Anyone having experience in extending I2C bus length using P82B715?

Anyone having experience in extending I2C bus length using P82B715?
5 Replies
hemalchevli3mo ago
No, Is there any specific question regarding this ?
Biswajit3mo ago
Nothing specific. I just wanted to know if I should keep in mind certain things before designing it. I want to use it in an industrial environment
hemalchevli3mo ago
I2C and SPI protocols are designed for communication between IC on same pcb. Running them off board is doable but not recommended. For industrial environment use RS485, using i2c even with extenders will be unreliable. If I had to, I'd use a different chip like PCA9615, this converts i2c to differential signals. Differential signals is must for industrial
Biswajit3mo ago
Thank you for your input. I am currently fixing the error of the previous designer. The boards are all fabricated. So now the option is like plugging a loop hole. I completely agree that ideally we should have used RS485. I did not encounter PCA9615 earlier. But unfortunately this part is not in ready stock in India. It will take around 2 weeks to arrive and we are stuck in the middle of an already delayed project. Anything else I should keep in mind if I stick with PB82715?
Afuevu3mo ago
Like @hemalchevli mentioned, it's not recommended. I2c being used in industrial settings may be affected largely by noise. There is a strong chance data will be unreliable as there will be high EMI affecting it.

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