How to Build a Database for a Phobia Detector Using Heart Rate Sensors, Accelerometers, and VR Heads
Hello everyone i would like to ask you something. Me and my team are trying to build a phobia detector and these are the tools we using:
- heart rate sensor
- accelerometers (for trembling)
- VR headset for simulations
Yet we don't know how to build the database for it, something to record the reaction instantly.
We are students so
Any suggestions please ?
1 Reply
Hey , i suggest DBMS like SQLite or MySQL would be a good choice, for my opinion MySQL is better if you anticipate larger amounts of data or multiple users accessing the database.
Here's a short introduction
Bro Code
MySQL: How to create a DATABASE
#MySQL #SQL #database
MySQL CREATE USE ALTER DROP a database tutorial example explained
00:00:00 What is a database?
00:00:22 CREATE
00:01:42 USE
00:02:06 DROP
00:02:40 READ ONLY
00:04:03 summary
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