ESP32 code for a two servo motor?

Can anyone provide me with a code for 2 servo motor with esp32
GitHub - RoboticsBrno/ServoESP32: ⚙️ Generate RC servo signal on a ...
⚙️ Generate RC servo signal on a selected pins with ESP32 device and Arduino framework. - RoboticsBrno/ServoESP32
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6 Replies
aymen ammari
aymen ammari11mo ago
Just sweep is enough
electro_coco11mo ago
Just implement pwm on any pin with duty cycle 50 and servo will move
aymen ammari
aymen ammari11mo ago
I find out that the usual servo library does not support esp32 only arduinos... After a bit of search I found another library named ServoESP32.. But the newest version have some bugs I choose 1.0.3 older one but effective.. So I discovered that esp32 can't provide enough current to power 2 servos so I had to add external 5v powersply with common GND with the esp... So this was my experience today.😅 I hope someone does not fall in my fault
Joseph Ogbonna
Joseph Ogbonna11mo ago
Great, we learn from experience
techielew11mo ago
GitHub - RoboticsBrno/ServoESP32: ⚙️ Generate RC servo signal on a ...
⚙️ Generate RC servo signal on a selected pins with ESP32 device and Arduino framework. - RoboticsBrno/ServoESP32
aymen ammari
aymen ammari11mo ago

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