Why Certain Untracked Folders Are Not Stashed with git stash -u?

Good day everyone, please I used git stash -u to stash changes. While some untracked files were stashed, my supervye folder remains untracked. Interestingly, other files copied from the same location were stashed successfully. My .gitignore doesn't explicitly ignore this folder. Is this behavior expected for untracked folders with git stash -u? Or could there be another reason the folder isn't being stashed? @Middleware & OS
4 Replies
Marvee Amasi
Marvee Amasi4w ago
@Sterling git stash -u should normally stash untracked files , But funny enough git might be ignoring hidden files by default. Check if supervye starts with a dot (.) . If so, you can try git stash -u --include-untracked so you can clearly include your untracked files
Sterling4w ago
I don't think that's the problem, and my supervye folder contain so much of files
Marvee Amasi
Marvee Amasi4w ago
@Sterling ohh then maybe that's why it is untracked . The thing here is that if a folder is exceptionally large, Git might be skipping it cus of a hidden size limit. Just try
git config stash.largeFiles true
git config stash.largeFiles true
to disable this limit just temporary and restash again.
Sterling4w ago
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