Has anyone here encountered UML being used in your firmware development experience?

@Middleware & OS I have found this UML diagrams, sequence diagrams and class diagrams in particular, to be valuable tools for designing, understanding, and debugging firmware. They help me surface design bugs that might otherwise be missed. While I wouldn't use UML for detailed specifications, I find it useful for modeling interesting parts of the software architecture. I haven't seen many other firmware developers use UML in their workflow. Greetings Devs, Has anyone here encountered UML being used in your firmware development experience? How have you found it beneficial?
By "street uml", I mean untidy uml which doesn't follow the rules but gets the job done and has extra freedom to cater to specific situations. Like, I have my own symbols for different channel topologies (broadcast, mpsc, mpmc, etc.)
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5 Replies
barafael3w ago
I do street uml. I just draw stuff. Super useful for actor based designs in backends, or for firmwares lately too
barafael3w ago
I really dislike class diagrams, but sequence and component diagrams are ok...
UC GEE3w ago
Ok @barafael ...if you have any helpful material,I will appreciate if you drop it here.
barafael3w ago
By "street uml", I mean untidy uml which doesn't follow the rules but gets the job done and has extra freedom to cater to specific situations. Like, I have my own symbols for different channel topologies (broadcast, mpsc, mpmc, etc.)
UC GEE3w ago
Ok @barafael 👍
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