Setting up a weather monitoring station in a remote location.
Hello, good evening, so we are studying to setting up a weather monitoring station in a remote location.
And we are looking for suitable suitable temperature sensor which will capture data for weather forecasting and climate research.
And we are confused about what would we look for
1: High-accuracy thermistor (0.1°C accuracy), fast response time (1 second), but requires additional heating power (2W) and has a larger footprint (requires a bulky weather shield).
2: Low-cost thermistor (1°C accuracy), slower response time (1 minute), lower power consumption (negligible, passive), and requires a smaller weather shield due to its compact size.
Can you guide me what is more suitable for weather station, and can you recommend specific sensor
6 Replies
I used the Bosch BME280 in the past and its all right. I think it would be enough for your purpose from what I can tell.
Most likely there are cheaper ones that are sufficient for you too, but I dont know them by name.
Also used the DHT22 and its all right too.
please consider that the station is in one of the hottest place on earth is the sensor efficient for long period .... bcz i tried those sensor in small project but i wonder if they can handle external factors
I understand. Then I guess one has to look into some sort of industrial sensors that are made for extreme conditions. I sadly dont know them by name out of my head.
okay thank you so much for your reply