How to Ensure Reliable Data and Predictions for Skin Cancer Detection Using ESP32 and TCS3200?

Am working on an AI-powered health monitoring system using an ESP32 and a TCS3200 Color Sensor to analyze skin pigmentation and detect potential cancerous cells by identifying irregularities in skin color. The sensor initializes correctly, but I am encountering inconsistent data, leading to incorrect predictions about potential skin cancer. my aim is to: - Use machine learning to analyze color data and predict the presence of cancerous cells based on irregular pigmentation. - Ensure reliable predictions with consistent data from the sensor. this is my code
4 Replies
Renuel Roberts
Renuel Roberts3mo ago
import machine
import time
from machine import Pin
import random # Simulating the machine learning prediction

# Setup for TCS3200 Color Sensor
S2 = Pin(15, Pin.OUT)
S3 = Pin(2, Pin.OUT)
out = Pin(4, Pin.IN) # Output from sensor

# Initialize variables
color_data = {'red': 0, 'green': 0, 'blue': 0}
threshold = 50 # Example threshold for detecting cancerous cells
sensor_error = False

# Simulated AI-based cancer detection (replace with an actual ML model later)
def detect_cancerous_cells(color_data):
# Simulating a machine learning-based prediction for cancer detection
avg_color = (color_data['red'] + color_data['green'] + color_data['blue']) / 3
return random.choice([True, False]) if avg_color < threshold else False

def read_color():
# Dummy function to simulate reading from the TCS3200 sensor
# Replace with actual sensor reading logic
return {'red': random.randint(20, 80), 'green': random.randint(20, 80), 'blue': random.randint(20, 80)}

def calculate_average_color(color_data):
# Calculate the average color value from red, green, and blue components
return (color_data['red'] + color_data['green'] + color_data['blue']) / 3

# Main loop
while True:
color_data = read_color()
print("Color Data:", color_data)

avg_color = calculate_average_color(color_data)
print("Average Color Value:", avg_color)

# Perform AI-based cancerous cell detection
cancer_detected = detect_cancerous_cells(color_data)
if cancer_detected:
print("Warning: Potential cancerous cells detected!")
print("Skin pigmentation is within normal range.")

except OSError as e:
print("Error reading color sensor data. Check wiring or sensor condition.")
sensor_error = True

import machine
import time
from machine import Pin
import random # Simulating the machine learning prediction

# Setup for TCS3200 Color Sensor
S2 = Pin(15, Pin.OUT)
S3 = Pin(2, Pin.OUT)
out = Pin(4, Pin.IN) # Output from sensor

# Initialize variables
color_data = {'red': 0, 'green': 0, 'blue': 0}
threshold = 50 # Example threshold for detecting cancerous cells
sensor_error = False

# Simulated AI-based cancer detection (replace with an actual ML model later)
def detect_cancerous_cells(color_data):
# Simulating a machine learning-based prediction for cancer detection
avg_color = (color_data['red'] + color_data['green'] + color_data['blue']) / 3
return random.choice([True, False]) if avg_color < threshold else False

def read_color():
# Dummy function to simulate reading from the TCS3200 sensor
# Replace with actual sensor reading logic
return {'red': random.randint(20, 80), 'green': random.randint(20, 80), 'blue': random.randint(20, 80)}

def calculate_average_color(color_data):
# Calculate the average color value from red, green, and blue components
return (color_data['red'] + color_data['green'] + color_data['blue']) / 3

# Main loop
while True:
color_data = read_color()
print("Color Data:", color_data)

avg_color = calculate_average_color(color_data)
print("Average Color Value:", avg_color)

# Perform AI-based cancerous cell detection
cancer_detected = detect_cancerous_cells(color_data)
if cancer_detected:
print("Warning: Potential cancerous cells detected!")
print("Skin pigmentation is within normal range.")

except OSError as e:
print("Error reading color sensor data. Check wiring or sensor condition.")
sensor_error = True

Renuel Roberts
Renuel Roberts3mo ago
How do I resolve these inconsistent data that sabotages the prediction of my code across multiple streams of data I have acquired for this project?
wafa_ath3mo ago
try to implement a moving average filter for sensor readings. This will smooth out fluctuations and reduce noise , check this out
VLSI Tech with Anoushka
Smooth Out Noisy Sensor Data with a Moving Average Filter
In this comprehensive video, we dive deep into the moving average filter, exploring its mathematics, coding implementation, and practical application with a current sensor. You'll learn how to use this powerful technique to smooth out noisy data, making it easier to work with and more accurate. Link to Github repo :
Renuel Roberts
Renuel Roberts3mo ago
Hello @wafa_ath thanks for the video link I went through it and followed the process it worked out well, just that now some of my image data now comes out invalid

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