DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by techielew on 5/4/2024 in #mcu-mpu-and-firmware
Ask a Developer: Getting Started with Reference Designs
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DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by techielew on 4/25/2024 in #pcb-and-analog
Ask a Developer Demo: How to Implement a Sensor Interface on FPGAs
Starting out with FPGAs is daunting. And that's just the fundamental concepts of hardware description languages (HDLs). What about when you're tasked with using an FPGA for what it was designed for? Something like creating a hardware interface in FPGA fabric where one didn't exist before? With great power comes great responsibility, and DevHeads resident computing expert @Navadeep has the power of knowledge on his side when it comes to FPGA development. In this Ask a Developer Demo, he defines, maps, and implements an IMU sensor interface in the fabric of an AMD Zynq 7000 SoC. Using the SPI protocol, IMU data is transmitted to a C program that post-processes the data. Let's see if he can do it in less than five minutes (hint: he can). Watch here: Discuss: Below.
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DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by techielew on 4/18/2024 in #jobs
Resume Improvement Lottery
This Friday, 4/19, technical recruiter @Marcweb will present on resume and application best practices for deep tech developers. We're in search of resumes we can review and potentially improve during the livestream. DM me or upload your resume/CV here for consideration! Then join our weekly Office Hours session on Friday at 15:00 GMT!
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DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by techielew on 4/3/2024 in #pcb-and-analog
Ask a Developer Demo: How to Select an LDO Using LTSpice
The number of voltage regulators on the market can leave you scratching your head. What's the difference between the different types, and which type is best for your application? Once you've determined that, how do you find the optimum component? In this Ask a Developer Demo, DevHeads resident hardware design expert @ShreeshaN walks us through the fundamentals of low dropout regulators (LDOs). Then, he fires up LTSpice to compare how two different devices—Analog Devices' ADP160 and the Linear Technology (technically also Analog Devices) LT1117—perform in a theoretical battery application. And, very quickly, he determines a clear favorite. Join the DevHeads IoT Integration Server to learn the ins and outs of electrical design from other practicing engineers. Tune in: Discuss: Below.
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DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by techielew on 3/30/2024 in #pcb-and-analog
Office Hours Notes—Friday, March 29th at 15:00 GMT: Ohm's Law: The Foundation of Everything
If you're going to run electricity through a circuit, you'd better be familiar with Ohm's law. It's so fundamental to electronics that we all learned it in school and can recite the formula on queue: I = V/R. In this episode of Office Hours, @Petr Dvořák takes us back to basics with hardware engineering best practices and tips on current, voltage, and resistance, and how you can apply them in your day-to-day engineering work. Check out the recorded stream here: Check out Petr's slides attached. Ask your questions below!
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DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by techielew on 3/29/2024 in #jobs
In search of a Yocto Embedded Linux Trainer/Consultant
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DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by techielew on 3/27/2024 in #edge-networking
Ask a Developer: Understanding MQTT Topic Structures
MQTT is one of the most popular IoT communications protocols for wireless sensor networks. Its publish-subscribe architecture can streamline, simplify, and scale the creation and provisioning of potentially massive edge networks—if you structure the pubsub technology appropriately from the start. In his time at AWS IoT, consultant and DevHeads cloud and networking expert Lukasz Malinowski gained a mountain of experience working with large-scale IoT deployments. He also and learned how to build MQTT networks for extensibility from the ground up. On this DevHeads Demo, Lukasz outlines key concepts for understanding and properly structuring MQTT topics in a Roblox environment to explain what it takes to ensure the success of your IoT deployment long term. Jump in and see for yourself.
