@JeremyCook 🙏 any advice?

@JeremyCook 🙏 any advice?
3 Replies
JeremyCook12mo ago
Hmm, well I haven't taken apart one of those particular controllers. If it's wireless already perhaps there is a solution where you could intercept the signal on the receiving end and change it to whatever protocol you need (wired or wireless) without surgery. If it's wired, my first instinct would be to take it apart and try to intercept the button signals with your own BT-enabled dev board, then pipe it wherever. Depending on your experience, and what's out there, this may be the easiest solution either way, but potentially destructive. I bet there's some info out there where someone's tried it. Though now I'm tempted to try something similar with MIDI...
GuillotineOP12mo ago
Hey im sorry i never seen your reply! But something like a breadboard to test?
JeremyCook12mo ago
NP, things get lost in the shuffle sometimes! So not having taken one apart myself, what you might do is solder jumpers on where the buttons connect. These could then be routed to a breadboard or even directly to a dev board like an Arduino, or better yet an ESP32 device that has Bluetooth capabilities.

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