wanna ask if this model is good or not , i used fnn feedforward neural network with 2 layers

Hello guys, i wanna ask if this model is good or not , i used fnn feedforward neural network with 2 layers
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3 Replies
Navadeep•10mo ago
>95% in 200 passes looks good depending on your dataset size and accuracy expectation. I see "A good rule of thumb is to start with a value that is 3 times the number of columns in your data. If you find that the model is still improving after all epochs complete, try again with a higher value".
techielew•9mo ago
@anniekeerdekens @saumitrajagdale
anniekeerdekens•9mo ago
How did you split your data? Is the data unseen by the model? And is the accuracy the weighted accuracy? Plot a confusion matrix to see the accuracies of each class. You can for example have a very high accuracy if your data is unbalanced. So difficult to say if your model is performing well based on this graphs only 😉!

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