websites where I can get the component symbol, footprint and 3D files for my design?
Are there best practices for PCB Design for Manufacturing (DFM)?
What guidelines should I follow when selecting an inductor for my buck converter design?
Any advice on choosing a servo motor ?
How do I select the size and shape of a brushless motor propeller?
Why is 1 oz copper the standard in PCB designs?
What is "surface finish" in PCB design?
What's the major difference between a blind via and a buried via in a PCB design?
Ask a Developer Demo: How to Select an LDO Using LTSpice
When should I use PCB HDI in my board design?
How many layers should I use in my PCB design?
Office Hours Notes—Friday, March 29th at 15:00 GMT: Ohm's Law: The Foundation of Everything
Understanding Annotation in Altium
Should I use a resistor voltage divider or dedicated voltage IC?
Unmatched Controlled impedence signal
KiCAD MasterClass
Integrating ESP32 onto a PCB
How do I choose an MCU for a battery-powered system design?
I don't know why my BJT circuit is not working
What is the best four-layer PCB stackup for signal integrity?
What is the application of tactile buttons?
Understanding PCB Panelization and Its Impact on Cost
Any recommendations or solutions to isolate my PCB board
help me choosing the right sensor of ligne following and color detection for my robot
PCB Design for Test
LiPo VS Li-ion batteries for Drones
I bought some drone equipment what you think I'm missing
Currently struggling with routing differential pairs for USB Type-C female connector
How exactly does ESR influence electronic design
DevHeads Demo: How to Read A Datasheet
MLCC Capacitor Variants and Use Case
I'm working on a robotics project and need to select a suitable motor driver for DC motors.
Ultrasonic sensor
I want start my journey in Electronics
Overview of Electronics SPICE Simulation Software
𝐑𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞
Selecting Antenna Connector Types for RF Circuit Boards
Best Practices for Differential Pair Signal Transitioning
What is Load Capacitance of A Crystal
Zero Ohms resistor on the Power Line
How Do I use an Op AMP for Signal Amplification
How Can I design a more stable power supply in my PCB Board
How often do Hardware engineers use Simulation tools while designing PCBs
PCB Manufacturing: Check These 4 Parameters Before You Begin
Rule of Thumb for Mouse Bites?
Should I have a Dedicated Power Plane on My PCB
I need a good resources for bms
MIDI on Wemos S2 (ESP32) dev board
I am new in embedded system need lots of help to learn new things and fundamentals.
Suggest another PTC fuse with better characteristics
How to Reduce Crosstalk in a PCB Layout
facing some problems setting up BLE configuration
measure the dielectric constant of the ESP32-Wrover module
Why isn't my ESP8266 RFID Reader Providing Expected Output on the Serial Monitor?
how to make proximity-activated locks except for ultrasonic sensors
I need help with ESP32 modules Bare Schematic.
EMI EMC Testing
How do I create a 50 ohms Impedence Trace
Slow rise time on SD_CLK causes boot failure
Is this possible?
Low-cost but still excellent oscilloscopes for SOHO
Implementing Independent Speed Control for Dual DC Motors with Arduino and H-Bridge Motor Driver
How to choose component-to-edge clearance while designing PCB?
Whats Does SoH and SoC do In a Battery Management System in EV
The Significance of Biometric Sensors: Your Health in Real-Time
What’s the best PCIe Gen 5 clock source for board-board data transfer over a backplane?
When to use I2C, SPI, or UART Communication Protocols in Arduino-Based Embedded System?
Need help with Raspberry Pi Camera
Is Putting ESD Protection Diode Critical in a USB Line?
What is the Importance of Copper Thickness in PCB Design
Ensuring Realistic Fault Simulations in HIL Systems
Fault Injection Capabilities
LED Strip WS2812B Issue with Arduino MEGA
Implementing a "piezo" energy harvesting for a wearable device
Arduino Opta Lite Getting Started with PLC IDE
Network Configuration of a Raspberry Pi in LAN and WAN
Receiving information via Bluetooth and transmitting it on low-frequency radio waves.
When should i use more than two layers in mine PCB Board
Advantages of Arduino IDE 2.xx compared to Arduino IDE 1.8.19
45 degree or 90 degree trace which is preferable when routing a pcb trace
Fault Injection Capabilities
Unlocking the Power of Software Knowledge for Hardware Engineers
Are there any emerging technologies or tools that you believe will significantly impact the future..
Monitoring and Debugging Tools
Challenges in Hardware-Software Integration
What’s the best insertion loss calculator?
What's the right PCB substrate for USB4?
Texas Instruments - A Pillar in the Electronics Industry
Exploring the Cutting-Edge Sensors in Autonomous Driving
Virtualization in Embedded Systems
IPC Introduction to PCB Design training
The Crucial Role of Firmware Development for Hardware and PCB Design Engineer
Enhancing Collaboration Between Hardware Design Engineers and PCB Manufacturers
Selection of Temperature Sensor for Universal Joint Cross [Monitoring]
The Role of Sensors in Shaping IoT
Navigating The Chip Shortage
The Power of IC Application Notes for Electronics Engineers
Trace32 Initialization Problem
Texas Instruments Tiva C-Series MCU-Based Application
Navigating Electronics Component Selection: 7 Key Guidelines
Optimizing Power Consumption for STM32-based Wearable Health Monitor?
