How to Resolve Synchronization Issues in Multi-Threaded ESP32 FreeRTOS Application?

I am developing a multi-threaded ESP32 application using FreeRTOS to manage multiple sensor data streams (temperature, humidity, motion) and control signals. I face synchronization issues leading to race conditions and data corruption. Despite using mutexes and semaphores, the application behaves unpredictably under heavy load, with tasks occasionally accessing shared resources simultaneously, causing inconsistent data states and crashes. Specifically, I am seeing error messages like "Task watchdog got triggered" and "Guru Meditation Error: Core 0 panic'ed (LoadProhibited)" when tasks attempt to read sensor data concurrently. How can I diagnose and resolve these issues to maintain system reliability and performance? Code: // Example of using mutex for thread safety in FreeRTOS on ESP32 #include <freertos/FreeRTOS.h> #include <freertos/task.h> #include <freertos/semphr.h> #include "driver/gpio.h" #define SENSOR_PIN GPIO_NUM_4 SemaphoreHandle_t Mutex; void sensorTask(void *pvParameters) { while (true) { // Acquire the mutex before accessing the sensor if (xSemaphoreTake(Mutex, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE) { int sensorValue = gpio_get_level(SENSOR_PIN); // Process the sensor value xSemaphoreGive(Mutex); // Release the mutex } vTaskDelay(pdMS_TO_TICKS(100)); // Delay to simulate periodic task } } void app_main() { Mutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); if (Mutex != NULL) { xTaskCreate(sensorTask, "Sensor Task", 2048, NULL, 5, NULL); } }
6 Replies
Dtynin7mo ago
Hi @Daniel kalu Try to double-check that mutexes and semaphores are correctly implemented and used consistently across all tasks accessing shared resources.
Dtynin7mo ago
Also, ensure that the watchdog timer is not being triggered by long-running tasks. Use vTaskDelay or taskYIELD to periodically yield control.
Marvee Amasi
Marvee Amasi7mo ago
So man , you having a tough time keeping your tasks in sync, even with mutexes
RED HAT7mo ago
@Daniel kalu are you certain that the mutex is always being released? If there's any condition where xSemaphoreGive() is not called, it could lead to the task watchdog being triggered.
Daniel kalu
Daniel kalu7mo ago
No, I realize now that there are some scenarios where SemaphoreGive) is not being called. Thank you for pointing this out. I will modify my code to ensure that the mutex is always properly released, even in exceptional circumstances.
Daniel kalu
Daniel kalu7mo ago
Yeah, I was struggling to keep my tasks synchronized even with mutexes! I thought I was doing everything right, but I was missing something.

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