Has anyone ever managed to get a DFPlayer module working with a MEGA board?

Morning , has anyone ever managed to get a DFPlayer module working with a MEGA board? The .ino file from DFRobot says it should work, but it doesn't. It works very well with an UNO board but there's no SoftwareSerial communication with the MEGA. If you have succeeded, could you please share the code or the SoftwareSerial settings?? #embedded-sw-chat #mcu-mpu-and-firmware
Yes, you can use check it here. The code and connections also. https://community.dfrobot.com/makelog-312205.html...
I made an Arduino based music player using DFPlayer Mini - DFRobot ...
Sometimes using sound or voice gives an edge to a project. So in this tutorial I made an Arduino based music player using DFPlayer MiniThings used in this proje...
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2 Replies
Joseph Ogbonna
Joseph Ogbonna9mo ago
Yes, you can use check it here. The code and connections also. https://community.dfrobot.com/makelog-312205.html
I made an Arduino based music player using DFPlayer Mini - DFRobot ...
Sometimes using sound or voice gives an edge to a project. So in this tutorial I made an Arduino based music player using DFPlayer MiniThings used in this proje...
techielew9mo ago
@Camila_99$$ just making sure you saw this

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