Which RTOS is best for developing medical devices?
Building Durable Electronics Products
PCB Design Guidelines for Hardware Engineers
Exploring Devices to map a room.
The Crucial Role of Hardware Engineers in Crafting Efficient and Reliable Connected Vehicles
Revolutionizing Automotive Excellence: The Power of LIDAR Integration
Hardware Board Design: Partnering with Chip Manufacturers
README: PCB & Analog Forum
[For Hire] [Remote] [Full-Time]
[For Hire] [Remote] [Full-Time]
Seeking Hardware Designer for Efficient Blockchain-Powered Systems
Embedded Developer @ TekPillar®, Location: Bangalore, IND
Exciting Role for Linux Embedded developer in Cape Town
Web3 Platform Staffing All Roles
Looking for a senior firmware Engineer
Hiring @Astrome - Embedded/Electronics/DSP Roles
Freshers Recruitment for EV Power Electronics Design (Immediate joining)
📣 Seeking work as a UI/UX Designer & Full Stack Developer 📣
Applications Engineer – Hailo AI, Tel Aviv
MOBIS Technical Center- Autosar, bootloader and System Engineer
[For Hire], Full Stack Developer is here.
Embedded Testing- Collins Aerospace, INDIA (Walk-In Drive)
Assembly Developers Wanted
Job Opportunity: Embedded Software Engineer - San Jose, CA, United States (Remote)
Job Opportunity: Embedded Software Engineer - Boston, MA, United States (Remote)
Job Opportunity: Embedded Software Engineer - Huntsville, AL, United States (Remote)
Job Opportunity: Field Applications Engineer - IoT / Embedded - San Jose, CA (Remote)
Job Opportunity: Senior Security Software Engineer - Dallas, TX
Job Opportunity: Senior Security Software Engineer (Remote Position)
Job Opportunity: Senior Software Engineer (Security) - Raleigh, NC
Job Opportunity: Embedded Software Engineer - Remote Position
Job Opportunity: Embedded Software Engineer - United States Remote Position
Job Opportunity: Embedded Software Engineer - Remote
Job Opportunity: Security Engineer - Remote (United States)
Job Opportunity: Software Engineer - Virtual Machine - München, Bayern
Job Opportunity: Software Engineer - Secret Clearance - Huntsville, AL
Job Opportunity: Embedded Software Engineer - Seattle, WA
Job Opportunity: Embedded Software Engineer - Remote (United States)
Job Opportunity: C++ Software Engineer - Remote (United States)
Job Opportunity: Embedded Software Engineer - Remote Position
Job Opportunity: Ada Software Engineer - Remote (United States)
Job Opportunity: Senior C++ Software Engineer - Providence, RI
Job Opportunity: Full Stack and Firmware Engineer (Hybrid – Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States)
Job Opportunity: Senior Firmware Engineer (Hybrid – Saint Paul, MN, USA)
Job Opportunity: Senior Firmware Engineer (Remote)
Looking for Firmware Job | Immediate Joiner | IIT | Skilled Firmware Developer
Hardware Design Engineer – Embedded Products Development
Ubique-Systems, hiring Software Engineers (automotive and embedded profiles)
ESP32-S3 Firmware Development
Embedded System | Embedded Firmware | IoT Developer is open to work
Embedded System | Embedded Firmware | IoT Developer is open to work
Opening Embedded C Developer @ Harman (A Samsung Company)
Seeking Embedded Hardware Engineer, Jenex Technovation
In Search of an x86/Assembly Dev to Help with Product Reviews
Wireless Video Communication
ABL Firmware Engineer: Insemi Technology, Bengaluru
Embedded SW Engineer Needed—Newport, RI
Looking for opportunity to collaborate
32 LPA Flipkart
Hack4change 2024
Are you looking for a developer?
Seeking Talented Embedded Hardware Engineer- India
Embedded Software Development: 5G/6G Project -IIT Hyderabad
Embedded Software Contract Job
Resume Improvement Lottery
Senior embedded/Autosar engineer, only for US based candidates!
In search of a Yocto Embedded Linux Trainer/Consultant
Job opening Embedded Developer! - Pune, INDIA
Firmware Engineer at GalaxEye Space
Looking for a Sr Firmware Engineer! Interested?
Seeed's mmwave occupancy sensor and lorawan integration
Power Integrity Engineer at Ampere Computing
Autorecovery partition for beaglebone and raspberry pi like in
Developer Relations – x86 programmer
Developer Relations – Linux Dev
Sales IoT role , 6+ years of experience , based in US
Looking for Work? Comment Here..