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DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by techielew on 3/6/2024 in #pcb-and-analog
DevHeads Demo: How to Read A Datasheet
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DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by techielew on 2/24/2024 in #mcu-mpu-and-firmware
Choosing between PlatformIO and ESP-IDF environments for ESP32-S3 development
Original post from @yepeto99: Hello everyone I'm a biomedical engineering trying to get into the entrepreneur world. My main goal for now is to get the most power out of the esp s3. I'm reading some books, forums and groups about the best IDE. For now I'm between esp IDF and platform IO I'm looking for something in the middle between practicallity and capabilities
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DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by techielew on 2/15/2024 in #middleware-and-os
DevHeads Demos: Navigating the Buildroot Menuconfig
If you want a specialized Linux implementation, you want buildroot. It allows devs to trim the fat off the normally-bloated Linux operating system by selecting only the packages they need for a particular application — and thereby reducing footprint and boot time. If you're new to buildroot, one of the first things you'll encounter is the menuconfig, which can be a tricky maze if you're not familiar with it. In this DevHeads Demo, embedded software expert @abhishek awasthi helps us navigate the buildroot menuconfig, select packages, build a custom Linux system, and boot it on a Raspberry Pi — all in just a few minutes. Check out the demo: Then access the GitHub Repo:
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DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by techielew on 2/9/2024 in #mcu-mpu-and-firmware
DevHeads Demo: Serial Wire Viewer Data Tracing with Arm Cortex-M and the STM32CubeIDE
Data tracing is the embedded firmware engineer’s friend. When performed with a feature like Serial Wire Viewer (SWV) on Cortex-M-class microcontrollers, it allows developers to visualize all packets transmitted across Serial Wire Output (SWO) pins directly in their IDE and issue printf statements for real-time analysis of read commands, write commands, and exception events. How do you get started with Serial Wire Viewer? In this DevHeads Demo, @Umesh Lokhande fires up the STM32CubeIDE, configures SWV step by step, and proceeds to debug a “While" loop and plot the data trace on a graph in the IDE in real time. Join the DevHeads IoT Integration Server and learn how you can leverage firmware debug tools like Serial Wire Viewer and other techniques to accelerate your development time. WATCH NOW: GitHub Repo:
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DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by techielew on 2/1/2024 in #mcu-mpu-and-firmware
DEVHEADS DEMO: How to Implement Finite State Machines in FPGA Fabric
FPGAs are among the most versatile technologies available on the market today, but capitalizing on that versatility means learning hardware description languages like VHDL or Verilog, different requirements in terms of board design and routing, and how all of that impacts software development. But don't knock it before you try it. In this Demo, @Navadeep shows us how to implement synchronous and asynchronous finite state machines In FPGA fabric using the Verilog HDL. The demo uses an AMD Zynq 7020, but the Verilog code is available on the DevHeads GitHub and can be adapted for other FPGA targets as well. If you're an @MCU, MPU & Kits developer and are looking to get up to speed on FPGA programming, start here.
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DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by techielew on 1/30/2024 in #mcu-mpu-and-firmware
Raspberry Pi Model 3B Timer Initialization
I’m emulating an RPi 3B on QEMU and trying to write an embedded OS but getting stuck trying to enable timers and interrupts. Reading the least and most significant bits of the timer at locations 0x4000001C and 0x40000020, respectively, doesn’t give me any data at all. /* ** BCM2837 Timer Setup ** */ .equ TimerAddress, 0x40000000 .equ TimerCtrlVal, 0x300 .equ TimerPrescalerAddr, 0x40000008 .equ TimerPrescalerVal, (1 << 32) .equ TimerRWLSBAddr, 0x4000001C .equ TimerRWMSBAddr, 0x40000020 .equ CoreTimerIntAddr, 0x40000040 .equ CoreTimerIntVal, 0x00000003 .equ Core0Mailbox0, 0x400000C0 .equ AxiCounter, 0x4000002C .equ LocalTimerCtrlAddr, 0x40000034 .equ LocalTimerCtrlVal, 0x3F000000 .equ LocalIntRoutingAddr, 0x40000024 .equ LocalIntRoutingVal, 0x00000000 .equ LocalTimerClearAddr, 0x40000038 .equ LocalTimerClearVal, 0xC0000000 .global _enable_timer _enable_timer: ldr x0, =TimerAddress ldr x1, =TimerCtrlVal str w1, [x0] ldr x0, =TimerPrescalerAddr ldr x1, =TimerPrescalerVal str w1, [x0] ldr x0, =CoreTimerIntAddr ldr x1, =CoreTimerIntVal str w1, [x0] ldr x0, =LocalTimerCtrlAddr ldr x1, =LocalTimerCtrlVal str w1, [x0] ldr x0, =LocalIntRoutingAddr ldr x1, =LocalIntRoutingVal str w1, [x0] ldr x0, =LocalTimerClearAddr ldr x1, =LocalTimerClearVal str w1, [x0] ret I’ve been able to verify the code is running and drop myself into a basic for {} loop in assembly to watch for incoming interrupts. This is all running in EL3 and no interrupts are provided by the timer. How do I enable interrupts from the arm_timer?
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DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by techielew on 1/29/2024 in #jobs
Power Integrity Engineer at Ampere Computing
Ampere Computing is looking for a Power Integrity engineer to perform, among other things, system-level simulation. The ideal candidate would be familiar with Sigrity tools but knowledge of Ansys or Mentor tools is acceptable. The leadership is looking for someone experienced who can 'hit the ground running.' Location-wise, San Jose or North Carolina, USA are preferred, but the company can be flexible for the right candidate.
