How to use TFLite on Raspberry Pi Zero 2W

Hi, I want to run a pose estimation TFlite model on raspberry Pi Zero 2W, is there any way to do so. And I also want to know is the hardware resources of Raspberry Pi Zero 2W is sufficient to run smoothly
4 Replies
abhishek awasthi
abhishek awasthi15mo ago
you may check google coral usb acceperator for hardware acceleration further for pi zero 2 w ..which os are you running on it ....
DEDS3COP14mo ago
I am using 32bit debian os of raspberry pi
abhishek awasthi
abhishek awasthi14mo ago
... ohh .. and here by pose you mean human pose estimation.?.. any specific tflite model you are focusing upon.... and what specific issue r you getting .. like is the fps too low or the integration itself ... or like you like to have a insight to how to make application around it .. !?
DEDS3COP14mo ago
Yeah, I am trying for human pose estimation, and I am trying to use any one of the model..
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