Product Manager or IoT Edge Fanless Product Lines at Supermicro
FPGA Design Engineer – Boulder, CO – US Citizens Only
Looking for ros2 developer (remote job)
Ada Software Engineer - Remote (United States)
Embedded Software Security Engineer - US Remote
AI-Powered Interview Prep Tools
17 HW/SW/App/Systems Engineering Jobs in NA, More WW
Junior professorship for “Intelligent and secure IIoT networks”
Developer Relations Role – Embedded Hardware & Firmware
Microchip Senior Manager-Product Marketing-Data Center Solutions (DCS) group
4 technical positions at Ovy
Firmware & Senior Electrical Engineer @ Fellow
Realtime Data
New way of enriching MQTT messages using AWS IoT Core 🚨
AWS will discontinue the IoT Fleet Hub.
How Do I Fix Imaging and Packet Errors When Enrolling Fingerprints on Sensor?
Ensuring Reliable Cloud Integration with ESP32 for Continuous Sensor Monitoring
How do I optimize and deploy a deep learning model on an ESP32?
Fixing OpenCV Image Not Found Error During Preprocessing for Tissue Sample Recognition
Why isn't the LED responding to voice commands in my MicroPython code?
Fixing I2S Initialization Error for Voice-Controlled Home Automation on ESP32
Issues Setting DA16200 SoC to DPM Low Power Mode in IoT Project
How to Resolve TensorFlow Lite Inference RuntimeError on ESP32?
Can One ESP32 Handle Multiple Sensors and Wireless Data Transmission?
How to Fix Inference Timeout Errors with Edge Impulse Model on Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense?
Arduino Wifi1010 Not Showing Online in Arduino Cloud
How to integrate a rotary encoder for volume control with ESP32 and MAX98357A DAC?
Troubleshooting OTA Update System for ESP32 in Home Automation
How to pre-configure EC2 instances using AWS CDK and avoid a nasty trap?
Is the ESP32 reliable for 24/7 industrial IoT, or should I use a different chip?
Creating a 3D Educational Game on Microcontrollers: What Should Be Included?
AWS Greengrass - my (un)favorite IoT service.
I'm looking for an innovative idea for my graduation thesis
What will be the most effective techniques for securing the Firmware Upgrade Over-The-Air (FOTA)
difference between web server and cloud platform
How to Get Hands-On Learning in IoT with Arduino and ESP8266?
Why do my CJMCU-8128 sensors fail to initialize on Arduino Uno for my IoT project?
Why is my NodeMcu ESP8266 not connecting to Arduino IoT Cloud despite successful code uploads?
IoT for Newbies: Interactive Guide to Boards and Microcontrollers
AWS IoT Core X.509 Certificates explained training - free 100 coupons!
Seeking Assistance with Typed Search System for Electronic Components Organizer
Balancing Innovation and Regulation in IoT: Ensuring Security, Privacy, and Sustainability
How can we strike a balance between security and performance in IoT devices?
how can I connect a PIR motion sensor running on a RPi with Ubuntu Core to AWS IoT Greengrass?
Establishing MQTT Connection with Private Key - is that secure?
Developing a smart thermostat device using Android Things OS
how can I send data from a smart door lock to Azure IoT Hub?
Connect and stream sensor data from a Raspberry Pi running on Raspbian OS to an AWS IoT Core
how do I use AWS IoT Core to send telemetry data from an edge device
Ensuring Synchronization and Reliability of Custom Device Logs with AWS IoT Cloud
How can I retrieve the UUID of the inserted record?
Best Practices for Storing Device-Specific SAS Tokens for Multi-Endpoint Communication
Can two applications connect to Azure IoT Hub simultaneously without causing issues?
AWS cares about your bill… in a good way!
implementing secure authentication on edge impulse
Configure my Raspberry Pi to connect to Azure loT Hub using the Azure loT Hub device SDK and C#.
Struggling with intermittent disconnections between my device and AWS loT Core, causing data loss
I'm working on an IoT project that involves storing data in a database.
What additional strategies can I implement to reduce power consumption?
Please who has connected to AWS iot core using A7670E specifically??
How can I solve this issue and configure the IoT Hub accordingly?
CI/CD in IoT: the "T" (Thing) component 📡
Optimizing Sensor Data Transmission: Storing Locally and Sending to IoT Hub
A Game Plan If You Lose Your IoT Platform - my interview with Aaron Allsbrook, CTO @ ClearBlade.
How I can view data published to AWS IoT in the AWS Management Console?
I'm looking for free solution to move a servo connected to an ESP8266 with Google Home voice ?
Optimizing Power Input for IoT Device: How to Implement Power ORing?
Options for IoT device config updates post-Google shutdown?
what are the various data formats that i can utilize with the ThingSpeak IoT platform?
I cannot connect my project to the blynk device.
pressure sensor as flex sensor
Home Assistant Setup in Windows
What if AWS decides to shut down the AWS IoT Core?
How jenkins can be used for IoT data ?
