In Zynq SoC the DMA is writing in memory with big-endian there is a way to change it little endian
In Zynq SoC the DMA is writing in memory with big-endian there is a way to change it to little endian, i found big trouble locating my header in a memory when is written in different memory case
5 Replies
Are you getting the data through AXI stream?
How doing a byte swap for 32 bit(or whatever) data as you store it in the memory... you can implement this logic in FPGA side as well if that's where you are.
i have added this block before thr t_axis_data of the dma what do you think: module EndianSwap(
input [31:0] InputData,
output reg [31:0] OutputData
always @ (InputData)
OutputData[31:24] = InputData[7:0];
OutputData[23:16] = InputData[15:8];
OutputData[15:8] = InputData[23:16];
OutputData[7:0] = InputData[31:24];
@Navadeep do you have an idea how to run two paps in the two core of the ps side of the zynq Soc ?
Not really. Can you explain a bit more what this is about?
I want a function x to be executed on core 0 and function Y to be executed on core 1