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DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by techielew on 1/25/2024 in #pcb-and-analog
PCB Manufacturing: Check These 4 Parameters Before You Begin
So you’ve completed your PCB design. Countless hours in a CAD environment, and you’ve determined the stackup, placed components, accounted for impedance, traced and routed your signals, generated the Gerber files, and sent them to your preferred PCB manufacturer. Then you get a notification from PCB assembly and manufacturing house: Your PCB is unmanufacturable. But when faced with a design that could be unreliable or incur unnecessary cost, that message may be the best-case scenario. You’re in this position because you didn’t appropriately design for manufacture (DFM), and could have avoided it by taking a few simple steps back when you were still in your EDA program. In this DevHeads Demo, one of DevHeads' resident hardware design experts, @Petr Dvořák, an engineering consultant the proprietor of Beny devices, gives us four key PCB design parameters to check, double-check, and check again before hitting up the manufacturing house that will save you lots of headaches down the road.
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DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by techielew on 1/24/2024 in #jobs
Developer Relations – x86 programmer
Hi all, We are looking to fill a developer relations role with a software/applications engineer who can assist in the creation, documentation, and promotion of technical content around leading industry hardware standards. The objective of the role is to develop content that will educate users on how to get started and maximize the use of Intel-based hardware platforms. We are in search of a dynamic, talented technical resource who is not afraid of publicity to help develop a series of compelling short-form demos recorded over video screenshares and documented in brief written posts. Any code or design files generated as part of this process will be expected to be committed to a public, open repository to facilitate access, learning, and growth within target markets. This individual will also be expected to evangelize the technology within target communities by engaging other technologists on social media, responding to questions related to the demos and other materials they create, occasionally participating in podcasts as a guest to review their experience, providing feedback to the supplier on their own and community findings, and potentially traveling to industry tradeshows and events. This is a part time, contract role with the possibility for growth. Please post here or contact @techielew for more information.
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DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by techielew on 1/24/2024 in #jobs
Developer Relations – Linux Dev
Hi all, We are looking to fill a developer relations role with a software/applications engineer who can assist in the creation, documentation, and promotion of technical content around a leading open-source Linux hardware platform family. The objective of the role is to develop content that will educate users on how to get started and maximize the use of target hardware based on a variety of architectures, including Arm and RISC-V CPUs and FPGAs. We are in search of a dynamic, talented technical resource who is not afraid of publicity to help develop a series of compelling short-form demos recorded over video screenshares and documented in brief written posts. Likely a software or application engineer, any code or design files generated as part of this process will be expected to be committed to a public, open repository to facilitate access, learning, and growth within target markets. This individual will also be expected to evangelize the technology within target communities by engaging other technologists on social media, responding to questions related to the demos and other materials they create, occasionally participating in podcasts as a guest to review their experience, providing feedback to the supplier on their own and community findings, and potentially traveling to industry tradeshows and events. This is a part time, contract role with the possibility for growth. Please post here or contact @techielew for more information.
1 replies
DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by techielew on 1/17/2024 in #jobs
Looking for Work? Comment Here..
Are you looking for a technical role? Comment here so prospective employers can quickly identify you: * Role sought: * Skillset/work experience: * Educational background: * Certifications, licenses, etc.: * Location: * Special notes: We also have a recruiter in the house, @Marcweb, who sources passive candidates and may call on you if a fit becomes available. You can also find Marcus on LinkedIn at
17 replies
DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by techielew on 1/10/2024 in #jobs
Product Manager or IoT Edge Fanless Product Lines at Supermicro
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DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by techielew on 12/24/2023 in #mcu-mpu-and-firmware
Happy Holidays, @everyone! On our last meeting we revealed: * We’re working on a content calendar that will feature our community experts demonstrating how to solve specific development challenges * Our community will “soft launch” on January 3rd. What does that mean? It means: * We will start publishing educational/instructional and other social media content to drive users back to the community * We encourage you to extend an invite link ( out to your networks to help our community grow Over the last couple weeks there’s been movement once again towards the notion of community development platforms that we can use to establish a shared understanding before addressing complex topics and quickly iterate on top of when creating educational and other content. So far there are two thrusts: * Linux-capable with potential in commercial applications: Recommending the combination of BeaglePlay/BeagleV Fire and the PlatformIO IDE * Deeply embedded (microcontroller): Create the TinyScarab board in collaboration with Embeetle and the Embeetle IDE On our 12/29 meeting (at 15:00 GMT, as usual) we’d like to review these options and get moving in a definitive direction. One of the luxuries we have is a great collection of engineering talent, so we are eager to hear your feedback on features, cost, performance, roadmapping, etc. Any thoughts or resources you can share in this thread ahead of time to help us prepare and make the most of our time are appreciated. We’ll see you Friday!
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