Seeking open-source project without ST HAL for learning low-level drivers & best practices.

@Middleware & OS I'm a Newbie in STM32 dev for few months now. Seeking open-source project without ST HAL for learning low-level drivers & best practices. Greetings Devs, Please, Any recommendations? I am interested in SPI/I2C for sensor data acquisition.🙏
Hi @UC GEE ST provides STM32Cube MCU Packages for all STM32 series. This simplifies bare-metal programming. You can download these s/w packs from the official ST's site and then extract the folder. Later on, you can link CMSIS and ST's device-specific header files into your STM32CubeIDE. For example, if you're trying to program STM32F44RE MCU then download STM32CubeF4 software package from Don't forget to add the path in the `Project p...
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4 Replies
Umesh Lokhande
Hi @UC GEE ST provides STM32Cube MCU Packages for all STM32 series. This simplifies bare-metal programming. You can download these s/w packs from the official ST's site and then extract the folder. Later on, you can link CMSIS and ST's device-specific header files into your STM32CubeIDE. For example, if you're trying to program STM32F44RE MCU then download STM32CubeF4 software package from Don't forget to add the path in the Project properties --> C/C++ General --> Path and Symbols --> add path I hope this can help.
UC GEE3w ago
Thanks @Umesh Lokhande for this Wonderful Recommendation. I will apply the process duly as you have directed via your text.
Hi,you can also get to my GitHub for some well documented code on (,let me try and locate for SPI
You can also kickstart your learning from some of these BARE-METAL peripheral codes ( Let me know how I can help further
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