Analyze pricing differences among various cloud vendors.
What are the main factors that affect the cost of cloud infrastructure utilized by the IoT solution?
IoT Solution Reliability Checklist: Ensuring High Availability and Seamless Connectivity! 📱💡
Low Code IoT Platform - with Simon Kemper, CEO of Datacake.
Eclipse IoT report.
Considerations for Distributed Algorithms in IoT
No Datapoints Found When Adding Bulb
How can a freelancer get involved in designing real-time IoT and embedded systems projects?
The Quest for Maturity in IoT Technology and Background Integration
How to start learning IOT and embedded systems development
Data Proxy - the often-overlooked potential of a Digital Twin.
How could you utilize the Edge Gateway for your business?
How to Build an Arduino Weather Station with IoT Connectivity
What would make you use a public cloud in your IoT deployments?
Digital Twin - the Data Structure aspect
Building IoT solutions using open-source
ESP32 ESPAsyncWebServer - Server/Client Communication
Respecting the end user's privacy.
Architecting Cloud Systems for Multi-Region Redundancy: Key Considerations and Failover Strategies
Navigating the Landscape of Serverless Computing: Advantages and Challenges in Backend Services
Need FOTA update help for nRF5340 with Semtech SX1262 LoRa Module
How to monitor the connection status of LoRaWAN Gateways using AWS IoT?
Which RootCA certificate file to use with AWS IoT Core
What’s the preferred cloud architecture for low latency IoT deployments that scale to millions?
The current capabilities of AI to generate the cloud backend and edge logic are deceptive.
Handling physical assets is slower than with virtual objects by its very own nature.
Why is Infrastructure as Code crucial to effectively managing your assets?
README: IoT Cloud Forum
Struggled with a Bug on My Energy Meter Project
How to Resolve ERROR_NOACCESS (0x3E6) When Injecting Assembly Code into a PE File Using CreateThread
Optimizing memcpy Performance on Intel Core i7 10700K: SIMD and Compiler Flags
Impact of Using Extended Registers (r8, r9, etc.) on Code Size and Performance
.Net Class for Invensnese ICM-20948
While loop in Embedded C
How to Disassemble and Filter Out Static Jumps in Program Output with Bash
Sonoff water tank
Why did the value of the rbx register change unexpectedly in GDB?
How to Execute a Timed LED On/Off Sequence Using millis() Function
Multitasking on Stm32f407vgt6
Segmentation Fault with GCC and Gcov on Instrumented C++ Program
Initialize AVR32UC with Zephyr OS for DHT22 Sensor Communication and Resolve Data Fetch Failure
Quectel EC200U GPRS Design
How can I recover binary data from the INTDATA file using the provided C structure?
Why does my assembly network server application cause a segmentation fault?
How do I fix a tensor dimension mismatch in TinyML disease detection?
Handling Multi-Digit Integer Input in Assembly on Ubuntu 22.04
Why is the XOR operation not toggling the player variable in my x86 assembly tic-tac-toe game?
How can I optimize matrix multiplication performance and reduce L3 cache misses in my C++ library?
Segmentation Fault in Assembly Program Using AT&T Syntax and GNU Assembler
What's wrong with my code?
How can I resolve UART transmission errors on my STM32F407VGT6 MCU during rapid string transmission?
How can I debug an "Illegal instruction" error in my x86-64 assembly ray tracer?
Why isn't my AVR microcontroller controlling motor speed with PWM using Zephyr?
Why isn't my Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense transmitting pulse and SpO2 data via BLE?
I have discovered that it seems r0 is always set to 1, meaning INIT2 is never skipped.
ESP32 indexOf() function not recognizing 'PASSWORD' in received RS485 message
Error: 'Node not found' when reading Z-Wave door sensor status on SiFive HiFive Unmatched
Resolving "No EtherCAT Slaves Found" Error on BeagleBone AI with Embedded Linux
Troubleshooting I2C Transaction Error with AVR Microcontroller and Zephyr RTOS
How can I resolve the "Failed to acquire I2C client" error in my kernel space I2C DAC implementation
How can I resolve the "CAN message send failed" error in my AVR microcontroller project using Zephyr
Facing a problem in setting up esp-idf in vs code
unable to retrieve data from a rs485 based flowmeter
I need help
Modifying FreeRTOS Interrupt Priorities After Scheduler Initialization
Resolving FreeRTOS Application Crashes with S/O Checking, Watchdogs, etc.
data buffering when connectivity is lost
Solves a Sudoku puzzle < C++>
Coding Challenges < Python >
Coding Challenges < Python >
Coding Challenges < C >
Coding Challenges < C >
Caesar's Cipher
Coding Challenges <C++>
Fibonacci Word C# Coding Challenge
Does anybody have a solution for the Raspberry Pi 4 and Pi Camera v1.3 , its not detecting
Tic Tac Toe C++ Coding Challenge
Coding Challenge < Python >
The Arduino Puzzle Box Challenge
Coding Challenge " Password Cracker "
Coding Challenge < C++ >
Coding challenge ( rust)
" Arduino Blink " Challenge
Swap Odd and Even Bits
Challenge of the day " C++"
Problem : Time-Sensitive Data Logging with Edge Processing
Coding Challenge (C amd64 Linux)
Find the Bug in this code .
