How can I use the machine learning library MicroML to perform simple inference on an ESP32?
Hello guys, how can I use the machine learning library MicroML to perform simple inference on an ESP32? My goal is to predict a simple numerical outcome based on a set of sensor readings,
I was able to generate the c code prediction but unsure on what step to take next can anyone help me
@Middleware & OS @Helper
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Hello @Enthernet Code , after Creating a c code of the model and include it into your ESP32 project as model.h. In your Arduino sketch, read from sensors, then call the function for prediction from the generated code,
This project tutorial will guide you
DEV Community
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3 Replies

Hello @Enthernet Code , after Creating a c code of the model and include it into your ESP32 project as model.h. In your Arduino sketch, read from sensors, then call the function for prediction from the generated code,
This project tutorial will guide you
DEV Community
TinyML: Machine Learning on ESP32 with MicroPython
Detecting gestures from time-series data with ESP32, accelerometer, and MicroPython in near...
Thanks @wafa_ath would apply this report my progress back