Does anyone know what happened to face detection in esp32 cam?

Hello everyone. Does anyone know what happened to face detection in esp32 cam? I don't see the option in my browser as others have online. I read somewhere its been disabled? "Note: Releases 2.x.x of the ESP32 Hardware Libraries don't support face recognition on the ESP32 modules. The algorithm has been 'improved' and now runs too slowly on these processors." Source: The photo after uploading the code
GitHub - robotzero1/esp32cam-access-control: Open a door when a fac...
Open a door when a face is recognised using the ESP32-CAM - robotzero1/esp32cam-access-control
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Hello @wafa_ath The face detection feature on your ESP32-CAM might be missing because the newer versions of the ESP32 hardware libraries I think from 2.1 and above have dropped support for face recognition on these modules. The face recognition algorithm was updated, but it now runs too slowly on the ESP32 processors, leading to its removal from these releases. You might need to downgrade to an older version of the ESP32 libraries or use alternative methods for face detection.
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3 Replies
Enthernet Code
Enthernet Code7mo ago
Hello @wafa_ath The face detection feature on your ESP32-CAM might be missing because the newer versions of the ESP32 hardware libraries I think from 2.1 and above have dropped support for face recognition on these modules. The face recognition algorithm was updated, but it now runs too slowly on the ESP32 processors, leading to its removal from these releases. You might need to downgrade to an older version of the ESP32 libraries or use alternative methods for face detection.
Joseph Ogbonna
Joseph Ogbonna6mo ago
This is a troubleshooting guide you can use
Joseph Ogbonna
Joseph Ogbonna6mo ago
Random Nerd Tutorials
ESP32-CAM Troubleshooting Guide: Most Common Problems Fixed | Rando...
This guide is a compilation with the most common errors when using the ESP32-CAM and how to fix them. The ESP32-CAM can be a bit tricky to setup, follow this guide.

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