Convert 2D image Data to 1D array .
Find the bug
Reverse words without using any library method.
Heap Metadata Inspector
Creating a Segmented Memory Allocator
README: Code Reviews
Coding Challenge 1 (C)
ADLINK Launches OSM-MTK510 — High-Performance, Ultra-Low Power, Rugged, Compact Solution
ESP-TEE (Trusted Execution Environment) framework for the ESP32-C6
SEGGER J-Link debug probes and Flasher programming tools support ST’s Stellar P and G MCUs
Deepseek R1 in a Raspberrypi 5
Espressif ESP32-C5 now support Dual-Band Wi-Fi
RTOSX KERNEL Functional Safety Cert Gives Industrial-Grade Alternative to Eclipse ThreadX
New GUI editor by LVGL
open-source hacking PCB
Check out this Engineer's Holiday Gift Guide!
Baremetallics: Running YOLOv5 on a Microcontroller
First ST Wi-Fi 6 network coprocessor modules: ST67W611M1
Nordic Thingy:91 X streamlines prototyping of cellular IoT and Wi-Fi locationing
Raspberry Pi Compute Module 5 — the new standard for embedded computing, on sale now from $45.
AI alone isn't ready for Chip Design?
AT&T has stopped selling NB-IoT data plans and certifying NB-IoT devices
Smallest Bluetooth 6.0 SoC from Nordic Semiconductor is out
Zephyr 4.0 Is Generally Available: Some Highlights
Raspberry Pi and SECO together to develop new Human-Machine Interface solution based on CM5.
Introducing WiLo: The Future of Long-Range IoT Communication!
Raspberry Pi OS (New release): Wayland now for everyone!
MIT Team Advances 3D-Printed Electronics with Semiconductor-Free Logic Gates
Introduction to Embedded System Design on Arm Cortex-M Microcontrollers
Trends Shaping Industrial MCUs
Tiny Battery-Management SoC is Powered by AI
Yocto for Embedded Linux &Building your own first Linux Image for the Raspberry Pi
Introducing Raspberry Pi Pico 2
Embedded Systems Curated Resources:
IEEE Standard 754 Floating Point Numbers
EETimes - Startups worth watching 2024
AIoT: what is it and what are the benefits of combining AI and IoT
How VLSI Revolutionized Semiconductor Design
The push for more transistors per unit area - how the upcoming fab process may look?
Considerations when Building Embedded Databases
esp-idf Event loop module to create event driven applications
ESP32 to HiveMQ broker using TLS
MicroPython: Timer Interrupts with the ESP32/ESP8266
RiscFree™ C/C++ SDK support for India’s C-DAC VEGA RISC-V-based Multi-core CPU
Book: Practical UML Statecharts in C/C++, 2nd Ed
ESP32 with MPU9250 in a web view
Apple’s Embedded Swift programming language supports ESP32-C6, Raspberry Pi RP2040, STM32F7, nRF5
Lessons in Electric Circuits
Fast and Efficient Embedded Systems Design: From Bits and Bytes to IoT, with Arm Mbed
ESP-IDF vs Arduino Core: Which Framework to Choose
Arm Cortex-M52 aims to bring AI to small, low-cost IoT devices
Altium showing it's Fresh Look
Free courses on embedded systems, C programming ...etc
What is RS-485 & How to Use MAX485 with Arduino for Reliable Long-Distance Serial Communication
MQTT 3.1 vs MQTT 5: Should you upgrade?
MPLAB VSCode extension! official announcement by Microchip
Building a Ground station for LoRa Satellites
Ultra Compact LiDAR Distance Meter/Range Finder
LVGL with ESP32 TFT LCD Touchscreen Display –Arduino IDE
How to Write Parallel Multitasking Applications for ESP32 using FreeRTOS & Arduino
How to use ESP32 Dual Core with Arduino IDE
DIY ESP32-Based Smartwatch with LiDAR and Wi-Fi Scanning
Singaporian Researchers developed a flexible battery for smart contact lenses
Qt vs. Flutter: Which Framework is Right for Your Embedded Project?
How to Install and Secure the Mosquitto MQTT Messaging Broker on Ubuntu 18.04
New Embedded Programming Language by Apple
DIY haptic SmartKnob: BLDC motor + round LCD
Strategies for Handling Padding in C Programming
What is the role of a bootloader in embedded systems programming?
