IP Address issue: No IPv4 with the latest Raspberry Pi OS
Recently, I have installed the latest Raspberry Pi OS on Raspberry Pi4. When wifi configured, and trying to get the IP address (IPv4). Surprisingly found that I could only get the IPv6 address which looks like xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx. Since I need an IPv4 address something like 192.168.xxx.1. Since using IPv6 is not convenient to use for SSH
The same RPi4 when used at the office with another laptop, I can able to get an IPv4 address. I appreciate it if someone could suggest the best network settings. So that I can get IPv4 quickly whenever I ping RPi through the command prompt using
As far as I know, RPi default acquires an IPv4 address when connected over DHCP. Appreciate more information on this issue or changes in new Raspberry Pi OS
Thanking you!

6 Replies
Hi Umesh,
This is strange after a fresh OS load. Can you check if this helps?
Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange
rapsbery pi 3b+ now only giving ipv6 address
I have 3 rpis on my network and only one of them has decided it needs to use ipv6.
I have been able to set it to ipv4 using the sudo dhclient -4 -v wlan0 command I tried setting the disable ipv6 ...
Thank you @Navadeep 😀
Did it solve the issue @Umesh Lokhande ?
What was the fix if you can share about it..
Hi, @Navadeep I found the easy fix is to use the following command:
ping raspberrypi.local -4This command prints the IPv4 address on a terminal. After going through all the solutions. Even though many of them worked, still I felt better to avoid changing any network settings on RPi4. I'll soon add the picture to this post to show the output. Today, I'm at the office. Thanks, and have a beautiful day!
Hey Umesh did you ever get a chance to get a picture of this?
Please find the picture attached below,
Here's how it looks when we ping RPi using ping raspberrypi.local -4
This command works even when your network settings on the devices are IPv6.
No need to change or play with any network settings on devices