How to Synchronize Two LED Strip Effects to Start Simultaneously?

Hello everyone, I need help ASAP 😩 I have two LED strips that I want to light up simultaneously (one gradually from 0% to 20% brightness; the other with a chasing light effect). My two functions work well independently or one after the other, but it's impossible to get them to start simultaneously. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm using an Arduino Uno board for this project. Thanks! Code: 👩‍💻
Your code contains certain errors like Repetition in the loop function, you misplaced the function, you didn't multi thread the led handling....
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6 Replies
Camila_99$$10mo ago
#include <FastLED.h> #define NUM_LEDS_BAND1 132 #define NUM_LEDS_BAND2 96 #define DATA_PIN_BAND1 2 #define DATA_PIN_BAND2 3 CRGB leds_band1[NUM_LEDS_BAND1]; CRGB leds_band2[NUM_LEDS_BAND2]; void setup() { FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, DATA_PIN_BAND1, RGB>(leds_band1, NUM_LEDS_BAND1); FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, DATA_PIN_BAND2, RGB>(leds_band2, NUM_LEDS_BAND2); } void loop() { idle(leds_band1, NUM_LEDS_BAND1, leds_band2, NUM_LEDS_BAND2); chenillard(leds_band1, NUM_LEDS_BAND1, leds_band2, NUM_LEDS_BAND2); } void idle(CRGB leds1[], int numLEDs1, CRGB leds2[], int numLEDs2) { for (int brightness = 0; brightness <= 51; brightness++) { FastLED.setBrightness(brightness); for (int i = 0; i < 59; i++) { leds1[i] = CRGB(46, 51, 36); }; // a mettre dans la dernière boucle for delay(1); // a mettre dans la dernière boucle for } while (true) { } } void chenillard(CRGB leds1[], int numLEDs1, CRGB leds2[], int numLEDs2) { for (int i=0; i<=29; i++){ leds2[i] = CRGB(0, 51, 36);; delay(15);
} }
Dtynin10mo ago
@Camila_99$$ No worries , The key to running functions simultaneously on Arduino is by using interrupts or loop structures
Enthernet Code
Enthernet Code10mo ago
Your code contains certain errors like Repetition in the loop function, you misplaced the function, you didn't multi thread the led handling.
Camila_99$$10mo ago
Morning @Dtynin Thanks for the tip! I'll look into using interrupts or modifying my loop structure to achieve this . 🤓
Camila_99$$10mo ago
Morning @Enthernet Code Hum OK Thanks for pointing out the issues. I'll work on addressing the repetition in the loop function . I will reposition the call too. 🤝
Camila_99$$10mo ago
#include <FastLED.h> #define NUM_LEDS_BAND1 132 #define NUM_LEDS_BAND2 96 #define DATA_PIN_BAND1 2 #define DATA_PIN_BAND2 3 CRGB leds_band1[NUM_LEDS_BAND1]; CRGB leds_band2[NUM_LEDS_BAND2]; void setup() { FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, DATA_PIN_BAND1, RGB>(leds_band1, NUM_LEDS_BAND1); FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, DATA_PIN_BAND2, RGB>(leds_band2, NUM_LEDS_BAND2); } void loop() { static uint8_t brightness = 0; static uint8_t chaseIndex = 0; idle(leds_band1, NUM_LEDS_BAND1, brightness); chenillard(leds_band2, NUM_LEDS_BAND2, chaseIndex);; delay(15); brightness = (brightness < 51) ? brightness + 1 : 51; chaseIndex = (chaseIndex < NUM_LEDS_BAND2) ? chaseIndex + 1 : 0; } void idle(CRGB leds1[], int numLEDs1, uint8_t brightness) { FastLED.setBrightness(brightness); for (int i = 0; i < numLEDs1; i++) { leds1[i] = CRGB(46, 51, 36); } } void chenillard(CRGB leds2[], int numLEDs2, uint8_t chaseIndex) { for (int i = 0; i < numLEDs2; i++) { if (i == chaseIndex) { leds2[i] = CRGB(0, 51, 36); } else { leds2[i] = CRGB::Black; } } }

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