Apple Intelligence: Apple’s New Generative AI Unveiled
EEPROM vs. FRAM vs. eMMC vs. SD Cards
5 best practices for writing interrupt service routines
ESP32 ADC Adjustment
Raspberry foundation has released an affordable AI Kit
Differences Between ARMv7 vs ARMv8
Modern Embedded Systems Programming Free Course
3 tips for using CMake with embedded software
How are Microchips Made? 🖥🛠 CPU Manufacturing Process Steps
Implementation of GPIO via MIO and EMIO in All Programmable SoC (AP SoC) Zynq 7000
FreeRTOS : Task Suspend and Resume
Raspberry Pi M.2 HAT+ Review: Low-cost, high-speed
Open-Source POV Candle (Tiny Volumetric Display)
Cordless Kitchen Appliance Solutions
IOT/Cloud/Security based embedded applications course
How to make Sensor Data send directly to a Database via MQTT using Machbase
A Beginner Resource for Embedded systems Security
How to set up STM32CubeMX and CMake together.
MQTT Client Message Queueing and Delivery
Youtube Playlist: Intro To Embedded Systems Design.
Embedded System Project Series
Mastering motor control: implementation in C++
HackBat - Open-Source alternative to Flipper Zero
Thermal Imaging Camera Module by Waveshare
IoT Fundamentals
XGO-Rider is a 2-wheel self-balancing robot with an ESP32 controller
Apple's M4 Chip: Pioneering the Next Era of AI Computing
Diablo - Self-Balancing Raspberry Pi Wheeled-Leg Robot
BitNetMCU - Implement neural networks even on the cheapest microchips!
Exploring Arduino-Based Embedded Systems: Interface, Simulation, and LabVIEW GUI
Schematic Archives: A huge repo of designs
Electronic Components Datasheet Search
Open-Source 3D-Printable Document Scanner
Tapping Secrets of Li-ion Cell Temperature to Improve Cold Performance
CppUTest – unit testing and mocking framework for C/C++
The Knowledge Distillation technique
Diamond Breakthroughs Shape Future of High-Performance Electronics
NanoS3 - The Smallest ESP32 development board (Open-Source)
Increased time to market does not necessarily mean less successful projects!
the signals
Modern C Development Environment
Cloud Computing's Nuclear Option: AI, Data Centers, Power
What is the I2S Communication Protocol?
EV charging and PV storage monitoring solutions
Linux vs Unix
Open-Source Space Mouse for Fusion 360
Backpressure — the resisted flow of data through software
Handbook On Embedded System Design
Explore Real-World IoT Applications
The cheatsheet of modern C++ language
RISC-V podcast with their CTO: Past, Present, Future
Raspberry Pi Unveils AI Camera Kit at Embedded World 2024
NXP's MCX Series Microcontrollers
AMD Webinar: Deep Learning with FPGAs
ONE: Open-Source Self-Balancing Unicycle Robot
NXP's 4D Imaging Radar for Automotive
Open-Source High-Resolution POV Display based on ESP32
Energy Harvesting for IoT range of Devices
Foldable Phone
Simplifying accurate fuel gauging for battery-powered devices
Engine check notification does not provide any value!
SiC Technology for Data Center Cooling Applications
Hot: Ten Principles for Building Safe Embedded Software Systems
Standoff Results in Robot Dog Disabled by Suspect
How ultrasound became ultra small: ft. MEMS
Embedded Rust: where are we today?
Trillion Transistor GPU - a long way we've come, literally!
STM32U0: The latest generation of entry level ultra-low power MCUs
CatSniffer - Open-Source Compact Hacker's Tool
Blynk IoT Cloud now Support MQTT Protocol!
Autonomous powerline recharging revolutionizes drone operations
Accelerating Development with Edge Impulse and Arm Keil MDK
Understanding Wi-Fi 6E technology & the future of wireless
System-on-Modules Speed IIoT App Development
How Microchips Work
RISC and CISC: Understanding the Differences and Their Impact on Computer Architecture
Wait - green software?
Microcontroller Architecture
OpenQDD - 3D-printed open-source robotic actuator
Neuromorphic Computing: Making Space Smart
TOPS - 3D-Printable Open-Source Quadrupedal Robot
Current Sensing in EV: Types and Impact
Embedded Systems Architecture (2024)
What is Endianness? Big-Endian vs Little-Endian
Taiwan’s 5-Bit Superconducting Quantum Computer Goes Online
Impedance Matching: Essential Design Knowledge (5 part series)
Transformative moments with AI. Nvidia CEO
DIY Gear Indicator for Manual Cars: Arduino Tutorial
ESP32: Send Messages to WhatsApp using SIM Card – LILYGO T-SIM7000G
Podcast4Engineers: Hydrogen topic
Trying Out AI-Powered EV Battery Modeling
Turning a Raspberry Pi Pico into a GPU!
Podcast: CEO: Software Is The Company
Error Detection & Correction
STM32MP2 Microprocessors: Next-Gen Features Unveiled
The Amp Hour Podcast
VSCode: Select Compare Tabs
AI Lends a Helping Hand with Analog and Custom IC Design
DESIGNCON 2024: The coverage of the latest technologies and solutions on displays.
