Embedded Systems Architecture (2024)

This book offers a comprehensive exploration of embedded development, delving into the intricate workings of various components in real-world systems. A great must-read for those developers looking into design and implementation aspects of the embedded systems. This book covers the following topics: ➡️ Participate in the design and definition phase of an embedded product ➡️ Get to grips with writing code for ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers ➡️ Build an embedded development lab and optimize the workflow ➡️ Secure embedded systems with TLS ➡️ Demystify the architecture behind the communication interfaces ➡️ Understand the design and development patterns for connected and distributed devices in the IoT ➡️ Master multitasking parallel execution patterns and real-time operating systems ➡️ Become familiar with Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) Who this book is for: The book serves as a valuable resource for both beginners and less experienced embedded programmers looking to deepen their understanding of embedded systems. https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Embedded-Systems-Architecture-Second-Edition/tree/main
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Embedded Systems Architecture - Second Edition, published by Packt - PacktPublishing/Embedded-Systems-Architecture-Second-Edition
1 Reply
youcef_ali12mo ago
Very interesting book, thanks four sharing

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