collect temperature data from a sensor connected to my mcu and store it every minute on SD card

@Middleware & OS Hello guys can i implement a simple sensor data collection and storage system using embedded software in C, I want to collect temperature data from a sensor connected to my microcontroller and store the collected data periodically every minute on an SD card. is there any resources or tutorials that can help me get started with this kind of project?
2 Replies
UC GEE10mo ago
You can use a C compiler for your microcontroller, such as the Arduino IDE or the STM32CubeMX. Secondly, you can as well include a library for interacting with the SD card, such as the SD library for Arduino or the FATFS library for STM32. @Boss lady
Joseph Ogbonna
Joseph Ogbonna10mo ago
Random Nerd Tutorials
ESP32 Data Logging Temperature to MicroSD Card | Random Nerd Tutorials
This project shows how to log data with timestamps to a microSD card using the ESP32. We'll log temperature readings from the DS18B20 sensor every 10 minutes.

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