Open-Source 3D Printed RC SkidSteer V3.0
PICMG Releases InterEdge, New Standard for Process Control Systems
Decoding State Machines: A Dive into Software Design Mastery
Return Path Routing — Why No One Does It, But You Really Should
Webinar: Anatomy of a Linux Device Driver
Building a DIY Surgical Robot
It's Altera again - a standalone FPGA company spinoff from Intel
Unlocking Edge AIAdvanced Features of Edge Impulse
Webinar: Introducing AMD Embedded+: Advancing Real-Time Processing for Embedded PCs and Edge Apps
Open-Source Solar E-Ink Weather Station
Beningo's 3 Techniques to Simulate Firmware
A dose to blow your mind away!
CinePi - The Open Source Cinema Camera
Chips and Mobility - not the packet chips you there!
What does Renesas’ acquisition of PCB toolmaker Altium mean?
Our SOM buddy - Faster Time to Market,lower Design Risk
Open-Source Thermal Camera
3 Cent MCU!!? Cheap Yet Powerful - you say.
MQTT challenges
How to Design High-voltage Systems with Higher Reliability While Reducing Solution Size and Cost
Go-To-Market Strategy for IoT Offerings - with Mike Fahrion, Business and Technology Leader
Comparing the latency of various wireless standards
Chip Wars, by Chris Miller - book summary
Flipper Zero gets a Raspberry Pi RP2040-powered video game module
Caution: Cognitive Fun - all about conductive Ink!
Roblox interactive IoT environment - dev log
Energy Market from an IoT perspective - with Thomas Weisshaupt, Regional Head at Wirepas.
Pwnagotchi - Open Source Wi-Fi Security Explorer
Emotion Recognition Technology and Applications - computer vision, data analysis and models at use
Fundamentals of Renewable Energy
Decrypting BitLocker: Raspberry Pi Pico Exploits Encryption Vulnerability
BIMS - that's a new word for Battery Tech and EV
7 product design trends that will define 2024
Webinar - ST's Intelligent motion, environmental, and gesture sensing platform
Innetra T1 - Neromorphic Chip with Spiking Neural Network Accelerator
Open Source /AI /Embedded Software Stack /Custom Hardware Platforms - can't imagine what it entails
ESP32: How to Log Data (9 Different Ways)
Spacecraft as the ultimate IoT device - with Jim Cantrell, CEO at Phantom Space.
Testonica's Quick Instruments Test framework for quality control
WearPico - Open-source Smartwatch firmware written in C for the Raspberry Pi Pico
Achronix's FPGA Solutions for Generative AI
From C++ to Rust: Comparison from Embedded Software Engineer
An Introduction to Flyback Converters: Parameters, Topology, and Controllers
Mastering the IoT Product Strategy
Edge AI Smart Cameras Using Energy-Efficient AM62AProcessor
Self-powered sensor automatically harvests magnetic energy
Time for 64bit MCUs?
"Architectural Patterns and Techniques for Developing IoT Solutions" by Jasbir Singh Dhaliwal.
Packaged DC/DC converter by RECOM
< 1$ for MCU + Accelerometer to run TinyML?
LVGL - Open-Source GUI library for embedded systems
Transforming agriculture and lives using IoT - with Shawn Deggans, owner of Green Nanny LLC.
Analog Life - Remembering Jim Williams
USB C-Type Ethernet for Raspberry Pi Pico
SCAMP Vision Sensor, a full-stack project from silicon device to analysis software
Learn PCB design
Overcoming Challenges in Renewable Energy
Researchers Claim First Functioning Graphene-Based Chip
It takes courage to stop learning and start implementing commercial IoT solutions!
How do brain-computer interfaces use sensors?
Watch ESP32’s GPIO status in real-time in a web browser
How to write technical specification for your embedded product?
Nuclear battery produces power for 50 years without needing to charge
Hardware Debugging and Troubleshooting Tips - Ebook
My take on the IoT 2023 review by IoT Analytics
Free Giveaway: Ynvisible Evaluation Kit
Building IoT solutions using open-source - with Frédéric Desbiens.
NASA-JPL Open Source Rover: off-the-shelf edition
This team at IISc is designing analog computing chip for edge AI applications
Companies building AI Chips
Curated list of Artificial Intelligence courses, books 📚,video lectures and papers
CMSIS v6 release by ARM ecosystem
Low Power AI Chip - Neuchip
How to get Embedded Systems Job?
