What do you guys usually use as your go-to IoT platform?

What do you guys usually use as your go-to IoT platform? I've been working on an Arduino presentation involving their Pro line and just between us... (as much as one can say such a thing on the Internet, ha) I haven't been that impressed with it. It seems like they try to make some things really simple, auto-generating code and such, and maybe they are once you get used to it, but I found it pretty hard to get my head around programming-wise. Now it's kind of hit-and-miss. TBH though, seems like that's the way of such platforms that I've tried as of late. They'll say "5 minute setup," "no code," or whatever, and it just doesn't work as advertised, at least from what I've seen. So, thoughts on the Arduino Cloud platform? Cloud platforms in general? It's been a while since I've used it, but seems like I had a decent enough experience with AdafruitIO... OTOH, time sometimes softens the rough edges, so perhaps I'm giving it more credit than it deserves?
2 Replies
Umesh Lokhande
Umesh Lokhande2mo ago
AWS is my go-to IoT Platform, whether It's using AWS IoT Core or building n deployig own IoT platform on AWS EC2 Instance. In past few years, I used many iot platforms and learnt that they all try to make things easy in the beginning but later it's become painful to customize and fulfill clients. I think most of these 5-min. setup platform are like LED blinking code in the hardware, where a platform like Arduino makes it easy to do basic stuff but as soon as you try to customize and scale you start feeling the pain of normal firmware development process. So in my opinion there is no shortcut and there is no 5-min. deployment cycle except someone just try to build a IoT dashboard with one button and one gauge to control relay and monitor generic sensors.
JeremyCook2mo ago
Thanks for the input!

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