Reviewing My ATtiny85 MIDI Controller with CR2032 Battery: Schematic and Assembly Feedback Needed
Working on a tiny MIDI controller setup using an ATtiny85 chip using a CR2032 coin-cell battery. I think everything is good here on my schematic, but would be open to other opinions before I officially order it. Going to make it in three snap-off pieces, tied together with four screws, so I'm a bit nervous about that since I don't think KiCad will really check it correctly.
Also, my analog input voltage divider circuit w/ four buttons on two inputs is largely untested, though I think it should work. Haven't really examined the resistor values closely, but I believe it should be able to detect when two buttons are pressed per a middle resistance value.
Anyway, I'd welcome any thoughts, thx!

3 Replies
This is great, I will also say you put a copper pour on the PCB, let it be a ground pour it will help the manufacturers during the process to make things easier for them.
Thx! Yes I did do a ground pour, at least on one layer, I think both back and front.
Yes both