Advancements in Medical Imaging Technology
AI entering into Electronics / PCB Design
pcb2blender - KiCad to Blender 3D model workflow
DIY Transistor Radios: A Guide to Crafting High-Performance, Cost-Effective Circuits
FiveFlute Blogs - mechanical design resources
3 trends for 2024: edge intelligence, RISC-V, & chiplets
Top Single Board Computers of 2023
Custom Handheld Pi Zero HQ Camera
2023 Year of AI
Architecting Computing Systems
More miles, fewer wires in future electric vehicles
From Code to Chemistry: Coscientist, the AI System Mastering Nobel Prize-Winning Reactions
Fundamentals of Digital Technologies
Mind Control Breakthrough: Caltech’s Pioneering Ultrasound Brain–Machine Interface
New Research Warns: AI Needs To Be Better Understood and Managed
Green Energy Storage Systems - Podcast
Laser Sharp GPS: How NASA’s Reflectors Are Redrawing Our World
Synopsys in talks to acquire Ansys; offers may be well over $400 a share
Harvard Unveils World’s First Logical Quantum Processor
Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis
Introduction to Embedded System Design on Arm Cortex-M Microcontrollers
Silicon Photonics Developments
State machines in embedded for safer systems
7 expert tips for writing embedded software with ChatGPT
Powering AI Hardware
EXCLUSIVE: Google Founder’s Airship Gets FAA Clearance
UBC engineers develop breakthrough ‘robot skin’ in collaboration with Honda researchers
Generative AI’s Energy Problem Today is Foundational
Nvidia Trains LLM on Chip Design
Bringing Tiny Chiplets To Embedded SoCs
A glimpse on Python for embedded programming.
Revolutionizing Energy Conversion and Sustainability at ECCE 2023
How Deepfakes Fuel Conspiracy Theories
What’s next in BMS? Safer, more affordable electric vehicles
RISC-V adaption and it's emergence into the mass markets is a very happening thing
Blockchain Technology Explained: How do Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies Work?
How Will AI Affect the Semiconductor Industry?
Proof of Concept (PoC) is a very misleading approach.
Revolutionizing Deep Learning: Advanced Algorithm for Energy-Efficient Neural Networks
Can Silicon Supply Enough Power for the Future of AI Silicon? (
Which Microcontroller do you use or plan to use in your project?
Using Battery Digital Twins to Elevate EV Performance and Life
The Tesla activities in the OpenSource field
What to Do When the Ghost in the Machine Is You
OpenRex - Open Source Hardware Project
What is Unified Namespace (UNS) and Why Does it Matter?
Light-Speed Calculations: New Photonic Chips Are Changing Wireless Communication
The Data Storage of Tomorrow – Scientists Make Supramolecular Breakthrough
The Data Storage of Tomorrow – Scientists Make Supramolecular Breakthrough
The most energy efficient microcontroller
The Fast and the Luminous: First Visible Wavelength Femtosecond Fiber Laser Developed
Ultra Low Power Embedded Systems Design
HuGE AI Breakthrough: Using Crowdsourced Feedback in Robot Training
Crystal Clear AI: Revolutionizing the Future of Electronics Manufacturing
Arm Unveils Its Most Compact AI-Capable Cortex-M CPU
Managing uncertainty in building enterprise IoT solutions
Unlocking Nature’s Fastest Timescales: Ultrafast Lasers Shrunk to Fingertip Size
Laser Leap: Organic Breakthrough Lights Up the Tech World
From Microbes to Artificial Life: Harnessing Bacterial Motors for Nanomachines
AI Revolution in Neuroscience: Precise Tracking of Neurons in Moving Animals
Revolutionizing Nanotechnology: Photonic Cavities that Self-Assemble at the Atomic Level
Training algorithm breaks barriers to deep physical neural networks
Harnessing Polaritons: The Tiny Powerhouses Transforming Semiconductor Technology
Mice in Matrix: How Tiny VR Goggles Are Transforming Brain Research
The products and resources you need to design highly accurate battery management systems
Micro-Ring Resonators: Unlocking New Dimensions in Laser Technology
WiFi course by Nodic Semiconductor
Mysterious, Repeating Radio Burst Identified in Our Own Galaxy for the First Time
Food production is the most impactful application of IoT - would you agree?
Daily Feed: Wi-Fi Course by Nordic Semiconductor
Only Chinese chipmaker with x86 license releases new chips on mystery process node
Tesla Unveils Its Latest Humanoid Robot, Optimus Gen 2, In Demo Video
3 Key Elements of IoT Network Security
In a Striking Discovery, AI Shows Human-Like Memory Formation
Solid design is crucial for the success of IoT deployment.
Stanford Doggo - an Open-Source quadruped robot
Echoes of Innovation: Caltech’s 3D Leap in Laser Photoacoustic Imaging
An innovative wireless switch could cut home wiring costs in half.
Revolutionizing Green Energy
Firmware Static Analysis with CodeChecker
How Digital Twins Can Make Decarbonization a Reality in the Oil and Gas Industry
Intel, Samsung, and TSMC Demo 3D-Stacked Transistors The Big Three can now all make CFETs—next stop
Laser-Powered Leap
How to Run Several Tasks on an Arduino?
First Contact: Nasa's Space station laser communication terminal achieves milestone
Tesla showed that its Optimus humanoid robot has new levels of humanlike dexterity and mobility.
Echoes of Innovation : Caltech's 3D Leap in Laser Photoacoustic Imaging
Solar Panels Reimagined : New Prototype Produces Methane through Artificial Photosynthesis