I need help with ESP32 modules Bare Schematic.
I need help with ESP32 modules Bare Schematic. I have the following 3 modules.
1. ESP32 S3- https://www.campuscomponent.com/products/esp32-s3-wroom-1-n8-8mb-flash-wi-2591-/2208614000017821113?variant=2208614000017821113
2. ESP32 C3- https://www.campuscomponent.com/products/esp32-c3-wroom-o2-n4/2208614000011890389?variant=2208614000011890389
3. ESP32 WROOM 32- https://rees52.com/products/espressif-esp32-wroom-32-16m-128mbit-flash-wifi-bluetooth-module-rs3532?variant=43607700897959
ESP32 S3 WROOM 1 N8 Espressif Systems Wireless Module | Campus Comp...
Buy ESP32 S3 8MB Flash 2.4GHz WiFi 802.11a/b/g/n Bluetooth v5.0 ADC, GPIO, I²C, I²S, SPI, PWM, UART, USB avaliable at the lowest price from Espressif Systems Distributor in India | Campus Component.
ESP32-C3-Wroom Espressif Systems Wireless Module | Campus Component
Buy ESP32 S3 WiFi 802.11a/b/g/n Bluetooth v5.0 ADC, GPIO, I²C, I²S, SPI, PWM, UART, USB 40 MHz crystal oscillator avaliable at the lowest price from Espressif Systems Distributor in India | Campus Component.
Espressif ESP32-WROOM-32 16M 128Mbit Flash WiFi Bluetooth Module
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3 Replies
Can you define what kind of help with these modules?
@Padmalaya Rawal, fyi this post got moved so just wanted to let you know that @ShreeshaN responded.
@Padmalaya Rawal Do you need a minimal schematic where the particular modules can be integrated?